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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Why does the "he's only 22" argument seems to work for Smoove but alot of fols are ready to write Marvin off and he is only 21. I guess Smoove is the only one that has the capacity to get better. I really feel that a player should be evaluated at the end of their rookie contract. Only a fool would max a player on potential after they have been in the league for four years. With that being said I don't think that anyone on this team (other than Joe) deserves a max. Smoove shows up half the time so he should get half the max. I think that next season is make or break for Marvin but you would be a fool to ever think that Smoove will ever stop playing the way he is. The sad thing is that he really tries but it is like he can't help himself when he gets the ball in his hand. I think that we have a good enough team to be very competitive but you guys need to get off of that Smoove is untouchable but Marvin is thing. SMoove's stats are getting better but he isn't becoming a better player-think about that.
  2. Quote: Kobe is the MVP. I believe he won it partially because the Hawks showed the kinks in KG's armor. Sorry Diesel you are so off on this one. The voting was done prior to the playoffs even starting.
  3. I pulled this off of a thread Quote: what about garnett? he is supposed to be such an amazing rebounder but where was he last night? 7 in last nights game where his team was out rebounded. DPOY avering 8.5 boards in the playoffs, absolutely pathetic. KG is only got out of the first round once for reason. he is a fraud. a gigantic **** egomaniac, who took a huge salary, crippled his team. he wonders why the T-wolves never did anything, maybe its becuase they couldn't afford anyone else with all the money going to slake his unquenchable ego. or maybe becuase he disappears when the team needs their "superstar" "franchise player" to step it up the most. just becuase garnett beats his chest, swears, calls everyone a **** and acts like an **** doesn't mean he is good. he knows how to market himself like some transcendent basketball mystic when he is pathetic poser, a loser acting like he is he's won something. if pierce hadn't fouled out. the Cs would have won. historically, pierce has always carried his team and made them over-perform. garnett always disaponts his team and they under-preform. give me a **** break about pierce getting a free pass. why does garnett get the oh, he's-so -intense; he's a ****-superstar-beyond-criticism status? say what you will about pierce but he would have taken 5-10 foot shots that "mr. intensity" garnett was too cowardly to take. garnett is a fraud. no team will ever win with him (and they haven't). this celtic team is not going to break the pattern. Please go over to their board this is hilarious!!!!! This is priceless. Those arrogant bastards are furious and blaming everyone and everything. They aren't giving us any credit for playing good.
  4. Quote: Stealing a page from Bibby's playbook..."I've been in this league for 12-13 years and been to Atlanta every year, and it's never been like this...I guess it's a bandwagon thing..." Blah, blah, KG. At least come up w/ your own material It's not like he is lying. We of Hawksquawk.net have been the trouble believers through good and bad.
  5. Quote: Marvin is really stepping his game up. If we can get Joe going in the 2nd half I think we will win as long as these refs don't screw us. They have screwed us on a few already. Paul Pierce has just been launching himself into Marvin and Smoove all series long.
  6. Boston can't stay hot forever!!!!
  7. He admitted that he has to step up and that he needs to knock down his shots. He stated that he doesn't let the Chris Paul talk bother him because he and Chris Paul don't play the same position. He stated that he would probably felt different if he was a point guard. He stated that he is a forward and the that organization decided that they wanted him. He stated that that was three years ago!! He stated that as long as he is improving every year he will be alright. He stated that they have to bring the intensity on both end s if they want to beat Boston and talked about the crowd in Boston a little. Real good interview albeit a little short.
  8. Quote: LOL AT THIS STUPID THREAD look at his stats get a clue. He got it together. SO I hereby kill this thread!!!
  9. He is becoming bad Josh again!!!
  10. Did you guys hear Stern in that interview with Cheryl Miller. She was grilling him but he stayed cool. Still didn't give a good answer other than stating that Pierce was fined for performing a menancing gesture. He and Stu Jackson know that it was a damn gang sign. I suprised he knew where Phillips arena was!!
  11. I know that I can't be the only one that observed the elbows, high picks, and the other dirty tricks that they were doing all night.
  12. Sitting at home watching the game, I immediately knew that he had just flashed a gang sign at Horford. This is uncalled for and the league should do something to Pierce for this. That type of [censored] has no place in the league. Maybe they are hoping that no one noticed it.
  13. Quote: He's a finesse guy. He doesn't fit at PF. Thats the problem with Smoove he wants to hang out on the perimeter and shoot jumpers like Dirk. Maybe was can do a sign and trade for Dirk with SMoove. Dirk wouldn't mind playing center. How about Bibby and SMoove for JT and Dirk? LOL
  14. Now if you were the ASG what would you offer Smoove before letting the market set his value. I say 5 years 40 million dollars!!! We know that Billy doesn't like to overpay but there is a chance he won't be around to negotiate.
  15. This is what happens when you hire your friends instead of someone who is capable. I saw this one coming a mile away.
  16. Quote: Quote: If you're a real coach you sure as hell can, are you kidding me? You demand respect and if you don't get it you bench his ass and make him run laps. Be real, every contract year I hear Tim Thomas and Larry Hughes will play like this for good and have finally learned and what happen after the big payday. Not a g-- damn thing! I don't see it, improvement with a different coach is one thing but listening and doing what your suppose to do is another. Josh hasn't shown that he capable of playing ball without doing stupid s*i* at least 5 times in a game. He overall impact is minimal, and he doesn't play team defense, just plays for himself, enough said. That is what I said in a post a few weeks back. It is a contract year and he can't even pretend like he wants to play under control. He can't even fake it. I really don't see him getting any better. Don't get it twisted and think that I want him traded or don't think that he is good player but sometimes you got to look past the stats (which can be padded) and ask the hard questions: If we get a center: 1. Can Smoove play PF better than Horford? 2. Can Smoove play SF better than Marvin? Sometimes the popular decision isn't always the right one? He is a tweener that wants to be a guard. When he gets the ball and takes it down court he gets a crazed look in his eyes and I tell myself he is about to turn it over. But with a new coach I think that our current lineup with the right offense/defense can win 50 games next season. WE NEED A NEW COACH PEOPLE BUT UNFORTUNATELY THE DECISION ON SMOOVE HAS TO BE MADE THIS SUMMER!!!
  17. I could see the working but we are talking about Woody here. He refuses to try anything new.
  18. Quote: Quote: 1. Smoove would get us more back. Okafor is 2 times the player as those other centers. 2. Marvin is a Sf. Smoove is not. Glad to see you came around on #2. This is a problem, and why I was so weary of drafting Horford (although I would do it in retrospect obviously). 2 of our 3 best players are PF's. Smith can NOT play SF, and Horford may end up being our overall best player. Shame to play that kind of guy out of position. I just really, really don't think you can trade Smith because of his nature as a highlight maker, shot blocker, and hometown hero. The franchise couldn't handle him blowing up elsewhere. For the forseeable future we are stuck with our best young player playing out of position. To me, Marvin is almost out of the picture. It's trade Smith or play Horford out of position That is the problem. Smoove can't play SF and would look like JJ trying to pg. Horford can be a better PF than Smoove will ever be, Horford can't play SF and neither can Smoove. We need a solid team where people know their roles. Smoove if you haven't noticed has tried to become a finesse player but he isn't smart enough to become one. If we had Nellie he would have Smoove playing center that way he stays out of trouble (perimeter, trying to lead fast breaks). He would be excellent coming off of the bench so that way we can play him a little bit everywhere. Like CLint Eastwood said in the Good, the bad, and the ugly--"A Man has got to know his limitations".
  19. I would trade Smoove in a heartbeat. Smoove's negatives outdo Marv. The main knock on Marv is that he isn't aggressive or is too passive. Smoove gets the reputation as a great defender because of the blocks but he can't play man on man worth a damn and he is s turn over machine. He will block three shoots but turn the ball over 5 times. I think that Smoove is what he is and right now no one can say that he is way better than Smoove. But I will make this comment that neither will ever reach their full potential without a good coach. They both have alot of bad habits that the coach let them develop. Both these guys are still young but I think Marvin is more coachable.
  20. Two blow out losses where the big three didn't do much damage. We are [censored] jokes. Now I have to go into the office tomorrow and get laughed at all day. These guys look like streetball players that got together 10 minutes before the game and decided they wanted to play the Celtics. DAMN!!!!!!!
  21. Being the laughing stock of the league should be chip enough if you ask me.
  22. maybe Woody needs to shake the lineup. Marvin is playing like a p*ssy and Smoove is playing like he is at an And 1 game. Woody has allowed these players to develop bad habits. I mean Smoove has no business taking jumpers, Marvin has no business not being involved in the offense and disappearing. It seems that Horf is having success because his job is simple and is Woody proof. Hell it is obvious that the players defer to Joe too much and I had the feeling all alone that when they clamp down on him this was what is going to happen. Bibby has been playing like crap for about the last two weeks. The Celtics as a team beat us last night. Team work is the thing. Every night someone will have to be the hero. That is what will make us dangerous. Marv and Smoove have not been developed properly. Smoove has had the same bad habits since his rookie year. Now he is playing for a contract so watch him in the next game. Woody isn't giving any consequences for the team. Giving a player 30 minutes a game isn't the samething as developing the player. How many times do we have to watch Marv start off hot then is taken out of the offense how many times will we see Smoove make boneheaded play after boneheaded play with no consequence. We have talent but it is not being developed properly. There was no excuse for the ass whipping that we took last night. Woody needs to forget about hurting feelings and put people in the game that will get the job done. Does Woody not get it we need to run them out of the damn arena because they can't keep up with us.
  23. I like Kevin Garnett but the ass kissing the the media is giving him is getting ridiculous. Best player in the league? MVP? etc. Ladies and gentleman what we saw yesterday in San Antonio was is what greatness is all about. After all the hype (Lebron) and falsehoods have been put to rest. The player of this generation is going to be Tim Duncan. Say what you want to about his personality but this guy us legit. Funny how Garnett has to come to the weak ass eastern conference to dominate. Tim Duncan owns him and we all know it. I don't think that we will realize his greatness until he is gone. Honestly what was anyone expecting the Celtics to do with three all stars. Ray Allen has been underrated his entire career and remember how he used to light Kobe up. TD dropped 40 and 15 yesterday with two guys he made Allstars. Recognize. I think that tonight's game is going to be alot closer than people think but we have to go at them and not be afraid of the hype. I would say get physical but we all know that David Stern want is to be the Lakers and Celtics in the finals so the refs will blow the whistles quick and often.
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