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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Would anyone consider them a physical team because I think that we may have to get physical with them because they 2 of the big 3 (possibly all three) I would consider as finesse players who really don't like contact. We must exploit Rondo and not let a journeyman/role player kill us each game.
  2. What if any advantages do we have over Boston that can be exploited. What has to happen for us to win or at least give them all they can handle. I am going to be pissed if we still see Smoove playing out of control and Marvin being passive. Those are the two that are going to have to step it up.
  3. In off season- Smoove for Joakim Noah + fillers. Someone told me this online last night that that was what they were hearing in Chicago. I call bullshit on this one but who knows. I don't know why Chicago would do this unless they were going to let Deng walk. PS-If you love baseball MLB 08: The Show for PS3 maybe the best baseball game ever made.
  4. It seems that every time we play some role player or journeyman sets their career high against us. Indiana is full of role players and journey men.
  5. Quote: You replace Smith with ZaZa and it won't take long to figure out how we are worse without him. Actually Horford would be replacing Smoove. Like I said we would definitely need to pick up a big man.
  6. Please don't run me off of this board but would we be that much worse off without him? I mean we would probably have to pick up a big man but I think we maybe better without him. I like the ZAZA-Horford--Marvin--JJ-Bibby lineup. I like Smoove but I wouldn't have a problem if they let him walk. I can't be the only one to feel this way. I really feel that he is the kind of player that will slack off once he gets his money. Please don't flame me!!!
  7. Quote: You don't see Marvin down in the paint where Smoove should be. The perimeter should be Bibby, JJ, and Marvin, with Smoove (or Chillz if he is in the game) and Al down low. Pay attention to the game and you will see Marvin defer to Smoove and you will also see Smoove take shots that he shouldn't instead of passing to an open Marvin. It's the exact same way that Harrington used to treat Smoove. Maybe he is just paying it forward or something, I don't know. Dolfan you are absolutely right. I thought that I was the only one that ever noticed that. I feel that if alot of these guys actually watch the games instead of looking at boxscores they would make boneheaded unfounded remarks that have no basis what-so-ever in truth. PS-You owe me a rematch on NBA 2k8 on Xbox live. I was sick that time we played.
  8. Wurider05

    T. Lue

    I still think that Boston should have picked him up instead of Cassell. At least that is what I would have done.
  9. http://www.ajc.com/hawks/content/sports/hawks/index.html Very interesting!!! Does he ever comb his damn hair??
  10. Salim played well last night. He was under control and his defense was pretty good. He even had a block. It is good to see that he is more than a chucker!!!
  11. There is no need to think otherwise. He seems to be the only player with any type of heart to match his play.
  12. We look like the same old Hawks pre-Bibby. Exactly the damn same. It is still the JJ show, we still run one play, we still have the guys (Marvin, SMoove) standing in damn near the same spot. We still fail to capitalize on mismatches (Marvin) just for the sake of JJ getting his. I said it once and I will say it again...WOODY NEEDS TO GO!!!!!!
  13. I saw that too!!! I got the impression that Woody wanted him to come out but he was saying that he was okay.
  14. I say we should offer for him half the max because he plays good half the time. Another lackluster game. I wonder how much would it hurt our team if we let him walk and start this lineup: Bibby JJ Marvin Horford ZaZa My patience is wearing thing.
  15. I was thinking that Terry Stotts won more with less talent than Woody but yet he still got shown the door. How can he possibly look himself in the mirror and say that Woody is better than Stotts was when Woody has more talent.
  16. His shot has been piss poor last night. So he steps it up on D and starts hitting the boards. He was aggressive. That is something that our guys need to learn. When your shot isn't falling step up the intensity on the other things. His shot is horrible right now and has been for about a month. The running system is definitely for us and Woody doesn't need to think otherwise.
  17. Quote: Quote: It was reported in the AJC that after the trade we are again the league's youngest team. That said, it is no excuse for Woodson not taking this team to the playoffs. I want us to make the playoffs and make as much noise as possible and then hire a legit coach. Bear in mind, if we scare someone in the playoffs it will be a lot easier to sign a real coach because that person will believe in the future here. If we go down the tank, we definitely get rid of Woodson and probably Knight but who would want to take over? To be honest the whole "youngest team" label has always felt like one of the all time biggest excuses I ever heard... I think a grand total of 2 years age difference separate like 25 of the teams in the league... Take into account the fact that most teams have old players rotting in the bench that get factored into the average age, and it becomes a pretty meaningless statistic. If you looked at the average experience for starters then it would be relevant... but the average age of every player on your roster doesn't tell you anything about the maturity/leadership/intangibles of your team Like Chuck Oliver said on 790 one time about the Hawks; "dont' complain about being a young team, you are a young team because you want to be!!" They wanted to be young because young players are cheap and hell 80% of the team is on rookie contracts.
  18. Quote: Anything is possible in the playoffs. Look at Golden State/Dallas last season. If this teams begins to click, we could scare alot of people. I was watching ESPN the other night (I was out of town and my hotel didn't get any other sports stations) and they were talking about no team wanting to play Atlanta in the playoffs because they are one of those teams that create so many mismatches for their opponents. When they play with energy, they have enough athletes to wear the opponents down. You can't expect Bibby to come in and the team gell overnight. I haven't been able to watch the last 2 games. From my understanding, they were ugly. If the team is still playing this way in a week, then we might need to be seriously concerned about even making the playoffs, but I want to make it so bad. If our guys get a taste of what playoff basketball is about, you don't think that will make them hungry for it again? Golden State was successful because Nelson isn't stuck into thinking one way. GS has several holes but again he coached to their strengths. They can't rebound, they have no post but instead of whinning about what he didn't have he went out and coached using what he had available. Woody refuses to change his style and is too predictable.
  19. get swept. I don't see the big deal about making the playoffs if you are just going to be swept. There is no team that we can beat in series because we are too predictable and too easy to beat. I am to the point where I feel that not making the playoffs would make this team better than not making it. If we squeak in some way Woody and BK is safe. Josh can ask for the max and JJ is validated. This team is [censored] right now. This team is in chaos right now. We need a coach. We could have survived with the Lue/Johnson/Law platoon manning the point. You see the two games with Bibby we look exactly the same. It is not the players because we have talent as a matter of fact we have too much talent to have a sub .500 record. We need to find a coach who knows how to coach to his players strength. There is no perfect team in the NBA everybody needs something. GET RID OF WOODY AND OUR FORTUNES WILL CHANGE. HE IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN OVER HIS HEAD. BK HAS PUT FRIENDSHIP BEFORE THE SUCCESS OF THE FRANCHISE. HE IS MORE LOYAL TO WOODY THAN TO THE ORGANIZATION.
  20. Quote: Sothron with his insider info on the Bibby trade!!! Maybe he knew we were going to do that, maybe he didn't. If he did, that means that he refused to post about Bibby deliberately, purposefully. Which means he's refusing to talk about our big man acquisition also deliberately, purposefully. You are one cold SOB!!! LOL
  21. He was released by the Mavericks. He is 6'11 maybe we can pick him up and throw him into the mix. He is young though. I think that he was a good college player if I remember. What do you guys know about him???
  22. I just read on realgm.com that the whole damn team is on the trading block. Anyone we can use??
  23. A lot of people are excited but a good number think that we need to get a new coach because Woody can't coach. A lot of people were complaining that we need a distributor and that Bibby will always look for his shot first. Feeling are all over the place on this one!!!
  24. Don't forget that Marvin is our best man on man defender. He is a better defender than Smoove. I know that Smoove gets more blocks and steals but he can't play one on one defense as well as MArvin.
  25. Was he that bad? I always thought that he was the kind of player that would produce if given the opportunity and minutes. The media is making it sound like he is total garbage.
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