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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Don't forget that Marvin is our best man on man defender. He is a better defender than Smoove. I know that Smoove gets more blocks and steals but he can't play one on one defense as well as MArvin.
  2. Was he that bad? I always thought that he was the kind of player that would produce if given the opportunity and minutes. The media is making it sound like he is total garbage.
  3. Will he get more consistent minutes now?
  4. Damon Jones was acting like he wasn't suppose to be there. Shucking and falling out. Who in the hell bought him a ticket??
  5. I absolutely agree with Walter. That is the point I was made in my thread. It doesn't make any sense.
  6. I don't usually agree with Walter, but he is right on Bibby. What is he giving us the Lue couldn't with starter minutes (Please compare the stats before you call me crazy). I don't want to add to the negativity here but I am going on record as saying that I am against this trade. I got a bad feeling that it is more to this trade than we realize. Are you telling me the the ASG will commit to roughly 40 million dollars on just three players (JJ, JS (new contract), and Bibby. Don't be surprised if this trade involves Chillz or Smoove if it goes down. Those cheap bastard are not going to pay that much for those three and keep Chillz. I smell a rat somewhere!! WE NEED A NEW COACH. THEY SHOULD DO THAT BEFORE THEY TRADE PLAYERS. Bibby 2007-08 Statistics PPG 13.5 RPG 3.7 APG 5.0 SPG 1.3 BPG 0.1 FG% 0.406 FT% 0.742 3P% 0.393 MPG 31.5 Lue 2007-08 Statistics PPG 6.8 RPG 1.2 APG 1.8 SPG 0.3 BPG 0.0 FG% 0.439 FT% 0.857 3P% 0.435 MPG 17.1 How can we win consistently if our starting back court is shooting 40 percent a piece. I got a bad feeling about this.
  7. veto in his contract. You have got to be kidding me. Maybe we can get involved somehow. We need a vet pg to show Acie the ropes and if we land Devin Harris you can pretty much count on Acie being moved.
  8. I meant to also add that it Marvin's fault too. It seems that he is always in the exact same spot when he takes that jumper.
  9. Has anyone else noticed that whenever he has that little hitch in his shot his shooting percentage is very bad. I noticed at the Portland game that his hitch had returned. Don't they have coaches that have observed this as well. He needs to take it to the hole more if his shot is not falling. But Woody insists on keeping him in his jumpshooting role.
  10. I hope that remembers that he is struggling and doesn't try to get into a shoot out with Kobe. He needs to play team ball tonight.
  11. Quote: A player gets a team and a team gets a player. That's beautiful. That is funny!!!!
  12. guaranteed. As a fan I just hate the fact that teams get saddled with players (Koncak,E. Dampier, K.Martin, P. Hardaway, 07-08 Knicks) that simply don't produce enough to warrant the salary. In the NFL they simply cut your ass or release you. That's why a team can suck one year and win the super bowl the next. The Knicks suck this year and will probably suck next year because they have bad contracts that they can't move. On the flip side you have guys like BK who wisely or not don't want to take gambles on contracts. I mean if the players don't deliver they shouldn't get a fat 5/6 year contract because they had a good season two years ago. I know the a lot of it is the owners fault or maybe I feel this way because the ASG is broke. To me a max contract means that that you are consistent and that you can pretty much be counted on every night to bring it barring injury. SO this brings me to three questions: 1. What is your definition of a max player in terms of criteria, stats, consistency, etc? 2. IS Smoove a max player as of today 02/04/08? 3. What is your bad contract starting 5 of the last few years? I know the Dampier has to be the starting center.
  13. I was thinking about that a few days ago but didn't post it.
  14. You know that you can stream 790 over the internet. Go to 790thezone.com and you can stream it. They re talking to Rod Woodson now but the question of the day is who will wina playoff game first the Hawks or the Thrashers.
  15. They are really going after the ASG right now and the callers are ripping Woodson and BK. Very interesting!
  16. Do we go ahead and rest him now for about 10 games and stick Chillz in the starting lineup or do we run him into the ground and if we get lucky enough to get into the playoffs he would be beat the hell up. Like someone said in another post there is no way a healthy Joe Johnson gets punked by Brandon Roy (no knock on Roy.) We might can win 5 out of 10 without him and then make our run when he returns. We would have to do it now though before the stretch run starts. It is about time we see what the Hawks without Joe can do now that we are a year older and have Al and Acie. We maybe surprised at what our guys can do and maybe Woody could get some ideas since Joe wouldn't be there to bail him out. Things can't continue like this fellas. i may get laughed off of this board for this one but really what do we have to lose? The NBA is a team game.
  17. Does Woody not think that the team can function without Joe in the lineup for an extensive amount of time. I mean whenever we have big leads that is the time to let Salim and Mario get some minutes. He is going to run Joe into the ground and he will need the same guys to step up when Joe is hurt. There is no need for him to play 40+ minutes a night. It is starting to affecting his play. IS Woody trying to save his job on JJ's back.
  18. Damn it was obvious that Joe was going to shoot even though he blew it the first time. Hell Smoove or Marvin taking the shot would have caught them off guard for sure. He was only shooting 38 percent for the game and Smoove and Marv were at about 70 percent each. Damn we could have one this. WHy does he have to get all the glory everytime (or attempt to get it). Damn!!!
  19. What is your gamertag? Actually it isn't slow at all. Some guys can't believe that they are getting their ass whipped by the Hawks!!
  20. You can change the camera angle to whatever you like. The setting on the sliders are set in stone no one can adjust them. They want to keep everything fair.
  21. what exactly are referring to? online games are 5 minutes quarters you can go into online options and adjust your starting lineup or create scenario lineups. I am not sure what you are talking about.
  22. Why is it that it appears that some of you guys have it out for Marvin. Diesel, Walter,and the rest of the bunch you guys rag on Marvin every chance that you get look for him to have a bad game so you can sling his name through the mud. If you really believe that Marvin was the wrong pick then why is that Marvin's fault.We all know how you feel about the 2005 draft but you guys are starting to act like children. He didn't draft himself BK did. It wasn't like Marvin promised BK that he would average 25 ppg and 10 rbs a game the day before the draft. I don't understand where you guys are coming from with these attacks. He is progressing nicely and in his finest moment so far you guys want to attack him. Remember that that same bottom 5 team beat our asses earlier in the year. It has been nearly three years and you guys are still crying.When you guys finally get that time machine working let me know so I can go back 25 years and invest in microsoft stock !!
  23. Quote: WTF is wrong with you people?!?!? You act like he's been averaging 4PPG the last 5 games. LOL
  24. Hell yeah dude. I play at 5-6 games on xbox live a day. I always run with the Hawks. My gamertag is Father Murder X. Best basketball ever made. Send me a friend request and a message identifying yourself.
  25. Is this even necessary?? Damn for the 1000 billionth time we didn't draft Chris Paul and if we would have gotten a pg it would have been Deron Williams. Grow up and accept reality or maybe you should start a hornetsquawk.net or a Chris Paul fansite to express your man love for the guy. Geez!!
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