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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. AN injured franchise center who hasn't played one game yet!
  2. Why do we need media support. The media has always support the Lakers, New York, Miami why do you think that they are always on tv. We don't need media support this isn't the BCS.
  3. Damn dude I just saw it on Fox SPorts Net he seriously had the what the f*CK look on his face. LOL He probably drew up a play for Tyrone Lue and AJ had to tell him that Lue wasn't playing tonight.
  4. I think Marvin may want to be the man after all!!!
  5. I think that it is important that we realize that there maybe two line of thoughts in understanding the Hawks situation. 1. If we make a move does that mean that Woody is safe and we have a problem with talent? 2. If we don't make move does that mean the the organization feel that we have enough talent and that Woody isn't maximizing the talent that we have. I tend to believe that Woody is the problem.
  6. on COmcast I am heading to church and want to set the DVR please respond ASAP!!!!
  7. Wurider05

    Leave of absence

    My prayers are with you brother. Please take care of yourself. Hopefully by the time you return we will be 10 games above .500.
  8. Why is it that we almost always lose focus in the 3rd quarter. This has been our problem for the last few years. We almost blew it last night. I just don't understand it!!
  9. I mean the guy would probably spread the floor more for JJ and Marvin. I just can't understand why he is sitting on the bench when we are just having these horrible shooting droughts. From my understanding he is a way better defender than he gets credit for. If Woody would have pt Salim in earlier then it may have slowed down their run. Until Speedy and Law gets back what harm is it letting him start at point? Hell JJ may have to handle a little more of the distributing but with Marvin emerging a a consistent scorer as well as JCHill he can look for them instead of having to score and pass. Just a thought!!! JJ ends up with the all 90 percent of the time anyway so we wouldn't have anything to lose by starting Salim. Until Speedy and Law get back what harm is it letting him start at point?
  10. Do you think that they will get desperate and pull the trigger on the Kobe trade? they should have never given Ben Wallace all of that money? If they keep this up we may slide into the playoffs.
  11. Damn that was super quick. I never knew he had moves like that!! If he could have dunked it it would have been awesome.
  12. Quote: NOONE can score efficiently when you have to create everything for yourself. It just doensn't happen, we EASILY have the talent and players to make the playoffs. However, with this offense we will do nothing. Man, you hit the nail right on the head. He needs to just throw Law in there and let him go at it.
  13. All that one on one stuff is going to kill us this season. I mean when all else fails dump it in to Joe and back off. I mean Marvin is very consistent right now (although he had a bad % today). Smoove is playing that one on one stuff instead of getting his or attempting to get his in the flow of the game. Joe wasn't hitting too much today so Woody needs to defer to whomever is hot but when things get tough he reverts back to Joe/Lue are the only players that we got that can hit a shot. That line of thinking makes us predictable and is probably why we will be at a disadvantage in very tight games.SOmetimes is works but if we are trying to make the playoffs and be sucessful we need to address this issue now because you seen what the Nets/Pistons did to us. We got weapons that we need to use that would make is that much more dangerous. The teams that run the ball have several players that can hurt you because 1. they share the ball 2. they don't run up the court just to implement a half-court isolation offense. Woody needs to make up his mind and make a full committment to what style he wants to play. We have slashers, shooters, and decent post players (for the most part. WHat is the excuse? Joe needs to start looking for his teammates a little more as long as his slump continues. right now he is playing like Stackhouse the year he lead the league in scoring for the Pistons. Now while I am a Hawks fan and maybe a little bias, I truly believe that there is no team in the NBA that we can't beat. We have the talent and the worst part is that we have a coach who is stuck in his old ways. AM i wrong for expecting more?
  14. The scary thing is that he is shooting jumpers most of the time. IF he was a post player it wouldn't be as impressive.
  15. 1. Under no circumstances what-so-ever should Smoove be alloed to dribble or handle the ball. He is damn near guaranteed to turn the ball over every time. 2. Marvin is merging as a baller. While it worked this time, I feel that when things got tight we reverted back to the give it to Joe routine and let him do his thing. Marvin was pretty much money at either drawing the foul or knocking down the jumper. I think that we should have ran more plays for him down the stretch. That would make Joe that much more dangerous. 3. Acie Law should have been in the game late more than Lue. Lue is a shooter and in close games execution is every thing. Lue was looking for his shot last night. We need a pg in that moment. 4. Shelden is looking pretty good right now. 5. Our team defense is alot better this season. It seemed that we went after everything. Has anyone been made expendable?
  16. I think that Detroit is moving away from their blue collar label in that they are a team of jump shooters who don't like to bang. If Al and Josh get get the rebounds than the game is ours. This game will come down to rebounding and us not having too many turnovers.
  17. Are you kidding me son? Are you kidding me son, Personally i wouldn't trade JJ for Gordon and Wallace. That might be the worst deal I have ever seen and I have witnessed the Diesel-Marvin-Trade-Of-The-Day era.
  18. Ironically I was thinking the samething!!!!
  19. I agree. He should have said something last season. Now when everything is on the upside he wants to say this. I like Joe but he should have kept his mouth shut.
  20. 1. Horford is a beast and is muscular as hell. LAw is the real deal but I think that he may hurt his game by giving up scoring opportunities too much. 2. Josh Smith maybe hanging around the three point line again this season but his shot has improved. 3. Marvin looks about the same as last year and frankly I am starting to worry alittle bit. He draws contact but he can't finish 4. I think that Chillz will have an excellent year. He has added a turn around jumper to his arsenal. Based on what I saw today here is my starting lineup: LAW JJ CHILLZ SMOOVE Horford or LAW JJ SMOOVE HORFORD ZAZA The second lineup s my starting five in NBA 2K8.
  21. Quote: Did anyone else think Ivey's outside shot really improved over the last year? I know he didn't shoot alot but I remember him hitting some tough shots in his 3 minutes per game this past season. Man I thought that I was the only one that noticed that.
  22. Hey guys 2K8 is going to blow live away.
  23. No offense, but is that game the highlight of our franchise. It has been killed to death on damn near every Hawks game. They actually had a night to honor that game seven. We freakin lost. Nique had a great career but we harp on the Boston Series as if we had won it or something. Damn!!!!
  24. Woody doesn't know what the hell he is doing. We are going to let another one get away.
  25. I think that our success this season depends on Woody's willingness to adapt his coaching style. He constantly whines about what he doesn't have. I thought that a coach was suppose to rally the troops and prepare them for battle even when they are going to probably get creamed. I can just hear his pregame speech now-- "Guys we are probably going to lose tonight because we don't have a center or a point, Joe I need you to play 45 minutes tonight. Even though this season is lost I am going to give Lorenzen heavy minutes instead of out younger players ZAZA and Batista. Lue you have the green light. Good games fellas" If Woody doesn't change than we are doomed again.
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