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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. because BK/Owners didn't want to give up Marvin Williams.
  2. Quote: I'm still waiting for you to respond for the list I gave you earlier about all the things I "called" that were later reported. Amazing that the only thing you can attack are things where I specifically say I can't discuss it. Wow Jason wasn't kidding when he said you were about six feet under and digging deeper of death from jealousy. There is no need to take shots at Diesel. You have put alot out there with your "sources". You know that old I know a guy that knows a guy stuff. Give the board something solid that is fact and you get full praise. Right now you are all over the place. It is not my place to say that you are lying or not but you know that the bullsh*t meter is pretty high on in these kind of forums. Some of these guys seem to believe anything that they read while some choose to take it with a grain of salt.
  3. It will help them get their feet in the door for business outside of basketball.
  4. Quote: I am relatively new to reading this board and posting, so I don't know anyone's history on the board. Diesel, you seem to post WAAAAAYYYY more than anyone and much of the time I agree with you. You are probably a real Hawks fan and I salute for that. However, as an unbiased outsider I gotta tell you that you are coming out looking really bad in this mess. It just looks like you are jealous because Sothron actually knows people in the Hawk's organization and you don't. If you honestly believe he is fake and just trying to make himself out to be something he is not, then just ignore him. But your posts against him are only making you look bad. I don't think anyone on this board has changed their opinion of or attitude toward Sothron because of you. Again, I am not trying to be your enemy, which apparently some on this board are. I appreciate that vast majority of what you say and mostly agree with you. I just don't think you realize how you are coming across on this one. What Diesel is doing is pointing out some contradictions that he found. He is just calling the dude out. He is making claims that he has a source and that is opening him up to criticism. Diesel didn't call him a liar he just had a few things that needed to be cleared up. There's nothing wrong with that.
  5. Quote: Will we trade Speedy in this deal? Christmas is not until the 25th of December!!!
  6. If we get Amare does that mean that our pg situation remains the same minus Anthony Johnson-who was probably our best pg.
  7. Ridnour is a poor shooter although slightly better than Speedy.
  8. CHeck this out: http://insider.espn.go.com/nba/draft2007/i...page%3dProRater
  9. Quote: A three way trade is talked on ESPN. Sun sends Amare to Atlanta, Garnett to Sun and Hawks' 3 to Min. I think there is strong possibility this may happen. This is why: LA and Mav are pushing hard for Garnett. Imagine if LA get Garnett, Sun's hope for a champion can be put to a halt for a while. So is the case with Mav. So Sun must get Garnett, even though they hate to lose Amare. So at one point, Sun must make a decision on taking chance for next year, or taking chance for the long term. With Nash aging, it is more realistic to go the first option. So I believe Sun will trade Amare for Garnett. With Hawks in the trade, Sun may get exact player in Childess or exact pick rather than straight up trade (Amare for Garnett). This doesn't make any sense. Garnett makes more money than Amare!!!
  10. Ainge isn't as stupid as I thought. Why do teams like the Lakers and New York think that others teams will lay down and give up their players and picks to help make them as super power. Boston would have gotten fleeced.
  11. Here we go again.............................................
  12. Quote: Clippers want to move up, why not trade the #3 for Shaun Livingston and Chris Kaman. I know Livingston is injured, but he still has loads of potiential, and we can take a law at 11. Chris kaman would solve are C problem. Are you kidding me. Livingston was a bum and now he is a bum with a bad knee. Did you see that injury??
  13. I was just thinking if we take Law at 3. What kind of ripple effect would it have on the draft. I mean it would cause someone to drop from the top 10 and right into the 11th spot. Do you think that it could be Noah to drop? That would be a ballsy move but it would completely change the face of the draft. I know that this sounds crazy but you can never know for sure when you are dealing with BK.
  14. I have been listening to 790 all day and they are reporting that we are going to draft Law with the 3rd pick. Are they serious???
  15. If this is true does this make any implications on who we are taking at three? I think that we are getting Yi!!!
  16. Quote: Quote: So, instead of trying to improve our front court, we should just simply ignore it, pass on the best post player and the only player that is remaining in the draft that can possibly play defense at the center position Horford CANT defend the center position in the NBA. You can't get blood from a stone. The only way the Hawks will get a center who can play D is by trade. A Conley/Stuckey draft would GREATLY improve the backcourt, adding much needed speed, scoring and playmaking ability. pg-Conley sg-Stuckey SF-JJ PF-Marvin (Smith) C-ZAZA (Shelden) Not a bad lineup. It would be great having three ball handlers but I am not sure about the shooting for Stuckey and Conley. We would have to Run. C-ZAZA
  17. Maybe we should make a run at Greg Ostertag since he is considering a comeback!!!
  18. Quote: Quote: I sniff BS too. It's only a week left, I'm willing to wait. I agree with you 100% Diesel. Total BS and way to much drama. Like a damn soap opera. If you ever had any doubts as to why we are the laughing stock of the NBA; this post should put them to rest. I agree with you both. He has every angle covered so no matter what happens he can say that his source was correct.
  19. Quote: Yeah but most teams didn't lose every one of their players in their rotation for most of the season. I think he said that their 9 man rotation only played together for 5 games. Thats the point we need to remember. We would have been a playoff team without the injuries.That is why we need to get the BPA with the 3rd pick. Whether its Yi (my pick) or Horford. We are getting a christmas gift with the pick and that gift my friends will be talent.
  20. Here is a letter he emailed them: Me and Billy are making sure we get the best player in this draft by trading josh Smith, Childress, JJ, Lue, Soloman Jones, Marvin Williams and Both of our picks to the Trail Blazers to achieve this. And with the #1 pick, Billy has assured me we will select Branden Wright from North Carolina. We will then trade Lorenzen Wright and Speedy Claxton straight up to the Celtics for Michael Olowokandi. I will then continue to teach these guys how to play at inconsistent slow tempos and halfcourt games and to consistently score less than 70 points a game. Fans, get ready for the best season ever under the BK Woody regime. Sincerely, Coach Woodson
  21. Quote: LOL I'd do this trade in a heartbeat. To get Kobe AND Kwame Brown for that asking price is amazing. However, LAL would probably ask for much more than that. I still don't get the fascination that some of you have with Kwame Brown. He is a bust. Some of you guys act like when he puts on a Hawks uniform he will average 25 pts 13 rbs and 5 blks a game.
  22. Quote: I think many on here are thinking championship before we even make the playoffs. Good point. Anybody can get lucky like the Cavaliers but I want a team that is always a threat to win it like the Spurs. I think that ASG is trying to do that. And with two lottery picks all BK has to do is hit .500 and we are set. WHat are that chances of him messing up two picks??
  23. that barring the rash of injuries last season we would have been a playoff team. I think that we do have some issues that need to be addressed but we are not as bad as the experts may have you believe. We need to be careful that we not take steps back this summer. We weren't 13-69 this past season. We got lucky as hell with the draft lottery and we should take full advantage of that. Our core guys have gained another year of experience and that alone is more important than any trade or draft pick that we can make. I am sticking to my opinion that we are victims of bad coaching not a lack of talent.
  24. My point exactly. I think that people think just because we are the Hawks we have lower standards or as fans we should accept less. Yes I want us to be a playoff team but at the same time I don't want us to pick up some else's garbage just to get a so called superstar with 1 or 2 good years left. I am glad that we didn't overpay for Dampier, Nene or Kenyon Martin. Now some of these guys want us to gut our team for KG or Kobe Bryant. Like OdentonFalcon said why should we let someone get a potential superstar instead of getting that player ourselves.
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