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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Here we go again..........
  2. Joe Johnson 2006-07 Statistics PPG 25.0 RPG 4.2 APG 4.4 SPG 1.05 BPG .19 FG% .471 FT% .748 3P% .381 MPG 41.4 Kobe Bryant 2006-07 Statistics PPG 31.6 RPG 5.7 APG 5.4 SPG 1.44 BPG .47 FG% .463 FT% .868 3P% .344 MPG 40.8 Any chance of us landing Kobe (I say no) would cost us Joe, our draft picks, and a combination of Marvin, CHillz, and JSmoove. I know that Kobe in some people mind is the best player in the game (which I think is Duncan). From a production point of view Kobe is not that much better than Kobe. Remember Kobe is older that JJ and has more wear and tear on his body. Another point about Joe is that he is what I call an skill player (ie Reggie Miller, Tim Duncan, Larry Bird,John Stockton, Nash etc) a player that can play for years because they understand the game not because they are the fastest or the strongest. Plus he is a good teammate something that is becoming really important in the new era of team basketball. Remember that no man is bigger than the team.
  3. As an GM or owner of a team how could you let an employee hamstring you. Kobe has a no trade cause in his contract. Kobe wants to be traded but he is stipulating that he doesn't want to go to a team that will gut its talent to acquire him but at the same time the Lakers want to get fair or close to fair value for him. I see him manuevering to go to New York because they are the only ones with the contracts and players to do it. LA can't win. No man is bigger than the team. Jordan has been retired for several years and last time I checked Chicago still had a team there. Say what you want to about Billy Knight but he isn't stupid enough to get into this kind of situation. With that being said I can appreciate having a team with a good solid starting five instead of a superstar and a bunch of role players (like Detroit). That is why in this draft we need to draft the BPA with the third pick. You can never have enough talent on your team. That way if JS or JJ pulls a Kobe then you can replace his ass and keep the machine rolling. Alot of you feel like we need five all-stars in our starting lineup but that isn't true.
  4. It blows Spiderman 3 out of the water.
  5. It seems like we are about to see alot of moves being made this summer especially in the east. Seeing how Cleveland made to the finals maybe causing alot of teams think that they have a shot if they can make a move or to.
  6. Wurider05


    Dude that is way too much. Zaza just for Barbosa straight up is enough.
  7. DO you guys think that it is possible that they can draft Yi with the 2nd pick and if so what does that mean for us? Do we draft Durant and trade him? Do we keep him? Remember there is no guarantee that he goes second.
  8. So juwan Howard is suppose to help KG get to the finals. With some of the bonehead moves being made in the NBA I am starting to doubt that BK is the worst GM.
  9. Wurider05

    What if ...

    Quote: Quote: I think we should ban Diesel from making ANY MORE MARVIN TRADES. Can I get any agreement?????????????????? I view them as comic relief. However, they should all be subtracted from his post count (thus putting him back in the "stranger" category). Damn that was funny!!!!
  10. Shelden Williams PPG 5.5 RPG 5.4 APG .5 SPG .64 BPG .48 FG% .455 FT% .764 3P% .500 MPG 18.7 Brendan Haywood PPG 6.6 RPG 6.2 APG .6 SPG .44 BPG 1.14 FG% .558 FT% .548 3P% .000 MPG 22.6 Stats are comparable between the two but Shelden has way more upside than Haywood.
  11. Quote: We could do Speedy, Chill and Zaza for him. Then pick up Kurt Thomas / Magloire / Webber via free agency to man the middle. I think Marion is massively under-rated and a great player who fills up the stats in every category. We could still then draft a power guy at the #3 and PG at #11. I suppose some of you will say - no take Yi / Horford anyway and dont give up those pieces. But just wondering whether people might consider this over a Pau trade? He is a legit all-star. But this would mean a AJ/Law, JJ, Marion, Smoove/Horford (or Yi), Shelden/Thomas starting 5 Why in the hell would chris Webber come to Atlanta? He is a free agent and I think that he wants a championship. Why would he leave from a conference finals team to play for the damn Hawks?? Common Sense people!!!!
  12. Wurider05

    What if ...

    here we go again................................
  13. Typical Diesel anit-Marvin bullshit. There was nothing wrong with what Marvin said. You know that Diesel started this thread to fill his 25-threads-a-day--no-matter-how-stupid quota. What was negative about the comment???
  14. Here we go again........................................
  15. 1. We can't give away good young talent (Marvin, JC, JS) for a 1 or 2 year stretch with a player who is already on the decline (garnett) or over the hill. 2. No matter what we do we can not lose our depth off of the bench. 3. We can't get fleeced in any deals. 4. We need to solidify our team instead of every off season wondering who is going to get traded. 5. Excercise the use of common sense on this forum.
  16. That is the point I have been trying to make. These guys want Garnett and Gasol etc but don't realize that these guys are on the market for a reason. I would rather have a solid young player for 4 or 5 years that a on the decline superstar for 2.
  17. From what I have been reading, Pau Gasol isn't going to be traded. You guys already got him in a Hawks uniform. Why would they when they are guaranteed to get either Horford or Yi if they wanted too. Guys use common sense. They can keep Gasol and get the player that they want out of the draft. Don't forget they just hired a new coach with Euroleague experience coach who Gasol likes. I look for Memphis to move other players but no Gasol. At this point it makes no sense.
  18. I think that this is his year to put it all together.
  19. Quote: Buckhead - that's a great restaurant by the way. I heard that the food was horrible and that the cheesecake tasted awful. They just opened one near me 2 Cumberland Mall.
  20. If I remember correctly wasn't he one of the reasons why Joe left PHX because they were not getting along?
  21. If we are to get the most out of him and maximize his talents can we still afford to play the slowdown, half court basketball that Woody likes. I am not saying that we need to change the whole team around but rather we need to be more flexible in being able to run and gun and play half court. You see how Utah was able to mix up there style when they played Golden State.
  22. I can't believe he actually hangs around here in the offseason.
  23. Quote: I don't believe Woodson is good with player development. You nailed it right on the head right there. Woody is too old school and I think that he would work wonders with a veteran squad. He got this job based on what he did with the Pistons but they had a team full of veterans except Tayshuan Prince. Larry Brown has never done well in the pros with young guys.
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