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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. I said it once and I said it again we are victims of bad coaching. Can we expect for Yi to live up to his full potential with Woody at the helm. Hell the same can be said for all of our players.
  2. Quote: If the Hawks were read to win now, sure. But you guys are still too young to take on a PG on the downside of his career. Thank you very much. We need to stay away from Billups. He is strting to decline right now and we sure as don't don't want to have to pay him 3 years from now.
  3. Quote: The 47-year-old will become the 10th coach of the Hawks since the franchise moved to Atlanta in 1968. The Hawks finished 28-54 last season, missing the playoffs for the fifth straight year. We haven't improved much have we? Wurider
  4. i wanted Del Harris for the job as well. I wasn't aware that he was actually interviewed.
  5. Was anyone else even interviewed after Stotts got fired here. This Woody thing is not working as I feel that his style works better with veterans. Follow Larry Brown in the nba and he has always had vets.
  6. First of all don't turn this into a trade Smoove thread. I don't want him, JJ, Marvin or Chillz traded. But a friend of mine was talking about how much he turns the over/bad ball handling skills vs. his blocks. If he turns the ball over x amount of times a game does that cancel out his blocks since he is giving the other team the ball right back? Does this even make sense? I guess it would be like averaging 32.00 points a game but shooting 39% from the field.
  7. Here we go again.................
  8. Diesel started that rumor. PS- I am not a snitch!!!
  9. I wonder if this is a possibility and with the 11th pick we get a pg.
  10. I was getting my car washed yesterday and when I looked down to see who was cleaning my tires.........it was Priest Lauderdale!!!! He said that he was open to coming back to the Hawks and that his offensive game and defensive presence is just what we need. He said that he has more upside than anyone in the draft. I say we do it although he stated that he has to play with his own personal sg Ed Gray!!
  11. Quote: Nice article. Now that Terrence Moore and Sekou have come out in favor of Conley that makes it a lock that he won't be the pick. Damn!!!!
  12. I agree. No one is saying that Conelly isn't a talented pg the question is whether or not he is worth the 3rd pick considering he may not be that much if at all better than Law or Critt. IT's not that Conely is the problem but rather the problem is the desire to maximize the 3rd pick in a way that would improve this ball club.
  13. I think that bot JO and Gasol are out of the picture right now. Memphis just got a new coach and I don't think that he would have signed with them if they were going to get rid of his best player and JO look to be going to LA.
  14. That is probably on of the knocks against Conley. Like I said in another post I think that pg's need to be seasoned. This guy is just one year out of school. I asked had there been any pg's that came out as freshmen and did well in the league and that answers that I got were steve francis and stephon marbury, not exactly what I call pure pgs. The pg mentality comes with experience.
  15. For once I agree with Diesel. What he is saying simply is that just because we need a pg doesn't mean that we have to be stupid. We need to look past the hype and get the best pg available and while MCJ maybe the most hyped pg that doesn't make him the best. I can't say whether he is or not but if we can get a pg with the 11th pick that that is just as good as MCJ then we need to do that. We need to go for broke with the 3rd pick and get Yi or the best player available.
  16. Sounds like Del Harris should be our coach here in Atlanta. I wanted him here when stotts got canned.
  17. According to Peter Vecsey, Jermaine O'neil is about to be traded to the Lakers for Bynum and Odom. Now I hardly think that JO will put them over the top in the West and they are going to need more players. Is there a way we can someone get involved in this deal and how?? It is apparent now that Indy is rebuilding and they should look to move Odom right away (not to us).
  18. My point exactly. We need to maximize this draft like it was our last.
  19. Since we don't have a first rounder next year do you guys realize that this maybe the last lottery pick we may have for a while. With that being said should we get the BPA with the three pick(regardless of position) and get our pg with the 11th pick and make an assessment from there. I say this without taking into consideration any possible trades. Whether its Yi or Conley. We have to get the best player with the 3rd pick. Guys don't forget that without the injuries we would have been in the playoffs. I would bet anyone on that. So maybe the front office/BK may have the mindset that we are a playoff caliber team (not championship caliber) already but that we had some bad luck with injuries. As bad as things were last season, we weren't total [censored]. If the rate of improvement continues all of our young guys (MArvin, CHillz, Smoove, Shelden, ZAZA, Solomon) should be better than they were last season. While I think that we are undercoached, we can be dangerous next season just based on the improvement last season.
  20. should we have given up 2nd round pick for AJ. This is a very deep draft and we probably would have been smarter to keep our 2nd round pick and get a project big man.Our 2nd round picks of Ivey, Salim, and Solomon have been decent picks for the most part.
  21. You guys want all star players at every position and that is not possible nor is it going to happen. We can get by with an average pg. Everybody won't be an allstar or first team. Look how long it took Sam Cassell to get into the allstar game when he has arguably been one of the top pgs in the league before he started to decline. You guys need to get real. We need people who are going to be effective at their position. There is nothing wrong with being a good ball player. JJ barely made it to the allstar game but his numbers were comparable to Lebron, Carter, Kobe etc. Does that make him average? Thhe debte on here on who will be an allstar or who won't is stupid.
  22. Quote: Quote: Quote: Marc Stein is just like all of the other hypocrits at ESPN. He, just like everyone else at ESPN, had Marvin as one of the top 2 players in the draft and didn't have Deron rated that high. However, after the fact, they slam the Hawks for taking the guy many felt was the #1 or #2 player in that draft over two point guards that had questions about their game coming out. Notice that they only criticize the Hawks. How about Larry Harris in Milwaukee? All he did was take the underwhelming Andrew Bogut with the top pick. Don;t usally agree with you... But you make some good points here. However, it's Billy's job who is the best player and not Mark Stein. That's the difference. It's Billy Knight's job to be right. It is. I have no problem with criticism of Knight... I've done it myself on occasion, in particular how such a reputed poker player could have let the Sheldon thing leak out seemingly so easily last pre-draft. What I DO have a problem with is that there seems to be no sense by otherwise-intelligent people (at least, that's my assumption) of FAIR criticism. Consider for instance... Billy's never been one to do what the media or the fans want him to do... Sheldon's a case in point. So how is it that one might suggest that BK let the fans choose MWill?... nahbabanah... BK chose MWill NOT because he thought MWill would be the best player in 2005-06 or even 2006-07, but because he thought MWill, over his CAREER, would be the best pick... that's by BK's analysis. How people don't respect that is beyond me, but there's almost nothing in anyone of BK's detractors to hint that they get that... I, for one, don't want a decision maker who has self-security issues, and lets people other than those who he considers to be his closest confidantes to influence his decision making. And here's the other part to this... BK gets dismantled for picking MWill, for picking SWill... and, okay, there are still some expectations of those guys that in their first and second years aren't fulfilled... Yet, who among you got excited when ZaZa was signed? Sheesh... that was a HELL of a signing, and took some real talent evaluation to have projected such a bargain-basement center to be as productive as ZaZa has been. We all recall vividly BK being roundly criticized by a certain ESPN "expert" on draft night for choosing Josh Smith... a HELL of a choice in the bottom half of the draft. And there are others who exceeded initial expectations: Boris Diaw (albeit in another system, but the GM picks the players and let's the coach coach)... Second rounders like Salim Stoudamire... Royal Ivey... and most recently Solomon Jones. I mean, how is it even remotely possible that any of us observers who don't get paid to do this would be as able to identify talent? Yet, so many have the testicular fortitude to just bash the guy on the basis of two or three players whose careers are in their infancy? It's admirable that BK doesn't feel compelled to launch into a tirade from time to time via Sekou's interviews and such... he's got a lot of artilery, but also has the self-control not to use it. Kudos to you, BK... you're a grown, mature man employed to excel in a kids game while being evaluated by other adults who think that because they played high school ball, they know just as much as you do... and who can act very childish in their criticisms of your ability... and yet, you aren't so thin-skinned that it gets to you. I'll say it again... kudos. Glad you're GM of the team I root for. KNow what you are right. Maybe Billy isn't as bad as we think. This draft will seal his legacy.
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