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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Let's say Oden and Dwight Howard are both entering the draft this year. Who would be the first pick? I really can't say but for some reasonI didn't remember this much hype surrounding Howard. If this was the case I would hate to be the GM with the number one pick.
  2. I don't buy that a bit because if he wanted Roy so bad he would have drafted him last year when he had the chance.
  3. Diesel has there ever been any pg that came into the league and was successful after only one year in college? We see how Shawn Livingston for LA wasn't a good pro same with Sebastian Telfair. Of all the positions I think that pg's need the most seasoning in college. Conley is just a year out of high school and now he is ready to run our ball club? I say we get YI with the 3rd and got after Law or Crittenton. I realize that the same applies to Crittenton but we won't be picking him 3rd.
  4. You last post got me thinking about how many max contracts are actually justified.
  5. I think that Gilbert Arenas stated that he wasn't going to sign a max contract because it would mean that the team would not be able to get other players. He may have beentalkingout of his ass but time will tell.
  6. 1. Why do the superstars sign these huge contracts and (Kobe 7 years 120 million, Garnett, etc) then whine when the team can't sign any help other than journeymen role players. To make matters worse they expect good players to take discounts on salary when they got their money. 2. Why do teams sign guys to max contracts and then try to dump them 1-2 years later when it was obvious the guy had issues (Zach Randolph) or a history of injury (Kenyon Martin). Then they expect some other GM to ignore the these facts and take on their salary. PHX knew that they couldn't afford all three guys but they signed them anyway. It doesn't make any sense. Or they overpay and try to dump the salary (Nene, Dalembert,JO, Dunleavy jr, Murphy, Austin Croshere etc). I am no rocket scientist but I just know when a team is giving a guy a bad contract. 3. How did Billy Knight got so much power/control in Atlanta, when he has never built a contender anywhere and was never part of a championship organization.
  7. I think that Billups has seen his best years. You know that he is going to want alot of money and you don't give a aging veteran a big contract it WILL destroy your franchise. Billups blossomed late in his career but he is injury prone and we don't want to sign him just for him to be hurt when we need him.
  8. Diesel where did you read that Dallas was looking to move JT. I haven't heard that anywhere.
  9. That is one of the points that I have been trying to make. Now all of a sudden our guys are [censored] since we got good draft picks. Let's not forget the progress of any of our young guys.
  10. Is he a pure pg and not a combo guard. I remember Reece Gaines from Louisville being the next great big pg and he couldn't cut it.
  11. By no means is Oden or Durant locks to be great players. Like someone else said in another post they are just prospects at this moment. I am reading the posts on here and 90% of you already got them in the next 15 All-star games and the Hall of Fame. I really haven't seen anything from either one of them that suggest they are going to dominate the league. The body of work just isn't there for these guys who two years ago were in high school. As for Oden the post is a man's game and people seem to forget the he stayed in foul trouble in college. As for Durant he was the best player on a so-so college team who had the green light from the coach to shoot. I am not saying the these guys re going to be busts but the possibility is there because there is no such thing as a sure bet. I said it once and I will say it again I got a real bad feeling about Durant. I just see Glenn Robinson in him.
  12. Quote: You forget the effects of a billion people spamming the internet with votes. Yi might be another Yao that way. That's the point I was making. I didn't say that he would deserve to be an all-star.
  13. The Spirit group has been losing money for years now and with him being a phenom in China and with the large Asian population in the Atlanta area they can make some dough. Plus he is a lock to be in the All star game and with that ripple effect JJ would be a lock too since he would be the guys teammate. I say we get him with the pick and grab a pg with the 11th pick. He will put us on the map for sure. This is business designed to make money.
  14. Nexy Jordan my ass. He is used to get pampered by the refs. Plays no defense at all.
  15. I was over on draftexpress.com looking at pg comparisons and his name was all over the place and he was ranked as the most efficient pg.
  16. I would be thrilled if we could fleece Portland out of Jack and Aldridge for the 3rd pick. But my question is how good is Jack compared to the pg's that we could possibly draft? Someone in another post reported that Aldridge wasn't really a center and I was wondering how true is that. If we did pull the trigger on that trade we could then get he BPA with the 11th pick.
  17. Here we go again................................
  18. As the most dominate player of the most Jordan-era even over shaQ.
  19. Yep you are right Diesel. We had that problem last year with Speedy. We can't have two point guards that can't shot the ball. I said two because there is no way we will be able to get rid of Speedy Claxton.
  20. Come on the guy can be serious. While in the hell would we draft Brandan Wright and Nick Young. Geez we get no credit!!!
  21. Why would they trade Marion for KG if they are trying to dump Salary. Hell KG makes more money than both Marion and Amare r. That doesn't make any sense. KG is making 20 mill a season right???
  22. Would you be willing to get rid of 3, 11, and a player (Smoove) for Amare and our pick for next year? You guys do realize that he is on the outs on PHX.
  23. You are right. Bynum is a big ass project. Does he even start for the Lakers. But you would trade the world for him and put him in our starting lineup.
  24. Why is it that all of a sudden our players are expendable. Let's trade Marvin, Let's trade JC, Let's trade Smoove. Hell someone even talked about trading JJ. Have you guys forgotten all of the progress our guys made during the regular season. You guys are ready to throw it all away for prospects. I don't know what it is but I am not sold on Oden and Durant being savoirs and HOF caliber players. I really believe that the "star" of this draft is going to be someone we least expect. But come on guys regardless of how good these guys were in college and high school it wasn't the NBA and I find it damn funny how the word potential/upside is tossed around when it comes to other players but yet some of us don't think that that word applies to our own players. Marvin is working toward his potential, Shelden Williams is working toward his potential/upside, JSmoove is toward his potential. We have yet too scratch the surface of what these guys are capable of so why start over again. DON"t forget that if it wasn't for injuries we probably would have been in the playoffs. We should really assess what we need and remember the injuries. Our record from the regular season doesn't reflect what we have. Remember we are trying to build a team.
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