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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. He has a nasty streak that we lack. He is athletic and seem to have some very good skills. I also read that he was doing really well in the workouts. He maybe the steal of the draft. he will need to bulk up to play the 5 but I am impressed with hi skillset and that nasty streak/killer instinct. We can get a pg at 11. I say lets take Yi and Law.
  2. Quote: Quote: your insane. why the hell would any team give up the chance to draft a franchise center? Its time to take the rose colored glasses off. Why don't you read his post before you insult him? He was talking about after they draft Oden with #1. Hence the part about "because Oden really wants to play with Conley". Thank you my good man!
  3. They may be willing to deal with us if they want to draft Conley because Oden wants to play with him. We may can fleece them in a deal?
  4. Here we go again.................................
  5. Wurider05

    What now?

    With 3 and 11 we are in pretty good shape. But now the draft isn't Billy proof and he can mess it up. Where do we go from here?
  7. You are wrong. We are going to get the 5th pick for Phoenix.
  8. is there a chance that we walk away from tonight without any picks at all? I thought that we had the Indiana pick locked up but apparently that not the case and if they move up we are finished. Damn if that happens BK should not wake up the GM of the Hawks. Somebody tell me that I am wrong!!!
  9. Remember I called it first. Billy Knight has damn near built two championship caliber in Detroit and Phoenix. The Suns will put the icing on the cake tonight when they get our pick. Tonight he will put the Suns over the hump and probably get them into the title hunt next season. Damn we better just be happy with the 11th pick. Woe is us, woe is us!!!
  10. I am not caught up in the hype. I am a Atlanta Hawks fan. I am just for giving the kid a chance before we give up on him. No one ever said that he was going to come into the league and be an allstar right away. Should we have gotten a pg yes, but that doesn't mean that Marvin doesn't have a place here in Atlanta. As for making the team better, I am all for that but we don't need to pick up another teams garbage just because they are 7ft tall. The guys that you name in most of your trade Marvin proposals are bums or semi-bums. I truly believe that our team is being held back by bad coaching not by bad talent or lack of talent.
  11. Once again Diesel according to you Marvin is a talentless bust who doesn't have any shot at becoming a decent NBA player. If he sucks this bad why is it that you come up with countless Marvin trade threads every day. It defies logic. What team would want a bust. If he sucks as a HAwk, according to you, then he would suck as a Sonic, Laker, Timberwolve, etc. Have you forgotten everything that you have said about Marvin and if what you said about him is true WHY IN THE HELL WOULD ANYBODY WANT HIM? I don't understand where you are coming from dude. Marvin needs to stay a Hawk and things will be alright.
  12. Here we go again...................
  13. I just read on real gm that O'Neil has asked for a trade to the Knicks. I am thinking that maybe we can get in as a third team and improve our club. Who could we use from the Knicks/PAcers? Here's the link: http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives...de_to_new_york/
  14. Are you smoking crack why would we do that one sided-deal. I thought that you felt that Marvin was worthless. WHat would LA want with a bust like Marvin. According to you Diesel Marvin has no value in this league!!
  15. DO we really push for a veteran like Steve Blake or do we draft a pg. Can we afford to wait for a pg to develop or could we posssibly get a pg with the 11th pick who can start immediately.
  16. I was listening ti Kevin Lockery, former nba coach, a few weeks ago on 790 AM. They brought up the Hawks and he defended Billy Knights decisions in a way that had me thinking that BK was a complete jerk. He stated that we have alot of good young players but that you really can't judge them until BK gets a point guard in here. With that being said would we be better off with a pg and letting Zaza/Solomon/Shelden hold down the fort until we can see how a real pg would affect this team.
  17. Telfair exemplifies what is wrong with the NBA. All the hype while in high school, the shoe contract before he even steps on a court. He is having legal problems. I say hell no we don't need him. How can a point guard no be able to shot. All the streetball bullsh*t doesn't cut it in the pros. I am sure that And1 will sign him.
  18. If you and my agent can work out something then I am there. I want 60% guaranteed before I even put my knee brace on.
  19. He does have an eye for talent but not the right talent for the current situation that team was in. As a basketball player Marvin was a great pick but he was the wrong pick for a team that needed a point guard. Like John Kerry said in the last election " Don't confuse the soldier with the war".
  20. I knew that I was correct about Childress going to the Wizards. Diesel do you remember why Smoove and Deng fell?
  21. You are right because Washington was predicted to take Childress at 4 if I remember correctly. Also Josh Smith was predicted to be a top 5 pick as well but he slipped big time. I think that rumors got out that he was lazy. BK wanted Childress all alone but didn't think that he would be on te board. Once again the general consensus was that Childress was a better prospect than both Deng and Iggy. Go back and pull of the predraft boards from that year.
  22. As much as I dislike BK you cannot say that he doesn't have an eye for talent. I can not think of one player that he drafted that you can call a bust. He knows talent. The problem is that in the 2005 draft the consensus was that Marvin and Bogut were without a doubt the best players in the draft and that they would go 1 and 2. All he did was follow the general consensus. If MArvin would have went 1 then we would have drafted Bogut. Having said that even though we need a point guard and a center half of you guys would love to draft Durant even though his position replicates one that we have. Samething this year either he or Oden will go first and that is the general consensus. For all of you Marvin haters how can you guys not see the talent that he possess and the improvement that he has made. I never recalled anyone saying that he was going to come in right away and produce 25ppg and 12 rpg. You guys are entitled to your opinions but how can you watch the hawks and say that he is a bust. Are you guys even watching the games!!!
  23. Quote: We need to quit moving people out of their positions in order to give Marvin underserved minutes. Damn Diesel I thought that you were passed that bridge. How in the hell did Marvin get undeserved minutes. Please Explain yourself.
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