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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. I was kind of wondering that myself. I can see Marvin as a power forward but he has that sweet jumper and if he can become a three point threat then Smoove will have to play PF. At this point why do we need to label players with positions they are simply basket ball players.......that is a Billoy Knight quote.
  2. The word miracle and the hawks just don't go together. We re a snake bitten franchise. We will have to give our pick to the Suns and probably have to give up the Indiana pick as well. Hey but they are my team so there's a glimmer of hope.
  3. There is no such thing as a sure fire pick. I am not to impressed with Oden and I just see a little too much Glenn Robinson in Durant. I say we should trade the picks for a moderately young pg or center. We are too young now. Neither guy is going to dominate their freshman year. Hell Oden might be the next Keon CLark. TRADE THE PICK IF WE GET IT!!!!
  4. I agree with you Diesel but if we come away with no picks and Phoenix gets a superstar with the pick the media is going to kill us. They are going to overlook the fact the Diaw became fat and lazy after he got his money. I don't think that we improved enough for the media not to crucify us. It is becoming hard as hell to be a Hawks fan but I am in for the long haul. Marvin has got to deliver next year.
  5. There is a strong possibility that we make come away from the draft lottery without anything. If that happens what do we do then. There is no way JJ, MW, JS get traded. I mean we are going to be f*cked royally. DO we have money to sign a free agent?
  6. Hard to do that when you are sitting on the bench.
  7. How many games were we struggling to score and Salim just sat the pine?
  8. I sit and watch game after game and I am telling you guys he is holding our young talent down. Every time it looks like we take a step forward we take three back. He refuses to change things up and go with what is working. For instance Marvin was hot last night but he stopped getting the rock I have noticed this on other nights as well. Why was Speedy taking jumpers when he can't shoot. Why wasn't we taking the ball to the post when they had their small lineup. Our guys appear to be respectful to the coach and the only one that checks him is Salim and you see where he is. I am telling you guys if we had a veteran coach we would be in the playoffs right now. Woody would be more effective with older players and not young guys. Another thing that I don't understand is the every time Solomon plays he is productive but in the article where Woody calls out Shelden he says that he needs to do the dirty work but yet Solomon does the dirty work and doesn't get many minutes. I think BK is probably in his ear telling him not to give Solomon more minutes than Shelden even though he is playing better because he selected him 5th in the draft and was NBA ready. We are the lowest scoring team in the league but yet we start an offensively challenged pg while we have sure fire offense (Salim) riding the bench. This [censored] has got to end because I am getting to the point where I may no longer be a fan because of all the losing. The worst part is that we are alot better than our record reflects but as long as that bumbling idiot is on the sidelines we are never going to do anything. There will be no playoffs this year guys!!! If Shelden isn't playing well what is the justification of keeping Batista on the bench when he can give us what Shelden is giving us right now. I am not saying the Shelden is a bust but We need all the big man help we can get and we cant's afford to have anyone on the bench because we are not that good yet. What are these guys (Salim, Batista) not doing that is so bad that they can't get playing time?? I feel better getting this rant off of my chest.
  9. While I hate to see Wadew hurt it serves the Heat organization right for trying to rest SHaq until about a month before the postseason. They used D-Wade and now he is gone.
  10. If we do get the top pick in the draft and take Durant or Oden, we are not at the point to wait on these guys to develop. Both guys are going to need to put on weight and probably 2-3 years to develop. We can't afford that anymore. We need to add veterans to this team who are proven. For instance I like the idea that we are trying to get Ridnour from the Sonics. He is a veteran we know what he can do for us. I think that we should not obtain anymore young talent. We don't have time to wait for them to develop. We need to start winning ASAP.
  11. I knew it was a trade MArvin thread before I entered too!!
  12. Which og our young guys are going to step it up the most after the all star break this year you know that they always do. I am thinking that it will be either Marvin of CHillz this year.
  14. For the first time this season our main core guys JJ, MW, JC, JS all had good games at the same time. Usually one or two of the guys would show up but tonight everyone did. Hell of game.
  15. How can a coach with a horrible losing record have someone in his doghouse and sit a that player on the bench. If a player and a coach are having problems and that coach has a losing record then maybe the player has a point. If we were wining then you can argue that the coach is right. Last night we got killed by two below average big men and the 76ers were taking it to the hole. Why wasn't Esteban B. even dressed for the game. We need all the big man help we can get. I was thinking to myself we need him in there to put someone on their ass and get some rebounds. Why sign the guy if you are not going to use him. Another thing T lue is still hurting he should not have been in the game at all last night. Woody needs to go!! He is trying to prove some kind of point when he has no legs to stand on. Bottom line is that he is nearly 100 games below .500. While other teams fire coaches for being .500 the ASG seems to think that it is okay to lose. I am getting to the point where I may not care anymore.
  16. First of All as everyone knows I am a MArvin fan so please don't turn this into hate thread. Now on to my point. I noticed last night that when he shot the ball he had a strange hitch to his release. It was so bad that you knew that when it left his hand it wasn't going in. The game before when he was hot,that hitch was not there and it was a much smoother shot. I find this kind of strange. Could his hand not been fully healed and if not he should not be starting or playing as many minutes. We need more consistency in the lineup because he isn't there yet. Right now he is where Smoove was last year. Unlike some guys on here (Diesel and Walter)I knew that it was understood that he was a three year project. Having said that there shouldn't be any excuses next year. But I have noticed that his man on man defense is pretty good and he uses his length well. Maybe that is why he is starting.
  17. I called this one out. I knew he was damaged goods before we signed him. How did he pass a physical or was BK so happy to get him that he forgot to make him take one. His knee condition will not get better and it is obvious he can't play through pain. BUY HIM OUT now!!!! Since he is overpaid he probably won't agree to any buyout. Without his "speed" he is useless to us because he can't do much of anything else.
  18. Apparently he feels that he maybe left out in the cold with the Webber signing. I am not sure how much he makes but do you guys think he can help us. Stat wise he numbers aren't better thatn ZAZA but I am not sure about his defense.
  19. I know that he is from the "playing the game the right way Larry Brown school" but I feel that your style shuld fit your personnel. We have been successful when we run the ball and not walk it up the court. This is Woody's first coaching gig so he doesn't have a track record of success. This goes back to what I have been saying all year and that is has Woody gotten the most out of the talent that we have.
  20. Diesel you just said: Quote: Aside from that dunk, Marvin did very little. I think he was happiest to see Smoove DUDe you really need to cut out the MArvin bashing. How in the hell did he do very little when his line for the night was 12 points 9 rebounds 7 assist Damn man what game were you watching. Looks like to me he nearly had a triple double. I know that he hasn't been playing well lately but this is a solid game for anyone. I guess in your world his stats mean less than everyone elses.
  21. Diesel I completely agree with you. I think that we should make a coaching change right now and if that doesn't change things then you start moving players. I feel as if other coaces get a lot more out of less talen than we have. I know that we are young but it appears that we have actually regressed alittle from last year. Woody simply can't do the job and he is trying to save his job on JJ's back. The Speedy Claxton signing was a bad one no doubts about that, he can't even play a solid 3 game stretch. With the personnel that our team has we should be a running team but no we walk it up give it to JJ and watch out. It is kind of like the 76ers with Iverson where the other guys just watch. I think that they have quit on Woody and injuries aside he refuses to change his style and his substitutions. Why the hell isn't J-chill starting. I am a big Marvin fan but he isn't playing consistent and coming off an injury he need to head to the bench. Woody can't coach and should get a pass just because of a 4-1 record at the beginning og the season.
  22. Quote: It is the type of boring deal I'd expect from the Hawks. How about getting into the Corey Maggette action. I mean the Clips want to give him away. We aren't good enough to make ok conservative moves. That trade would be great for a team like Orlando or the Wizards or the Pacers. For us it is ho hum. My sentiments exactly!!!!
  23. It seems that other people on this board like to talk about the potential of players on other teams but they like to crap on our own players. Marvin just like this team is inconsistent but for anyone to say that he doesn't have a good upside they you are either blind or stupid. HE HAS GOTTEN BETTER Than he was last year. His scoring average has increased by 5 points and he has the second best jumper on the team. Honestly I think Diesel wants that guy to average 30 ppg 10 rbs and 12 assists a game. We can't go back in time and redo the draft so why do you guys keep whining about the draft from two damn years ago. Now with that being said he needs to improve his rebounding and get that field goal percentage up to around 46-50%. In all honestly I feel that Woody maybe holding him back alittle.
  24. You are right. I always give him praise but Diesel and that pack always come in with negativity and come up with a thousand reasons to downplay his stats jut like he did today.
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