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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. In way I agree with you but the people here have been waiting to get behind this team for a while and sooner or later interest in the Hawks will flat out disappear.
  2. You are right his substitutions at times defines any type of logic whatsoever.
  3. I think that there needs to be some consensus as to what is the true cause of our problems. I mean can our players be more competitive with another coach or does Woody not have enough pieces to be sucessful here. I mean before we consider trading this guy or that guy we need to make sure that we have the right system in place where the players that we have can be successful. A rookie coach and a young rookie team can't be successful. My opinion is that it is Woody. Our offense looks horrible I said it once and I will say it again we run a street ball offense or we either we run a give to JJ and watch out show. One final thought, I am true NBA fan and can identify top assistants who are rumored to be the next hot head coaching candidates but prior to Woody getting the job as our coach I had never heard his name mentioned for any other head job in the NBA. Did we interview anyone else or did BK just give Woody the job? Just remember terry Stotts had less than Woody does now but the guys competed and had a fire that we haven't seen since the second half of Stotts last year with us.
  4. LAkers vs. Miami. Jeez no one cares about this game. they put it on the shedule several years ago because of the Shaq/Kobe feud now no one cares about that any more. I would have loved to see Phoenix, Dallas, Denver,Detriot, Cleveland, San Antonio, or even Utah, This LAkers vs. Miami game just doesn't appeal to me on any level. I want a good game. It isn't even a rivalry. I don't even think that Shaq is playing and on top of that Miami would not even make the playoffs if they started today. FANtastic my a@&!!!!
  5. I was watching and his man defense is pretty solid right now. He doesn't seem to go for the pump fake and uses his length well. I am telling you guys he is developing right before our eyes. HE just needs to put up a few more rebounds and assist per game. Why doesn't Woody run plays for him it would make JJ that much better.
  6. We have two offensive sets: Give to Joe and watch out. Streetball. We need to get other's player involved in the offense because just giving to to Joe is becoming predictable and he won't ge the calls that he deserves. How about running some plays on offense for MArvin or someone else. We take too long on offensive to set anything up.
  7. He is showing that he is a more consistent scorer than smoove. It is obvious that Marvin should be our small forward. I think that he got a little tired tonight.
  8. I mean it is downright awful. Are they still using camera equipment from the 80's. It is often dark and blurry.
  9. Are you crazy!! They are not going to trade Cassell. Livingston can't play D or shoot (see Speedy Claxton. They are just trying to spare Cassell until the playoffs. They know where their bread and butter is. So please let's end this talk right here and right now. Cassell isn't going anywhere.
  10. I fell asleep and was wondering which guys lead the charge last night?
  11. Here we go for the the 1,000,000,000th time!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. He was damaged goods before we got him. Now that he is paid he seems as if he doesn' want too play. i mean they are using his injury to say that his conditioning isn't there yet buy he had an hand injury not a leg injury.You see Marvin still participating in drills. If the knee injuries slow his down we just wasted 25 million dollars because he sure as hell can't shoot the ball. If this keeps up for a prolonged period of time BK may want to consider buying him out.
  13. Anyone know where we stand as it relates to attendence?
  14. Damn if we would have just hit two more we would have won the game.
  15. Speedy isn't suiting up so could Salim finally get some minutes tonight??
  16. Okay fellas what do we need to do to stop Chris Bosh tonight. I think that they have weakened themselves by getting rid of Charlie V and Barganini is only playing like nine minutes again. They are nothing without BOSH. Do you think Woodson will put Smoove on him?
  17. During the pregame show Kenny Smith say something very interesting about Lebron James walking off of teh court. He stated that as HAwks players they should make note because he walked off the court as if it was beneath Atlanta to beat them You think that the guys on the team took it take way and maybe the next game let Batista give Lebron some physical loving. I hope that the next time we play them we run them out of the building and run up the score.
  18. Quote: 4. The refs were giving Cleveland the calls I think it was good that we faced this. If you breathe on Lebron, he gets the call. Moreover, on a couple of occassions, Lebron carried. Whereas on our side... How many times have I ever seen the palming the ball called? I saw on several plays James committed offensive falls by pushing off severely. On one play he did it twice and they called a foul on us. This is what makes me angry how certain player gets the calls and then they wonder why they get thier asses handed to them in international play. A foul is s foul, a walk is a walk regardless of who does it. It is things like that that cause teams tight games.
  19. would have been put on alot earlier in the show.
  20. In the long run. I said it once and I will sayit again we need the floor opened up and teams are not going to respect his shot. I never realized just how bad of a shooter he really is until I looked at his career stats.
  21. I mean if things stay the way they are now, SHelden and MArvin should be our starting forwards. We need Marvin's aggressiveness on offense and his more consistent jumpshot would open up the floor. Teams don't respect Smoove's jumpshot because all of them are wide open (if you haven't notices. I can't understand why he can't just take it to the lane and draw the foul. Maybe it just a slow start but something is gonna have to give. PS: when was the last time we were .500 this late in the season!!!
  22. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketbal...0495_recap.html Could this be our team strength and our identity?
  23. I agree with you for the most part. I think that Lue is actually outplaying Speedy and I can't see how the offense is any better when Speedy is in the game. I too think that our strength is in running. DId you notice that Zaza beagn to use his quickness against Curry in the second half. Curry played forty minutes last night and only had one rebound.
  24. HE is slowly becoming a finesse player and shys away from contact. With his athletic ability he should be taking it to the rack every time he gets the ball instead of settling for his inconsistent jumpshot. He should be on the inside mixing it up and fighting for boards.
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