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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. They really don't have any players or than O'Neil that anybody wants and they have already stated that they were not going to trade him. Why would we want Tinsley. He is injured all the time and when is isn't Anthony Johnson outplayed him for his spot.
  2. they are going to keep Mo Williams. Damn they now have a solid front court of Simmons, Charlie V, and Bogut. This also means that Toronta won't resign Mike James. I personally don't want him here.
  3. That would be a lopsided trade. Bynum hasn't proven that he can do anything in this league.
  4. He did have a solid body of work/production. I can understand why we made the safe pick. Really no other player drafted last night had less negative said about them than Shelden Williams. The announcers know that he is a all around solid pick and he isn't a project. No one questioned his heart or his ability unlike the other picks. We are more critical than the analysts. I hope that he doesn't get the Marvin treatment around here. I wasn't thrilled when I heard about the promise but he is a solid pick. We don't need anymore players drafted as projects or drafted on potential. We need someone who can produce now. I just hope that we don't run into the problem of trying to decide who we are going to keep. I still think that Marvin will be our best player (that is my opinion) but with he and Smoove playing the same position something will have to give unless they plan on making Shelden Williams our BU Center/PF. I am kind of confused as to what our lineup will be. PG-Joe Johnson SG-Josh CHildress SF-Marvin Williams PF-Josh Smith C-Shelden Williams/ZAZA
  5. we take them and look for a possible trade. I mean if Bargani goes number one I just can't see Chicago passing on Alridge and even if they don't then he will fall. which would cause the following 1.Bargani 2.Aldridge 3.Morrison/Gay/TT 4.Morrison/Gay/TT 5.Morrison/Gay/TT Somebody is going to fall to us with the fifth pick. So Sheldon may not be our pick after all. I TT doesn't fall then Aldridge will. Fellas I got a feeling that we are going to come out pretty good tonight. GO HAWKS!!!!!
  6. Sounds like a fish market/BBQ restuarant of a funeral home. It's catchy though. PS I hope the he draft a guard or Bargnani!!
  7. I keep reading that Alridge is going first not Bargnani. If he does go first do you guys think that Aldridge would slip to us if Chicago doesn't pick him up. I really feel that one of the two may fall to us. If Thomas falls to us do you think that we should draft him to trade.
  8. Phoenix may be willing to move him for what I have been reading. I have been thinkig for a while that he would be a good fit for us but I never thought that the Suns would aver want to move him.
  9. Why would we want the oft-injured Kenyon Martin. He was overpaid while he was healthy and what the heck do you think that he is now. I hope that you were joking. I wouldn't mind Nene if the price was right.
  10. That's the draft where Hank Gathers (RIP) was suppose to be the number one pick. Before he died on the basketall court. Damn tragedy that was.
  11. For a guy who doesn't like to show his hand why is everyone so certain that he will draft Shelden Williams. Other than the obvious choice of picking either Marvin or Bogut we have never really known who BK was going to draft. We don't even know who the number one pick is going to be for the most part. We don't know who will fall our way. I read the other day that Tyrus Thomas doesn't even know if Chicago will take him with the second pick even thoug the rumors of a promise have been going around for over a month. I got a feeling that this may just be a smoke screen. The only way I see us drafting Williams is that we are doing it for someone else. BK has never been this easy to figure out!!!
  12. I read that the Hawks will not give up Marvin. Diesel seems to pick out the parts of a rumor that suits his anti-Marvin campaign. Just because The sixers want him that doesn't mean that the rumors of us offering him are true. DAMN DUDE Marvin must have stolen your girlfriend or something. Anyone think that if we get Iverson we become the Sixers. They had two bigtime big men and pass first pg and they didn't even make the playoff. AI stunts young talent. How could anyone say different. You name one guy who developed into a good player since Iverson has been in Philly and winning the slam dunk competition doesn't count. The train has passed on AI. It is a gamble we can't afford to take.
  13. Wurider05

    What if....

    Damn Dude can you give it up already!!!!!! Damn!!!!
  14. You are acting as if every lottery pick in the history of the league was a instant superstar MVP player. You may be right about Marvin but you can't throw the dude away because he isn't Chris Paul. You just can't argue with the skill set that he brings to the table. You can't deny that he isn't a talented play. You and Diesel act as if we drafted someone #2 who was a clear cut late second rounder. Do you guys even look at any of the Hawks games. He didn't even start for crying out loud.
  15. Thank You for the post. I just don't get it with these guys and their hate for Marvin. He is a Hawk after all and all he can do is get out there and play his game. DAMN!!!!
  16. Why is it that we always have to start our season with what I called the West Coast trip of doom every season. Don't they ever change the damn scheldue. I know for a fact that we have been doing the road trip for at least the better part of the last decade.
  17. That 2-16 start probably masked just what we are capable of and then all of the close games we blew. Hell we could have been a top three seed in the east!! LOL I didn't realize that we beat 13 of the 16 playoff teams.
  18. You never want to give up on a player too soon. I mean JS nad JC didn't have the best stats in the world thier rookie seasons and look how they came back the next season. Give the dude a chance. Even at this very moment JC and JS are not leaps and bounds better than him. When he got minutes he produced if he would have started from the beginning his numbers would have been higher. Remember that we are entering the era of small ball in the NBA. You can't honestly say that Marvin didn't improve from the beginning of the season until the end. He is very cerebral and both BK and Woody stated that they intentionally brought hi along slowly because they felt like they threw JC and JS to the Wolves too soon. I do understand and respect your opinion however, we got to give him a chance. If they trade Al or let him walk then you know that they are going with Marvin. I have seen alot of players with alot of hype that don't pan out, but when I watched Marvin play you just know that this kid is money in the bank. You can't say that about alot of players.
  19. What do you mean by slow development. I am amm for throwing him to the wolves. Throughout the year the coach stated that he practiced well. Woody should have given him more minutes from the start.
  20. If we were to keep Al and not add anyone. What would the record of the 2005-06 Hawks be in the 2006-07 season. I would say that we would be a near .500 ball club. I said near!!!
  21. You are absolutely right. I was thinking the exact samething myself.
  22. I agree. Marvin was solid his first season but I got the feeling that many people on this board (Diesel) wanted the kid coming in the the league with MVP type numbers while leading the HAwks to the NBA finals.
  23. I was reading a rumor that Orlando was interested in JR SMith and I was thinking that he would be a great fit for their team. That got me thinking as to whether or not we are behind, Toronto, New Orleans,Orlando, Charlotte, and Utah the young teams in the league. I mean for the most part it seems as if they have some direction as to where they may be going and that their players know what position they are going to play. This isn't another knock on Billy Knight thread but here is something to think about. By the time we do get a decent team that can make the playoffs how far ahead will the other teams be of us because of them making solid decisions when they were cellar dwellars. It just seems to me that the other teams with young cores are closer to being complete than we are. This year alone both Toronto and Orlando where better that us and let's not forget about Charlotte who had alot of injuries. Thise three teams are in our conference. Throw in Chicago and there go a potential of 4 of the 8 EC playoff spots.
  24. I feel that same way. We need to add another starter and tha only area we need a starter in is that guard. Why draft Williams if he isn't going to start when you could get a starting guard just as easily. I think that they are drafting a bit man to come off of the bench or split minutes at the forward spot. Isn't JSmoove a legit shitblocker in this league. We need a guard preferably a point guard and we can get a veteran big man via free agency.
  25. All this hype but I haven't heard anything about him wowwing anyone at a workout. Maybe he knows he going number 1?
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