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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Huerter redeemed himself like no other. I am watching the game and I was like this has to the the worst I have ever seen any professional basket player ever play. Then he makes up for in the 4th and all is forgiven. PS--Whenever Reggie Jackson is your leading scorer you are probably going to lose the game!!
  2. No offense but why does the media act like Kobe was the first guy in the world to have a daughter or to spend time with his daughter. I mean come on this idol worshipping and narrative creating is getting tiresome.
  3. In the midst of the losing he has been a bright spot. Dude can ball on both ends of the floor. He is way more athletic than I thought. He has decent passing skills but if that is something he can work on/improve we could implement the old inside out game.
  4. I like Diesel but he has been doing the same sh*t for over a decade. There will be a thread on a subject and instead of commenting on that thread he will create another one but give it a click bait title. I am not sure what site he has been coming to for the last week but this topic had been discussed non-stop since the report about John's comment came out. Diesel is going to be Diesel but we still love him around these parts.
  5. I got this off of reddit. This is not a good look. We will probably get that he is just hard on himself crap but folks something is going on here.
  6. They better listen to Clint!!
  7. I started to write a post on here the other day after the Cleveland loss about how we have enough talent where is doesn't have to be the Trae Young show all the time. I am not turning anti-Trae but teams appear to be planning for his gimmicks and bag of tricks. I put it on coaching.
  8. I agree Diesel. We gave that game away. We didn't even play that well and barely loss. It did appear the Bogi was suppose to be the 2nd scorer last night but he was hitting crap.
  9. The main reason is that you have to account for every guy on the court offensively. We check damn near every box you can check!! Slashers Shot Creators who can create for others guys who can create their own shots Mid range Scorers (guys who can score on all 3 levels) Finishers 3 point shooters post defenders perimeter defenders length speed athleticism we can play fast we can play slow Buying into the team concept. If Danilo hadn't gotten hurt in the Nets game we be up 2-0 on them. You can tell that they had no answer for him. Another thing that I notice is that they keep coming and coming offensively. Almost like Jason from the Friday the 13th movies............totally relentless. We still haven't seen Big O or Chris Dunn. Probably the biggest thing is that they look like they are having fun out there.
  10. https://hoopshype.com/2020/11/08/nba-draft-nathan-knight-william-mary-interview-computer-science-midmajor-prospects/ This says alot about this guy's mindset. Dude appears to be a very intelligent. Very interesting read.
  11. Dunn Reddish Hunter Okungwu Capela I would love to see what this lineup could accomplish defensively. I k now that we haven't seen Okungwu in action yet but his size and mobility is intriguing. Replacing Dunn with Trae could work.
  12. A greedy banker is a greedy banker no matter what color they are. Miss a mortgage or car payment and see what that black banker does!!!!
  13. I could see this going down---Harden for Smart, Jaylen Brown and some draft picks. Wall+Smart+Brown is a decent lineup and really is the best they can do if Boston is on his list.
  14. Man it appears that he get's lost in all the Hawk talk these days. I am looking for him to have a good year. He is only 22 and his numbers are very similar to Bogdan's. He needs to get that field goal percentage up to 45% though. We keep forgetting and overlooking his potential. There is a reason why he was the Hawk that most teams were calling about. https://www.nba.com/stats/vs/#!/?PlayerID=1628989&VsPlayerID=203992&sort=DREB&dir=1
  15. You figure with the ratings being down even with their star in the finals that they would try to give other teams a chance. Trae Young was voted in as a damn all star but the Grizzlies get more national games than we do? We just don't get any love.
  16. https://www.scribd.com/document/486395417/Thoughts-on-Trae-Young-and-How-he-Compares-to-Luka-Doncic This is very detailed and very deep.
  17. I want John here so let's get that out of the way first. He is producing and is an effective player. My question is what are the reasons that exist as to why we wouldn't want to pay him. Is it the fact that he want's a max and he hasn't proven himself long enough to earn it? Could we get the same production for a cheaper price? What are the legitimate arguments for telling John to hit the road? For the squawkers that have been around we all knew that we didn't want Josh Smith around for obvious reasons--and based on how his career went we were correct. I know that there was that drug suspension so could that be used in negotiations? He checks all the boxes or most of them but when you are talking about a max contract--I do think that too many are given out to players not worth it. So if you are Travis how do you negotiate knowing that you don't want to give him the max?
  18. Man there is no way John Collins isn't starting. No Way!!
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