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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. I was going to fly from PA to that very game (fell through because of a wedding that popped up). Even then, I still would not care if they played starters or not. I just wanted to attend a game in Philips. 


    You buy tickets to sporting events with no guarantees of anything except seeing the teams listed on the ticket. Who plays is always subject to change.

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  2. I've run out of things to say about this squad. Good road win with Al, Dennis, and scrubs.

    As much as I'm a Kyke Stan I don't mind him missing a few games although GS is looming again. It seems when he doesn't play or is limited we hold teams under 90. Let's go.


    This is a quite unfortunate typo.

  3. Honestly, I don't believe posters who have been here for years still give Hotlanta a hard time.  He's not going to change.  Accept him for who he is and move on.  Personally, I think it's hilarious.  


    If you notice he generally shares his point of view and people make it personal.  I promise if you let him be your life will be just fine.


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  4. Payne was shooting like 33% with the t-wolves before this game, and if you watch the game tonight, he looks like a great athlete that has limited knowledge of the playbook- that just so happened- to have some good hustle plays, and one sick dunk.  Payne is already like 50 years old with low bbiq, I think the Hawks made the right move....besides at this point if Coach Bud traded Millsap for a statue of Tyler Perry to accompany Nique, I'd believe it was the right move for the team moving forward.


    He's freaking 24. That's "50" now in NBA years?

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