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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. I'm with Hots to an extent. With the exception of the Pacers with Paul George coming back, there is no reason why a team winning 60+ should be facing an elimination game in the first round. I know that styles make fights but if they're going against the ©Heat, I fully expect the Hawks to put the boots to their asses...


    If George comes back the Pacers will struggle. They have learned to play without him and if he comes back, they'll have a rough time adjusting.

  2. For purely TV viewing, yea you can't beat your cable/satellite provider but if you're one who can't always be in the comfort of your home to catch a game then yea, Ballstreams is an upgrade. Streaming on my phone using barely any data and on their lowest quality stream looks better than stuff you actually bought and downloaded. Additionally they don't have any of the hiccups that makes league pass online a maddening experience but yea, you're good if you mostly prefer TV viewing.


    This is intriguing to me if it is that good. I watch most of the games in my living room, but if I could Cast or AirPlay it from my phone or iPad at a good quality, I'd be all for it. Maybe i'll give it a try and save myself some money next season.

  3. That Joe Johnson video above is why nobody should ever care about athletes being interviewed. All they do is spout nothing cliches that are just talking in circles. Well, except for the "we don't care if they show up" part. That was dickish.


    We have a team looking at winning around 60 games and people want to argue about Joe effing Johnson? Go to a Nets board until he retires and then bring this crap up. This looks like an "I'm always so right and you're not" nostalgia tour for the usual suspects.

  4. On a computer the streams are pretty good. On the Roku, they're amazing. I get some skipping or freezing sometimes on the computer but almost never on the Roku 3. I would never go back to the television or online NBA League Pass and this is my 2nd year with Ballstreams.

    I've been spoiled by the NBA League Pass for 15 years. Not sure I can downgrade quality like that.

  5. I can confirm, Ballstreams is where it's at. 


    You can also suspend your account at the end of the season and then reactivate it when the new season starts.  You can turn a $99 12 month subscription in to 2 seasons of viewing.  You don't really need the streams after the 1st round of the playoffs since every game is televised.

    Are the streams any good? I have to use online streams when we play the Sixers and they are unwatchable.

  6. It is genetically impossible for me to bash Dominique Wilkins.


    That being said, I can totally understand where people get annoyed. Nique isn't the most eloquent guy on the stick. Our announcers are super homers, but most are. It's just more noticeable when you're watching another team's broadcast. 


    Clyde Frazier is my favorite opposing announcer. He's so ridiculously goofy with his rhymes. 


    I'd also like to add; FREE GUS JOHNSON!

  7. Josh Smith proving yet again that he does not understand basketball.


    Down by one point in the 4th quarter with four minutes to go. Throws a lazy, terrible pass that's a turnover (and please stop calling him a good passer, he is NOT a good passer) that is picked off by Millsap. Josh cannot be bothered to hustle, so his man (Millsap) then jogs right him for a layup on the other end.


    It's the complete summary of the josh Smith mentality in one play. The Hawks went up by three with every drop of momentum and all because Josh Smith felt like just taking a minute off after launching 6 threes. 


    He is, and always was a mentally broken player. 

    • Like 2
  8. Sucks because you want to see your team against the top competition.  It's going to be a free for all from 3 though, Houston already leads the league with a whopping 40% of their shots being 3s.  I can only expect that percentage to go up when they have no other shot creator on the floor.


    Like when we beat them in Houston without Jeff Teague? I'll take a break in this one because we proved what we needed to already.

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  9. Too much tomfoolery for me. I prefer my coaches in the mold of Belichick or Don Shula.  Allowing himself to be dragged down to the level of a couple FM sports clones is very disappointing.  He has to learn rise above that silliness if he want to maintain a wall of authority between the leader and the ones being lead.


    So you want your basketball coach to be a football coach? Ugh. And really, all he did was talk about bands. Keep in mind this is a team that is trying to engage the community as much as possible because the ties had been severed so badly in the past. Going on a radio show for a light conversation is nothing to even really be concerned with and is actually a nice change of pace for this team.


    Expecting coaches to be these robotic stiffs is lame. Phil Jackson and Greg Popovich are laid back guys with good senses of humor and they do/did just fine.

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