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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. Of course there is no one they have honored as much.  No one had nearly as good a career or has devoted their post-playing career to promoting the team.  Who else could they possibly have picked to honor more?  Joe Johnson?  Dikembe 'devoting himself to Houston' Mutombo?  Mookie 'in jail' Blalock?  Nobody compares.  


    The only other name I can think of is Kevin Willis. Maybe Pettit or Hudson.

  2. One thing I don't understand is how Ferry could shut down a statue. If the owner of the team wants it and foots the bill, the GM who works for the owner should have nothing to do with it. Was Gearon wanting to use basketball operations money for the statue?


    I was curious about this as well. Like what in the world does a GM have to do with putting statues up?

  3. He got suspended for not being able to ( or winning to ) filter the content that he was reading.   He didn't have to read that verbatim, to get a point across that labeled Deng as being "deceptive".   He trusted his former sources in Cleveland and ran with exactly what they wrote.  Had Deng been Jewish and white, and Ferry been Black, that same kind of backlash would've occurred.  His inability to filter what he was reading, is what got him in trouble.


    Gearon is absolutely a snake for taping that conversation.   Gearon makes an assumption in the e-mail that he wrote to Levenson, telling him to fire Ferry or make him resign.  Gearon's assumption was that the comments "were not from a private conversation — they were in a business environment on a business matter in front of a dozen or more people," . . . "If Ferry would make such a slur in a semi-public forum, we can only imagine what he has said in smaller groups or to individuals."


    Whether correct or not, that was his assumption.  And if he shared this assumption, others within the organization may have as well.  The situation isn't nearly as cut and dried as some of you make it out to be.  If this was just a simple mistake in "reading" something inappropriate, I believe that he would've only been fined.


    But the fact that the exiled one stayed silent and didn't even try to defend himself initially, leads me to believe that he possibly could've made things a lot worse for himself and for the Hawks, if he came out and said something in defense of himself.  His "personality" may have shown through, and been the thing that buried him.


    If new ownership wants him back, he'll be back.  Until then, we are in good hands with Bud making the key personnel decisions for the franchise.  We'll see what kind of contract offer Millsap will get in the summer, if Bud is still the GM, and if he can convince Millsap to come back.


    I will say this: They did a fantastic job of just keeping mouths shut. It was the best move they could have made. 

  4. I think of Brand as a back up catcher in baseball. He normally gets in once week or every 6th game. I wish we would use him more especially against a team like Memphis whose bigs were going to work against us. A defensive line-up of Brand vs Randolph and Pero vs Gasol could have slowed them down without having to double as much.

    Somebody mentioned how effective Tony allen was well everytime his man double teamed the post he was left free to make a play on the offensive glass or loose balls. Just something to consider. Most teams with a pair of dominate bigs dont have a dirty work wing player because honestly you dont typically need one and they instead opt for an offensive minded floor spacing type shooter. We wont see another team like them but it would still be nice to get Brand more burn down the stretch esp if Pero is giving us nothing on offense and next to nothing on the glass.


    Also keep in mind that our sneaky good rebounding "dirty work" guy is out a few more weeks with a strained calf. The rebounding is going to take a dip with Bazemore in place of Thabo. 

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