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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. So did Jordan, so did Aldridge, so did Howard, so did those Jazz guys, so Did Gasol and Gasol... Either way, they all lose.
  2. Honestly the "_________ might move to Seattle" trope is the most tired and lazy story out there. It's like the boogeyman or Michael Jackson...it's a fantasy made up to scare idiots.
  3. Because most of those guys play for awful teams.
  4. Anyone taking anything Isaiah says seriously needs their head examined. The guy is a total imbecile.
  5. How old are you? I am damn near 40 and am JONESING for my next phone. I get anxiety if I leave it at my desk.
  6. Different networks do indeed have different sound setups and different stereo feeds. I watched the whole thing and thought it sounded just fine. Pretty much the same as any other arena sounds on FSS.
  7. Or you could take it from the people who were actually there: http://www.peachtreehoops.com/2015/1/8/7513067/grizzlies-vs-hawks-recap-jeff-teague
  8. That is actually pretty damn awesome. Kudos to the Hawks Marketing team. Looks like it was a success!
  9. http://grantland.com/the-triangle/atlanta-hawks-tinder-and-swipe-right-night-love-in-a-no-longer-hopeless-place/
  10. Nothing worse than having to explain the joke, but here goes a breakdown of what you put in quotes: 1. Creates a "point A to point Z" connect-the-dots relationship with The Hawks by making the ancient reference of Pearl jam to Mookie Blaylock. 2. Tickles the nostalgia gland by making a compliment to Mookie/Augmon being underrated...on NBA JAM. A cartoon basketball video game that featured flaming balls and Bill Clinton as an unlockable character. 3. Throws in obligatory Celtics love with the Barros/Montross reference (HA HA! I AM SUCH A HOMER AND YOU ALL HATE IT!) 4. Combines Pearl Jam (the entire band, mind you) with hansen and then throws Courtney effing Love on top of it to basically slap you on the head and say (I AM KIDDING), because nobody would ever take that seriously. About the only thing he could have done to be a little more obvious would have been to substitute Chris Cornell for Coutney Love and said that not only are the Sonics back, but so is Temple Of The Dog! I guess next time he should pretend he is hitchhiking with a rubber thumb?
  11. I don't call that "coming up with a theory". I call that being nostalgic and having a sense of humor. He obviously is not taking Hansen's bid seriously.
  12. "Fact" and "Objective judgement" are pretty absurd when you are talking about something voted on by the fans.
  13. I just don't get the hate. I really like Simmons. I enjoy his takes on NBA and trades. I also love the infusion of pop culture into his stuff. His Boston homerism doesn't bother me in the least because he has never tried to hide from it, even with ESPN. Anyone going into his material looking for "journalistic integrity" is really going in with the wrong expectation. He's a big-time blogger who is there to entertain while mixing fan insights. Sure beats reading some crusty windbag who takes themselves way too seriously and probably doesn't actually watch the games.
  14. This time it was that Hawes actually did play.
  15. "I don't get how the kids use the Tinder, so fire the Marketing Department." Dear lord, I am a few months from 40 and even I am not this out of touch.
  16. Signs that you're an internet a-hole: Gratuitous use of the terms "fact" and/or "truth". (Not you, JayBird...they know who they are)
  17. This is freaking unbelievable. This team could not have better parts working in better unison. Holy hell.
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