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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. I'm not surprised Wade stayed.  The Heat have been good to him, even before LeBron got there.  Wade is to Miami what Kobe is to the Lakers.  Both will likely retire with those teams.  What I don't understand is why Bosh stayed.


    They are still a decent team, just not great. That is, until Wade starts sputtering again with injuries, etc. And that will happen.

  2. There is always a bias ... same reason the Cavs are getting so much love even though they have not played well


    As soon as Lebron went to the Heat ... Espn who is supposed to be unbias and impartial created 'Heat Index' page just for the Heat and had the link on the ESPN NBA menu home page.  It was there until the summer where I noticed that it isn't there anymore


    When did ESPN ever claim to be unbiased?

  3. Ferry would be Blackballed if said something about Jews. Look who owns the league. You can say craziness v. Black folks for the most pt and get away with it. There is a billion dollar industry called neo-con radio and Fox News based on it. But the White jews, you can't say nothing or your fired. No speaking to the Jewish leaders of the community. No talking to the person and saying you are truly sorry. No, your career is going straight Mel Gibson. 


    Jessie Jackson called New York City "Hymie Town". Really derailed his "career" there.  Mel Gibson beat his girlfriend, and has bashed Jews, gays, and Hispanics and it has hurt his career exactly zero. He's about to become a billionaire.


    1. Entertainment industries (sports, TV, movies, etc) are NOT equivalent to normal everyday life in a "regular" job. 


    2. White guilt is so high these days that people like Paula Deen are being destroyed by things they said 20 years ago. 


    3. Donald Sterling. (Although if idiot people would have just not freaked out and let him die, he wouldn't have profited from it).


    You sound really paranoid. Sorry the man is keeping you down so hard.

  4. Sure. Josh Smith not being able to defend outside outside of 5 feet is ridiculous. He is a great passer at his position, his time in Atlanta shows that. He could also bring the ball up the court, even if he did it all to often. The guy has skills even if he refuses to use them properly, So don't make him sound like a rookie Gerald Green.

    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

    Josh can not and could never bring the ball up the court. He was HORRIBLE at it and it was mainly because he had no idea how to throw an outlet pass.

    His defense was the most mythical part of his game. If the guy he was guarding had even a remotely decent jumper, it was easy pickings. Go back and watch Josh get repeatedly sucked into the lane trying for a highlight block (that he would probably swat out of bounds resulting in the other team getting possession) and his guy standing unguarded for a wide open jumper.

    His "passing" was nothing more than jumping and making idiotic fastballs to whatever guy was standing on the opposite side of the court. Leaving your feet and cross-court passes are 5th grade level fundamental mistakes. Have you ever seen him throw a proper chest pass? No. Does he even know what a bounce pass is? My guess is no.

    Josh does far more terrible than he does good on a court. His game stinks of never being coached properly.

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  5. So why would another team take him?


    Sixers are trying to lose. They should scoop him up pronto!

    Exactly.  I am assuming Van Gundy tried to deal him and ended up stuck with him.


    Same thing happened to Danny Ferry. Luckily the contract was coming to an end. No such luck for SVG.

  6. Tank or use that money for an impact player. 


    Because Parker and Wiggins are just destroying the league.


    Millsap is an impact player and he makes less than $10 million per. Saying it is a bad signing is just being whiny for the sake of being whiny.

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