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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. Wow . . . just wow.




    128 people killed in Georgia due to domestic violence in 2012 . . which is 10th highest in the nation.  Probably tens of thousands of other women ( and a few men ) were injured due to domestic violence.   About 1,200 women die from domestic violence every year.   That's horrible.






    301 people killed in Georgia due to drunk driving accidents in 2012.   Probably tens of thousands of other people injured in drunk driving wreks.   About 10,000 people die from drunk driving wrecks every year.  But according to you guys, that's not as bad.



    Once again . . in the Lance case, his girl was treated and released for her injuries.   And Lance, while being arrested, was not prosecuted for this incident.


    Bud was arrested and charged with DUI.  He refused a breathalyzer test, which could've solidified that he was drunk ( and a smart move if indeed he was drunk ).   Despite being arrested, he has not been prosecuted for that crime ( as of right now ).

    DUI is too often confused with vehicular homicide. If someone dies, that is murder. If someone is pulled over and had a beer or two, that is a midemeanor.

    The "people could have died" excuse can be applied to anything. A DUI is nothing compared to getting mad, thinking about it and then assaulting a woman or child or anyone for that matter. That is a pre-meditated (usually sober) decision to harm someone.

    And DUI is not "drunk driving" as it can be attributed to cough meds or pain killers or anything that impairs driving.

    Bud's DUI was nothing. Nobody got hurt. He might lose his license for a while. The two are not even on the same planet in a legal sense.

  2. Not if they've got 65 million or so already in committed contracts and aren't willing to pay the luxury tax. I can see why they'd be trying to get him as cheap as possible. 


    I can agree with that but you'd think they be able to make some room if they saw another superstar in the making.  Maybe they can't (I am no cap expert).


    Just seems like they are half-assing it. Kinda like the team did in the 2014 part of the season (Sick burn!)

  3. Giving a mentally fragile, 13ppg guy a huge deal?


    This smells like looking back and thinking "Wow did they (whomever inevitably pays him) over-pay".


    If this guy was that good, the Pacers would be falling over themselves to get him signed. Instead they are giving a "hey look, we tried."

    • Like 1
  4. Shot mechanics?... hehe... you mean like shooting the ball from behind your head?

    I pretty much abandoned trying to diagnose how anyone ought to shoot early in my life, after watching what this guy did.

    When I see guys catapult their shots, I cringe. Hey if they go in, that's great, but I don't have to enjoy looking at it.

  5. Really? Amare was a very desirable player! He put up 25 and 9 with 2 blocks his 1st year in NY and 23 and 9 his last year in Phoenix.


    Had one good season, sure, but it's not like they were a threat to go to the Finals. 


    But back to my original point, if NYK was such an awesome destination, the Knicks would have been the Yankees of basketball. Instead they are more like the Orioles of basketball. A good season here or there, but pretty much an afterthought. Seems to me like players always mention them because you have to so they feel better about themselves.

  6. You be the GM.......

    Give me your best pitch to Bring Lebron to Atlanta (complete with Salary).

    "Our coach runs the system that just put on a basketball camp right in your face. Here is $1 billion."

    Give me your best pitch to bring Melo to Atlanta (complete with Salary).

    "You should probably follow Mike Woodson wherever he goes so you can just chuck shots every night".

    Give me your best pitch to bring Gortat to Atlanta (complete wth Salary)

    "Hey, we have Lebron!"

    Give me your best pitch to bring Fans to the games.

    "We did not sign Carmello Anthony...oh and FREE WIFI!"

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