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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Not sure how anyone could watch the Finals and call the Heat a favorite.
  2. Like that is a really exclusive club in Atlanta.
  3. He is being paid an irresponsible amount of money is my point.
  4. He is a legend for the greatest Gold Club quote of all time: "WHO WANTS TO SEX MUTOMBO!?"
  5. $21 million per season for Johnson vs $19 million per year for Millsap, Korver and Carroll. I fail to see the downside in this.
  6. The twitter account of the Hawks is really great. It gets the Hawks recognized and is all very fun. People need to lighten up.
  7. James Harden got votes? Then who cares about the award as it is now pointless.
  8. GO SPURS. Get a ring for Diaw! I kinda wish the Pacers could make it so I could watch 4 straight 30 point drubbings at the hands of Pop's crew.
  9. No free agents want to come here (well except all stars), but they will flock to Charlotte? Complain just to complain. Rinse. Repeat.
  10. While I would have loved to get Chris Paul, he wasn't ever really available. He agreed to terms prior to the signing date and actually signed at the earliest moment possible. As far as Dwight, while I agree he can be a piece, asking him to carry a team is a huge mistake. He is a mentally fragile man-baby. He originally wanted to be in Houston and that is where he ended up. He got what he wanted. I am sure after another derailed season he'll start crying again.
  11. Didn't we just sign an all star like a year ago?
  12. This is an example of trying too hard.
  13. Chris Paul was never available. Howard was pretty much unavailable as Houston was his first choice and he ended up there. People bought way too far into the fantasy predictions of the off-season.
  14. Umm...isn't this unfair to the other fans in those seats?
  15. Waka waka Waka waka Waka waka BLOOOOP!
  16. Very nice to see the Hawks have a coach that plays matchups so well and is not afraid to dictate them on the fly.
  17. Duff_Man

    Game 6....

    If only I lived closer. I'd be there with bells (and a Horford jersey) on!
  18. Taco Mac at the CNN Center/Philips Arena. They have 120+ taps and a ton of TVs. Always a fun time.
  19. Sign another Josh Smith...this time at guard?
  20. Not only that, there are no names on the recording. While we can say it is him, proving it in court is another story. Oh and if he has to sell the team, he'll make over $500 million. Sterling will win one way or another.
  21. It took years for Marge Schott to go and even when she did it was on her terms to sell out to the other owners. Anyone who thinks this maniac is going to go quietly is kidding themselves. The NBA doesn't have a whole lot of power here as far as his ownership goes.
  22. "I didn't care about all the stuff he said over the past 30 years...but NOW I am serious."
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