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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. These two things are mutually exclusive. Engaging the fans is never a bad thing.
  2. No amount of proper training in the universe can stop an ankle from turning like that. Sometimes things are just not preventable.
  3. The Raptors should fold as a team after giving up a 34 point game and a triple double to guys with "no talent".
  4. Finally got to the office so I can answer this in a little more detail. Firstly, I have an extremely difficult time following the rantings of people who are so pissed off at a team they supposedly love that they have to trash players on the team and then turn around and praise garbage on other teams. Biyombo? Seriously? If you hate us the Hawks that much that a scrub looks better than any Hawk, then why bother watching at all? You'll never be happy and just rant about god knows what and look like a baby in the process. Secondly, I will never understand why fans these days want to fire everyone at the drop of a hat. Regardless of what you think of the moves made to the team, you don't just keep firing guys and turning over the structure of the team and expect better results. When you do, you become the Cleveland Browns. Sometimes things take more than one season to get going. Opportunities will arise, but they don't happen every day. It's taking the right opportunities and maximizing them for the benefit of a quality end product. Sometimes that means you have to take a temporary route to fill a roster. That's just life and sports business in general. Thirdly, saying that the Hawks have no "talent" is using an ambiguous term to voice that you don't like a player/players. The team employs two All-Stars and yet they have no talent? It is a term that cannot be quantified. Yet when people put numbers up, it doesn't matter because somehow that doesn't measure talent. If watching this Hawks team is so painful and detrimental to your life, then don't watch them. And if it so hard on you, then maybe watching sports isn't for you.
  5. You should give up basketball...no all sports. Seriously.
  6. RealGM: Where opinions are FACT. I get the feeling if you were a Cleveland fan, you'd be loving the "talent" (ambiguous, non-quantifiable term alert!) on other teams.
  7. Awww...somone has a poopie in their diaper. So cute.
  8. How to appear to build a solid internet argument: Use non-quantifiable/ambiguous terms. "Superstar" "Everybody" "Maybe" "Possible" "Big Money" "Serious" Words that look like you're making an argument, but in the end, it is still guess work and buzz words. Empty.
  9. Atlanta fans: Even when we win, it was only because the other team stinks or had someone hurt.
  10. We got rid of Allan Houston part 2. But I guess when you can pay 30+ year old Joe Johnson more than Lebron James, you spent wisely.
  11. I have a buddy who is a vice principal in a bad part of Philly. He has told me that correcting poor grammar is now considered racist and they have been instructed to not do it.
  12. Not having to watch Josh Smith has been a tremendous life improvement for me.
  13. Assuming there is one available. Why do I get the feeling that this is an attempt to blame DF for the fake free agency of Howard/Paul?
  14. Well except for missing out on the East Coast TV dollars that would be missed. If your "best teams" scenario was the case, you risk having many (most) games of interest starting at 10pm. Good luck with that for the advertising money. And good luck getting people to tune in for Spurs/Nets. Another issue then is giving the Commissioner veto rights over playoff teams. No owner in their right mind would allow this. "best interests of the league" is great in theory, but no team owner would ever think that way. It would also affect free agency, etc. It's just not realistic. At that point, just let the fans vote for the playoff teams.
  15. I put that through Google Translate and here was the result:
  16. I love how all of the sudden people seem to think the franchise will never sign anyone ever again.
  17. Problem: What execs would agree to not having playoff games? You really think they'd give up the extra dollars? No chance.The system is fine.
  18. I wish we could somehow get Bosh and Melo on the same team as the "stars". That would be the highest of comedy.
  19. I donated to their Kickstarter and all I got was a minority ownership of the team.
  20. Makes me feel fine Blowin' through the Jasmine in my miiiiiiind.
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