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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. What do you expect to see in an exhibition game? A bunch of perfectly executed screen-and-rolls? A couple of elite level pick-and-pops? Some choice 2-2-1 press execution?

    It's meant to be dunks, 3's and a bunch of plays to display talent/athleticism that the average guy can't duplicate. Watch an instructional video if you're looking for some purist rendition of basketball. IOW, adjust your expectations and you'll enjoy it more.

    Now if you'd said you can't stand the concerts and other pre-game crap then I'd be right along side you. Or if you opine for the '80's when All-Star weekend was truly a show, then I'd be lock-step with you.

    I can make 12 year-olds look great without a defense in front of them. I get that it is an exhibition, but it has just become a pile of crap. The teams used to at least compete or look like they were trying. Now it is "lets throw a bunch of lobs and get out of here so we can get to the club."

  2. The problem with Hotlanta's "negativity" is that it is based on fact. That's why his statements sting so much at times.

    Calling the team "f***ing losers" is really constructive and factual.

    Of course I guess I should expect that crap from a guy who used to come in here and use racial slurs (albeit against whites so nobody cared, but still).

    And to think the shtick is still going after 12 years leads me to believe he started posting at 10 years old or has tremendous anger issues.

  3. There's an ignore function? Where and how does it work?

    See your name at the top right there? Drop down the options and the Ignore Function is in there.

    The problem is it doesn't truly ignore as it lets you know when a poster has posted something. I'd love to see a board be able to show nothing, including quotes.

  4. My most vivid memories of SAR were him not running back on defense to argue calls or stare at the ref. He could have been so much more but just did not have the desire to be great. Never saw an ounce of hustle out of him. No real mystery why he went to the playoffs a total of once in his career.

    People defend him because of where he is from, but he was not everything he should have been.

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