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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. I think I heard Nique (or Bob) say that one of the players/coaches talked to him about his tendency to take a jab-step or fake before shooting, and just shoot it if he's open. That seems to have helped. This was about a week ago.

    Antić is a nice option to have off the bench. Heck, he could even draw bigs away from the pint when playing with Horf and Sap.

    Nobody ever was able to draw Vin Baker away from the pint.

    • Like 3
  2. I can't believe so many people on here have mentioned trading Millsap. He is one of the better power forwards in the NBA (easily one of the most underrated), he'll never be a distraction, he has a team friendly contract, and he fits well with our style of play. If anything I'd be looking to extend him next year.

    And he looks like he genuinely loves playing for the Hawks.I think we will extend Millsap. He's a hell of a player and this new Horford injury may seal the deal on that.
    • Like 1
  3. Quit with the lies about Marvin. OK, Lies is the wrong word.. but Marvin would have done no better. Marvin is in the Utah System... under Corbin. That system thrives on PNR ball to a much higher degree than we do it. Yet Marvin has not broke out yet. Let's understand the truth... Marvin lacked aggressiveness as a scorer and he bitched about being benched (also). He would not have thrived under Bud.. Bud would have rightly sent him to the d-League.

    Well then he sure as hell wasn't putting up with "mid range shawty".

  4. That's not true. I think all of them were capable of moving without the ball.

    I Think the problem at the time was simple, there was no discipline for Smoove. When you hire a coach and give him a short leash and he's one of the lowest paid coaches in the game, it's hard to expect that he will manage players the way they need managing. Smoove needed benching. Cheeks has done a wonderful job of coaching Smoove. Smoove understands one thing in Detroit... It's not his team. He can be benched at any time. Therefore, you see Smoove not settling for the dumb shot as much. When you got LD and Woody on these unstable contracts, winning is what they had to do and that means keeping Smoove on the floor.

    Here's my question...

    Would Coach bud had shipped Marvin to the d-League?

    Would Coach Bud have demanded a PG?

    Not settling for dumb shots? This is ignorance on a level I can't even fathom.

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