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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. That's not irony, it is a coincidence. #grammarnazi
  2. Yeah this. I'm just too lazy to type out the specifics.
  3. DirecTV shows a few movies in 1080p, but they are up-coverts. No regular network has cameras that can capture 1080p. Way too much cost to do upgrades and it would be a HUGE bandwidth hog. Best you get is 720p/1080i.
  4. The games are broadcast in 720, so it is the best quality you can get. No network broadcasts in 1080p.
  5. Monopoly? Get DirecTV or Dish Network.
  6. The Hawks weren't in a commercial? So what?
  7. Yeah...he'd choose the Raptors. I mean with their taxes, that's a no-brainer.
  8. So what this team needs is a guy hoisting up 23 shots a night? Sure.
  9. There are going to be some growing pains until the squad is comfortable and Bud has rotations down. 2-3 is OK at this point. Once this team comes together, they will be a force.
  10. Loose ball in traffic at the hoop = layup. Got it.
  11. This is a pretty large amount of over-reaction to one shot.
  12. Following the Pistons' site on SB Nation...they are already tired of Smith.
  13. Anyone who bought into those rumors was insane. Paul was never available and that idiot Howard just entertained teams as leverage.
  14. If we were to get Kevin Love, I'd fall over with glee.
  15. Jefferson is a crap player. Especially for us. A shoot-first no-defense center. He embodies a lot of what is wrong with players. Like Josh was.
  16. Josh Smith is not an impact player.
  17. Well this comes as little to no surprise. Just make the stuff legal and be done with it.
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