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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. To call cable companies a monopoly is either a misuse of the term monopoly or a misunderstanding of telecommunications. You do realize that you are making a conscious choice of living in an apartment complex? No one forced you there. You have to make tradeoffs, you pay less in an apartment complex but pay more with your limited services. There are other areas you can live.

    There was a time that telecommunications did have local monopolies, but that seems to only exist for extremely rural areas these days. Monopoly is not the term to describe telecommunications as there are multiple providers for internet and television service for 99.9% of the US population. Do these services have mark-ups? Of course. But the world is not all Monopoly or Perfect Competition.

    I think this is what Duff was referring to in his short post, which I tend to agree with.

    Yeah this. I'm just too lazy to type out the specifics.

  2. You sure? I thought that DirecTV offered them in 1080p. I haven't had DirecTV in a long time but I figured they would surely be broadcasting in 1080p.

    DirecTV shows a few movies in 1080p, but they are up-coverts. No regular network has cameras that can capture 1080p. Way too much cost to do upgrades and it would be a HUGE bandwidth hog. Best you get is 720p/1080i.

  3. I wonder how long that ballstreams site will be up. They're charging people to use their hacked feeds of NBA broadcasts and the NBA can't be too happy with that.According to their site their HD feeds are in 720p so it's not full on HD but still good and I think that's the same resolution that league pass broadband offers.

    The games are broadcast in 720, so it is the best quality you can get. No network broadcasts in 1080p.

  4. Haha, thanks for the help guys, I should've done a search. Sounds like I'll have to get cable, I guess Tunnelbear may work but if it doesn't I'm screwed. Plus it will cost $5/month anyway. I really wish UVerse was available here but looks like I'll have to contribute to the Comcast monopoly.

    Monopoly? Get DirecTV or Dish Network.

  5. I dont mind Milsap taking and making a three once a game, but I rather Al not even flirt around with the arc. So much he can't do out there, offensive rebound or put the ball on the floor for starters. I have to question a coach who is encouraging that from a veteran Big who isnt used to shooting threes, let alone one with an underwhelming post game. I rather Kyle shoot a contested three than most people in the league shooting open. Al from 18 stretches the floor just fine. This stretch Big sh$t is getting out of hand.

    This is a pretty large amount of over-reaction to one shot.

  6. I kind of don't want us to be. Simple truth this team is NOT a watchable team. It doesn't matter if we are ranked 1. We have no star power, no electricity, nothing. Now Schröder in a few year might be one of those guys. Right now? This team is full of yawn. I just don't see this team as anything higher than 15 and anything lower than 27. I would love for a true lottery guy. Apparently trying to buy one in FA isn't going to happen.

    Because that's what wins. Entertainment.

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  7. I have sat out of conversations since the free agency failings happened. I am trying to see where this team is at with the collection we have. I am not sure I am totally wrong so far (remember so far) on the scoring from this team, it is either live by the 3 or score 80. Rebounding is KILLING us, I've watched what I could of the games, and man...we need some rebounding. As for the scheme, I think it is possible to work, but we have some pieces we need badly for it to work. I true big would help, a PF...Now I will reserve the right to say I told you so later in the season, BUT to be fair I will be the first to admit I was wrong. I DO hope they either fix some of the issues OR just go for top of draft. Sitting in the middle will...well....keep us in the middle.

    Free agent failures?

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