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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Considering he is still in the NBA, that can't even be close.
  2. I always feel a little sad when I see people make an attempt at humor that falls way short.
  3. And they weren't in the running at all to begin with.
  4. Ferry was probably begging Dwight to sign with Houston. Seeing Josh and Dwight on the floor together would be pure hilarity.
  5. They won 20 games the year before. They won the lottery. They didn't tank (Robinson went down and Nique was their best player), and the league did not award them anything. That thinking is absurd.
  6. Oh look, Dwight doesn't like yet another coach. Despite that stupid fake smile, the guy is a true a-hole. His body can't keep up because of nagging injuries and a lack of quickness and it is the coach's fault. Sure, Dwight.
  7. The fact that Ferry dumped the worst contract in the NBA and still has a playoff team gives him Carte Blanche in my book. If "rebuilding" means still making the playoffs and competing, that is a great thing.
  8. 44% from the field, 35% from three, and 52% from the line. What's not to love?
  9. Just an FYI, there is now an Atlanta Hawks Community on Google+! Join in for hangouts, news, updates and more! Better than Facebook and twice the fun! https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/110624196611055484919
  10. He has no idea how to play basketball. Can't dribble, can't shoot, can't pass, and refuses to do what he is good at.
  11. Anatomy of a Josh Smith fast break from last night:-Get defensive rebound-No outlet. Proceeds to bring the ball up himself.-Leaves feet to make a pass.-Makes one-handed bounce pass.-Ball never gets to recipient, but Hawks ball.-Hawks Turnover. Zero points.He broke FOUR basic fundamental rules in 8 seconds. Truly amazing.
  12. We'll all be waiting out here on the edge of our seats.
  13. How did this thread end up with a Sixpoint Diesel Stout in it? I have Sixpoint Apollo and Resin in my fridge right now.
  14. Now you know how we feel about your Teague opinions.
  15. We can't amnesty him because we won't be footing a huge bill for a guy on another team.
  16. I really wish I could remove that idiotic diatribe from my brain. Sweet, sweet irony.
  17. Duff_Man

    Josh Smith

    Eight years and he still can't pass or dribble and has seemingly learned nothing about the game.If he would learn to throw an outlet pass and run the court, he'd be a great player.
  18. He is putting up numbers, but he makes so many bad plays that people tend to ignore. If only he knew what an outlet pass was, he might get some better percentage shots. Instead, he likes to sabotage fast breaks and lag back on defense to talk at the refs.
  19. So Al's master plan was to come back for only two to four games?You people ragging on him are complete morons.
  20. This is stupidity on a galactic level.
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