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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. However, it all begins and ends with that first pick overall in 1997 (that was given to them by the league).

    They won 20 games the year before. They won the lottery. They didn't tank (Robinson went down and Nique was their best player), and the league did not award them anything. That thinking is absurd.

  2. Smith was a good player. He average 12/5 for his career and much higher in his prime with Houston. Shot almost 50% from the field and 40% from 3. He had a good career.

    Check out the picture at bball reference. Less than a year with the Hawks and this is the pict?


    Better not search for Bimbo Coles then, either,

  3. Anatomy of a Josh Smith fast break from last night:-Get defensive rebound-No outlet. Proceeds to bring the ball up himself.-Leaves feet to make a pass.-Makes one-handed bounce pass.-Ball never gets to recipient, but Hawks ball.-Hawks Turnover. Zero points.He broke FOUR basic fundamental rules in 8 seconds. Truly amazing.

  4. Eight years and he still can't pass or dribble and has seemingly learned nothing about the game.If he would learn to throw an outlet pass and run the court, he'd be a great player.

  5. Three or four months is not a season.Al has been cleared to play basketball for over three weeks. MC has tweeted already that Doctors have told Al there is no risk for further injury or even re-injury.https://twitter.com/...300432521216001Yall "smh" and "lol" comments are hilarious. Bottom line is that Horford is a bitch for not coming back sooner, absolutely nothing will change my mind about that when there is no risk of re-injury and you have been given the medical GO from doctors.

    This is stupidity on a galactic level.
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