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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Paul Pierce is 50 years old and was Tebowing on our court. Al being excited about a win is NOTHING. My god, you'd think we'd be HAPPY to get some fire back. Joe and Josh certainly haven't been bringing any.
  2. Josh had one of the worst games last night. Ignore the numbers, he contributed to a lot of lost possessions last night.That being said, we can't win without him.
  3. If he doesn't play, who will run our fast breaks?
  4. Someone better tell that to Raymond Felton.
  5. You're missing two things here: 1. His assist to turnover ratio is horrendous. 2. They have no Carmelo, which is making them a better team. People ignore that fact, but it's true.
  6. So you think 45 turnovers in 7 games is acceptable? Stop falling for the flash in the pan stuff. It's a good story but let's not lose our heads.
  7. Stop bringing the ball up the floor, Josh. Learn the game, Josh.
  8. If Josh Smith is ever your #1 option, you're doing it wrong.
  9. Lin had NINE turnovers last night. FORTY FIVE in his last seven games. Over the last 7 games during the Linsanity, Teague and Kirk have 14 turnovers COMBINED. Add Pargo and it gets to 18. People are conveniently ignoring Lin's massive turnover issues. So there.
  10. Zaza has been playing very smart basketball this season. Love seeing him play at a high level (for him). Liking the effort.
  11. Most of his numbers are down from last year and not even close to his best. So, no.
  12. Josh Smith, please learn these things: 1. Chest Pass. 2. Bounce Pass. 3. Outlet pass. Basketball IQ -3.
  13. Why is "Hideously awful and highly stupid" not an option?
  14. Or maybe because LD sat him while he was smoking hot. LD has a way of putting hot players in the fridge to cool them down.
  15. Yeah but they wouldn't be able to play on Sundays.
  16. Getting Howard would tear me apart. I hate Howard. I'd have to learn to love him.
  17. I thought it was an interesting take. ASG was made to look pretty bad. And they are.
  18. And that about sums up why Josh Smith will never be great. Playing stupid basketball isn't acceptable if others are doing it. Great players would change the mentality. Josh is a complimentary player with some great flashes and that is it. He will never be a great player because he does not have the mental part.
  19. And Teague played this well head to head with the MVP. Imagine how much better we would have been in the regular season had LD not completely mis-handled JT's minutes. I think that alone may be a fireable offense. If you are too blind to see the obvious talent that is sitting there rotting away on the bench, then you're unfit to be a professional head coach. Period.
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