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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. He played a great game but....Horford really needs to relax with all the fake tough guy stuff. C'mon... you won the game so there was no need for such sophomoric behavior. All he has done is given the Celtics a reason to play harder. Good win, but dumb move. This is the NBA, and he's a playoff vet, so he should act as if he has been here before.

    Paul Pierce is 50 years old and was Tebowing on our court. Al being excited about a win is NOTHING. My god, you'd think we'd be HAPPY to get some fire back. Joe and Josh certainly haven't been bringing any.
    • Like 1
  2. This thread is a complete joke. Ruin his confidence? Teague is a grown man.. He has to be confident in himself before anyone else will. Its not josh's fault, he's a terrible finisher around the basket and can't hit his free throws. Rose nb eat Teague off the dribble over and over the last game, but I guess that was smoove's fault huh? Gtfoh.


    Someone better tell that to Raymond Felton.

  3. We need a Jeremy Lin. Someone with a lot of talent who FITS our system which is very similar to NY and can be a LEGIT #1 option or someone like Monta Ellis. Without trading Al, Josh, or Joe. There is no big I see on the market outside of Dwight that's available without trading Al, Josh, or Joe.

    So you think 45 turnovers in 7 games is acceptable? Stop falling for the flash in the pan stuff. It's a good story but let's not lose our heads.

    • Like 3
  4. Lin had NINE turnovers last night. FORTY FIVE in his last seven games. Over the last 7 games during the Linsanity, Teague and Kirk have 14 turnovers COMBINED. Add Pargo and it gets to 18.

    People are conveniently ignoring Lin's massive turnover issues.

    So there.

  5. Joe was channeling his Game 4 against the Celtics. Fun to watch. Not fun to watch is Teague after the first quarter. He must have some conditioning issues, because he seems to do that a lot. Start strong and then he just goes flat. So flat he decides to pass up an open 3 for a Josh 3... worked out that time at least.

    Or maybe because LD sat him while he was smoking hot. LD has a way of putting hot players in the fridge to cool them down.

  6. He's wealthy, no doubt. I just hope he invests the money needed to make this franchise successful, billionaire or not. The last thing this team needs is a penny-pinching owner.I wonder if there were no local prospective buyers? I wish Sam Cathy, who owns Chick-Fil-A, bought the franchise. Think of the marketing opportunities they could have done with the Hawks and chicken sandwiches.

    Yeah but they wouldn't be able to play on Sundays.
  7. I spoke to him the day following one bad shooting performance in the playoffs and he said, “I know sometimes I take shots I shouldn’t. But I’m not the only one in here who takes bad shots. I just get talked about more than anybody else.”

    And that about sums up why Josh Smith will never be great. Playing stupid basketball isn't acceptable if others are doing it. Great players would change the mentality. Josh is a complimentary player with some great flashes and that is it. He will never be a great player because he does not have the mental part.

  8. And Teague played this well head to head with the MVP. Imagine how much better we would have been in the regular season had LD not completely mis-handled JT's minutes. I think that alone may be a fireable offense. If you are too blind to see the obvious talent that is sitting there rotting away on the bench, then you're unfit to be a professional head coach. Period.

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