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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Now being 3rd Team All-NBA and an All Star sucks? He had a less than stellar series. Who cares? It happens. Get over it and shut up.
  2. Even the crickets don't care.
  3. I was wishing Josh would have pulled a D-Wade and hit the ground appearing to writhe in pain. Probably would have gotten Carlos tossed and a little extra sympathy from the refs.
  4. I'd like him better if he took his own SATs. But seriously, they are giving him WAY too much with the whistles. MVP or not, it is absurd what is going on out there.
  5. Duff_Man

    That "foul"

    So wait...they didn't lower the 25 point hoop and put Dan Cortese in?
  6. Duff_Man


    It is an odd state of affairs, but after last year, this is a real series. I see it going seven games. Here's to hoping we can get "Dallas Hot" for a couple games and that Josh stays in the zone!
  7. Ooh ooh!! I know the answer!!! It's: WHO GIVES A CRAP?
  8. I always bash Josh for his poor play. Tonight he was an amazing player. Totally dialed in and doing (OK...almost) all the right things. FANTASTIC game by Josh tonight.
  9. Please leave. We won't miss you.
  10. 14 rebounds and 6 assists and people are saying he is "garbage"? Well then last night Josh Smith was "CYO League" bad. At times Josh Smith did things that made it look like he was throwing the game. But at least he removed the headband so we knew he was upset. He took bad basketball to dizzying heights last night. A total detriment on the floor. But hey, let's bash the guy who actually did something positive for the team.
  11. I didn't vote, but I predicted the exact final score in every game. True story.
  12. Not sure how many regular season Hawks games you actually watch, but none of the players are a "draw".
  13. So you want to lose a playoff game...for a chant? Sometimes Atlanta fans prove the critics right.
  14. Actually, the playoffs are where Hawks fans seem to really show up. Us winning game 1 will ensure a rowdy house on Friday.
  15. I would not be the least bit surprised if 3 of our centers foul out tonight. The screw job will be in for games 2 and three. Watch what ref crew we draw each game. You see Joey Crawford and we're F-ed in the A.
  16. Watch with the sound off...you'll think the Magic won.
  17. Can't buy into this. This team does not have the mental toughness to just flip a switch back on like that. LD played a really poor hand by ending on 6 losses in a row.
  18. Taking away blocks that get swatted out of bounds thus retaining possession for the other team, he has five on the season.
  19. Former NBA ref who says Nique owes him money for suits.
  20. Josh works hard on the wrong things. He needs to work on the little things like "passing" and "dribbling".
  21. Josh Smith should take note. Every time he throws a one-handed pass, I die a little inside.
  22. Duff_Man

    Bad Beats

    I was hoping this thread was about bad rap songs. Dammit.
  23. Too late. He needed coaches who would teach him fundamentals and humility when he was 18-22. The ship has sailed. You can't just learn good habits overnight. All a decent coach would do to him now is clash with #5's massive ego.
  24. Until Josh learns how to: 1. Make an outlet pass 2. Make a chest pass 3. Get the ball to a guard so the offense can be run 4. Not puss out when he has 2 fouls 5. Play real defense on the ball I give him ZERO latitude. He has no respect for the game and he is fundamentally retarded. Oh and his "defense" in March? Steals + blocks = 25; Turnovers = 24. Oh and subtract 10 of those 15 blocks because the ball went to the other team after it was swatted out of bounds instead of resulting in a Hawks possession.
  25. Of all the people to be yelling at, Zaza is one of the last. At least he is out there giving 100% and at least when he plays he gets to the line. Larry Drew can't see the forest for the trees.
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