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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. Again I say it shows how sad of state this team is in where someone like Josh Smith has the green light and is allowed to do whatever the hell he wants to out there. The players got LD his job and they don't respect him as a coach. Why wasn't Smoove benched? The crap he is pulling will not cut it during playoff time. How many shots does a player have to miss before he realizes that he may need to drive to the basket? Damn near all of this jumpers are wide open. I would rather Marv take 20 shots than Smoove. You all talk about his blocks but what about the turnovers. Last night he had 3 blocks and 4 turnovers his turnovers negated the blocks. We need to trade this guy while we still can.

    And how many of those three blocks gave the Hawks a possession? Swatting it into the 4th row and giving the other team a re-start is not productive.

  2. Josh Smith has and always will be a stat player. He is a born loser just like Reef was. You know that despite his stats, that you're not going to win games because of him.

    Mark this down on your calendars, people...I agree with Hotlanta here. Josh is not a great player, yet in his mind, he is. He has to go.

  3. Josh Smith an elite defender? On what planet? Anyone who can shoot abuses him because he hates playing any defense outside of 8 feet. He blocks shots, but more than half of those go back to the other team because instead of blocking them to prevent baskets, he blocks them into the 8th row to make a highlight reel. He can't dribble or handle the ball, he has ZERO basketball IQ, he pouts, and he doesn't buy into the system at all. Sometimes I could fry an egg in the time it takes him to cross half court on defense. All the talent in the world and he won't play a team game. It is frustrating to say the least.

    But he gets a pass by fans because he is flashy and sometimes puts up a big box score.

  4. The dumb plays were mostly Joe Johnson's turnovers (and Josh's offensiv foul plus Technical) and our innability to pass the ball in the fourth. Josh Smith bailed us out, not his fault he is getting the ball in the corner with the shot clock running out... What exactly do you suggest he should have done in that situation?

    Seven seconds left on the shot clock when he caught it.

    He doesn't, and never will, get it.

  5. Josh lacks basketball IQ. Plain and simple. Whether it is leaving his man wide open to try to make a Sports Center highlight, yelling at refs instead of hustling, getting technicals late in the game to cost us valuable points, or simply taking awful shots...the guy just doesn't get it. He has good numbers and I'd trade him in a heartbeat. His value is high, and I say find some sucker to take on the man-baby.

  6. :nono: tisk tisk MrH. The moment we all started witnessing Mo taking turnaround jumpers, driving hooks, contested 3s and trying to dunk in traffic we all should have taken notice that this is a man playing for a contract. This year's Mo puts up shots at a moments notice which goes a long way towards keeping turnovers down.

    I don't see it that way. He gets an opportunity and he takes it. He's been a solid guy and gives good effort. He's not afraid to dive for loose balls and follow shots in traffic.

    I'd miss him.

  7. I'm surprised anyone would put SAR on disappointed list. The guy got us around 20/10 on some bad teams and had slim pickings around him.

    Personally I think Dion Glover was my biggest disappointment. I honestly thought if he had some run he could be a 20 ppg guy in the L but I was WAY wrong on that one.

    As for being better, I have to say Steve Smith. I knew he was coming off ACL surgery and I was upset we traded Willis at the time. He more than lived up to what I thought he would bring.

    SAR only ever put up good numbers on bad teams. His numbers were doctored in Vancouver by statisticians. He was lazy and frustrated me to no end. Numbers be damned, he made nobody around him better. Never was going to be a #1 player on a team. I expected him to be better and was very disappointed.


    Steve Smith

    Mookie Blaylock

    Stacey Augmon

    Josh Smith

    Andrew Lang (I thought he was going to be REALLY bad but he did OK)

    Snoop Graham

    Mike Bibby


    Acie Law

    Chris Washburn

    Travis Mays

    Theo Ratliff

    Tony Delk

    JR Rider

    Danny Manning

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