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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. He's a Barry. They're ALL jerks.
  2. I'm gonna go ahead and agree with this.
  3. I was at the game last night. My whole section was baffled by the shot clock snafu as well as a ton of no calls when Al and Josh went to the hole (My seats were very close to the floor and you could see and hear everything). Cavs fans were apologizing to me for stealing a game they know they should have lost. It was truly a horribly officiated game.
  4. The Celts were 8-1 when we beat them. Literally the only way they could have been playing better is if they were 9-0.
  5. We beat Portland twice. We destroyed the Nuggets at home. We went on the road and beat the Celtics. We beat the Heat. We beat the Rockets. We went on the road and beat the Mavs. Why discount wins against good teams here? The fact is that we're winning games at a good clip. We should be loving this team right now. We lost a game...so what? We might be a 4th seed...so what? If this is your favorite team, just enjoy a nice winning season instead of s*** on everything they do. It's disgusting what the "fans" here do to say that all our wins are flukes and all our losses were expected. Ever remember what it was like to enjoy watching basketball? If you think the Hawks are a bad team in wins or losses then just do us a favor and stop watching and commenting about it.
  6. I hate to be negative, but last night he was awful. At one point he took out the super-hot Jamal and put in the Arctic Marvin for about 7 minutes when we were creeping back in under single digits. Also, when it was apparent we needed maximum offense, he kept trying to put in defense with Mo and Zaza. I was scratching my head a lot last night with the substitutions.
  7. Boo hoo. We lost. So what? Get over it you knee-jerk crybabies. Even the Lakers lost in Denver, and the Nugs owed us for the way we prison-raped them in Atlanta. Also, quit making excuses for every win we have. It's sickening.
  8. Kevin Love is one of my favorite players. No flash, no style, no showboating...just all substance and brains on the court. (Except for that one foul on Josh...that was not bright).
  9. Nothing better than the UTEP Two-Step.
  10. His jumpers are a key to him going from good to really really good. His passing has come around to good levels as well. I love the way Al has developed over the past couple of years. He's the type of player you love: tons of heart, enjoys the game, gives 100% on every play. Oh yeah, and he leads a break like a master.
  11. I'll be at the Dec 30th game in Cleveland. Can't wait to wear my Horford jersey with pride.
  12. Best night since...Wednesday! Great to see the bench just killing opponents.
  13. Further proving: the fans don't know s***. McGrady hasn't even played and is a career loser. His team was better without him. That wasn't a coincidence.
  14. Good to hear. Now if we could get people to arrive on time for any Atlanta sporting event...
  15. Missing from this thread: 1. The fact that Josh has seemingly learned to pass more effectively. 2. Crawford (for all his one-on-one game) is a pretty good passer. 3. Horford has been making some nice passes as well. Last night he was brilliant at times. I know I am missing some guys, but from a few years ago when it seemed we turned it over 20 times a game, this team has been a joy to watch.
  16. Wow. That would be awesome. Glad to see Al developing into something special.
  17. Other than ISO Joe or whatever you guys call it, you have to also look at the fact that we are running very clean inbounds plays, and our fast breaks have been effective and relatively cleanly run. That's a good sign.
  18. Duff_Man


    9 players in double figures. First time since 1987!
  19. Shareef had inflated numbers and liked to shoot outside too much. He whined about non-calls a LOT. He makes Josh look like Lenny Wilkens. He didn't hustle. I was excited at first and came to realize I only was watching his box scores, not his actual play. Yeah he got his 20/10, but he never made anyone around him better. He was better served as a 2nd or third option.
  20. So Siler could actually continue to play and learn on lower levels. What good is it to have him sit on our bench? That does nothing.
  21. Duff_Man


    This game was never in doubt. The Hawks didn't "sweat" anything. They went on the road and took care of business pretty effortlessly.
  22. Know we know. That you're insane.
  23. I have been researching this very intensely all afternoon.
  24. What service provider do you use? Read my ealier post.
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