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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. I have seen JJ on the bench cheering while Crawford is going off. I seriously doubt JJ is taking shots at Crawford already especially considering how well Crawford has been playing.

    And considering how well Crawford has been at finding open guys. His passing has been far better than I expected. Yes, he takes his shots, but if someone is open, he loves finding that guy for an easy bucket. So far, JC has added a nice new dimension to our team. Joe would be hard pressed to fault JC for anything so far.

  2. NBA blackouts are NOT attendance-dependent. Only the NFL is like that.

    Blackout Rules for NBA Games

    Blackout restrictions apply to all NBA games that are offered on NBA LEAGUE PASS. Such blackout restrictions are designed to protect the television rightsholders in the competing teams' respective home markets. Blackouts are not based on arena sellouts.

    Local Broadcasts

    If a local over-the-air network has the rights to broadcast an NBA game in its local area, customers in that area will be unable to receive that game via their satellite service. However, they may be able to see the game via their local channels.

    Example of How Blackouts Work

    The Lakers are playing the Rockets and both teams are broadcasting the game locally — KCAL-9 in the Los Angeles area and FSN SOUTHWEST in the Houston area. NBA LEAGUE PASS subscribers living in the Los Angeles area will be blacked out within the Lakers' over-the-air territory. To see the game, they must be able to receive KCAL. Subscribers living outside of the KCAL coverage area will receive the game via NBA LEAGUE PASS unless they live in the Houston area. Subscribers in the Houston area will be blacked out of the game in NBA LEAGUE PASS, but subscribers can view the game on their over-the-air television station or their local regional sports network (RSN) — included with CHOICE programming and Local Channels.

  3. Miami ranked solidly in the other three areas, too. Dwyane Wade is still in his prime at 27 and, presuming he sticks around, has a very talented cohort in forward Michael Beasley

    WHAT? The same guy already on board with drugs and depression? And isn't Wade going Free Agent after the season?

  4. Seem like most of the games are getting blacked out on fss and ss

    NBA blackouts are like MLB and NHL. They are territorial. For example, whenever the Hawks play the Wizards (home or away), I have it blacked out here in Central PA because we're considered to be a "local market" for DC. I don't get Fox Sports Mid-Atlantic, so I become screwed. I get Comcast Sports Philly, so no Philly blackouts.

    Don't even get me started about MLB. I am in the blackout zone for Pit, Wsh, Balt and Philly. The Braves play anyone in that crew (except Philly), I can't get the game.

    Make sense?

  5. II think the dual personality charges may be a bit overblown since the the previous two teams he played on had Stephon Marbury and Stephen Jackson in charge :eek:

    After seeing what those two to do the organizations they play for I could never imagine how it is to play with them.

    100 times this. You get on teams full of me-first guys and people will try to get theirs any way possible. We play more of a team game (well, usually) and it should breed better play from him.

    The Crawford Knicks team:




    Nate Robinson

    Jalen Rose

    How can anyone play with that collection of morons and lazy stat whores?

  6. I don't see Vince Carter as a great addition to that Magic team. Yeah, the stats look good, but Vince is a me-first guy, whereas Hedo fit in with them perfectly. You can't just add stats to a lineup and assume it's going to work. I think there's a good chance that it backfires and they lose a few more games this year.

    Along those same lines, I think Ben Gordon plus Charlie V equals a total disaster.

  7. I mean some of the personalities on this site have to translate to real life no? I propose a HS hookup before the season at D&B or Ten Pen Alley etc. sometime before the season starts. Anybody interested?

    I am hoping to be moved there in the next month or so. I already do the Falcons Home Opener meetups, so i'd love to come down.

    What about the Taco Mac behind Philips before games?

  8. That was a really good read, although part of me is just saying that's typical new guy off-season fluff. I'm hopeful though that there is more to Crawford than he's been known for.

    And I had to laugh picturing Marvin getting hit in the face with a pass and how it probably knocked his clumsy butt on the ground.

    I had an old coach that used to say "throw it at their face...they'll catch it."

    Not always true.

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