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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Where's Ariza? And Villanueva BLOWS regardless of his numbers. No toughness, rebounding, posting or inside game.
  2. I'm trying like hell to get a transfer to ATL so I can get Falcons and Hawks Season Tix. My dream must come true.
  3. Horf, Teague, Marv, Smith, Zaza...all under 25 I believe? Or is Zaza like 40 and his birth certs were faked?
  4. We have made good moves this offseason: 1. We didn't let any core players walk. We kept our young guys here and have a good base to continue to build on. 2. We didn't over-pay to keep anyone here. Say what you want, but we kept the salaries within reason. 3. We got rid of dead weight and parlayed it into depth and good bench scoring. 4. We drafted a PG who so far is getting rave reviews. We have managed to keep players on the up-slope of their careers and shown that we are willing to spend a couple bucks. I still see no downside here. Adds/Keeps: Marvin, Zaza, Crawford, Teague, Bibby Losses: Speedy, Acie, Solo, Flip Or should we have tried to break the bank on a 45 year old Rasheed or a 10mpg player like Gortat? My goodness...getting something good back for the Speedy/Acie poo-poo platter deserves a nobel prize! Anyone who thinks we took a step back is just looking for things to complain about.
  5. I like the deal. Seems reasonable. Although now everything he does wrong on the court will have a tread started. Ugh. If Teague becomes a good NBA PG, we have significantly upgraded over last year. The only thing I worry about is will Crawford have the same killer attitude that Flip had? Guess time will tell!
  6. I think the three of you should make out and just get it over with.
  7. I'd actually take one year of Bruce Bowen on the team over getting zero from Childress. People who think he'd turn us into the Broad Street Brawlers are nuts. He could teach the finer points of defending to our guys and possibly get into Smith's head with some of his "how to win" mentality (i.e.: no whining after every play, etc). He would play minimal minutes. I see nothing wrong with it. The same people who would hate Bowen are the same who would have welcomed Robert Horry in a heartbeat. Same dirty player.
  8. That's saying a mountain right there. I like the deal. As a former PG myself, I see what Bibby does for the team. He is fun to watch play, he's a 3-point threat, and he is a vocal leader on the floor and in the locker room. My buddy just e-mailed me and the term "Nelly-Ball" came into play. I think he's right...our guard rotation might be indicative of us turning up the tempo. The question is: if Woody doesn't see it that way, how long does he last in 09-10?
  9. One or two updates per day would be sufficient. I follow Peachtreehoops on there as well. Twitter is a great little tool. If you're on there and want to follow me it's: EdGrohl
  10. Wait, I'm trying to keep up with the board trends...so now we hate Bibby? I need to keep a log on this stuff.
  11. How does Z-bo = Zach Randolph? What are the Pistons thinking?
  12. I'd much rather have Gortat. McDyess is a good player still, but I like the younger guy better. Maybe I'm wrong.
  13. I like Gortat. He's a player about ready to break out.
  14. Stuart Scott ripped that off from a baseball commentator.
  15. Aske the Spurs as well. They do it all the time.
  16. I really like the trade because we traded a quarter for a dollar. That being said, never trust a NY fan on ANYTHING.
  17. If he were to come cheap, he'd probably have some bench worth. Could also become a fan favorite.
  18. You'd find a way to hate a blowjob. I really believe that.
  19. Yep. We don't win. Everyone else loses. Just stop.
  20. We traded two zilches for a good scorer. How can this be anything but good? He gives us good punch and can help get JJ's minutes down. There's no downside.
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