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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. What the hell was he doing. If he thinks that him acting the way that he was was going to pump up the crowd or make somekinda legacy story up he is wrong!!!! Players like that make me wanna puke. Especially after what Paul Pierce did last year, NBA players are getting more cheesy by the game. Thank god the hawks players don't act like babies.

    He's Ric Flair! Such drama out there.

    Hey Wade...stop flopping around and you might not hurt your back.

  2. I would expect a female to. ;)

    Anyway, as disappointing as the end of the 2nd was if they can hold on here we're back to even with 2 home games to their 1. If that doesn't motivate them to play better then nothing will.

    Except for one thing...she has eyes. And even she can see some of those fouls were complete crap. The second 4-point play was one of the worst have seen in 28 years of watching, playing, reffing, and coaching basketball.

  3. The Heat's problem is that Wade is great and all, but his supporting cast is very underwhelming. Jermaine O'Neal is a shell of what he used to be and is a non-factor defensively. Beasley is good on offense, but can't defend either. Chalmers is a rookie. They played scared last night. Outside of Wade, if the rest of the team is completely intimidated by the atmosphere at Philips, they'll continue to get killed by the Hawks.

  4. Wait until we lose. The number of posts after a loss grossly outweigh the number of posts after a win. And even after a win, a lot of the posts are making excuses for the other team. The Hawks are the only team in the NBA that win games purely by accident (according to some around here).

  5. Injuries are part of the game. If it happens to their best player, good for us. I never feel bad about it. I WANT an advantage. Any advantage.

    I hate a lot of opposing NBA players. I always wished I had a picture of Paul Pierce being stabbed in that night club so I could blow it up to poster size and hang it on my living room wall. Yes, I hate him that badly. But, since I don't know him personally, who cares? He's basically a fictional character on a TV show.

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