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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. I really missed Rathbun last night. I bet he was losing his mind.
  2. Wade flopping on that step-back three and allowing Josh to rip the rim off on the other end. I also liked the complete lack of effort the Heat showed. They looked like they threw in the towel by halftime. Kudos to all in attendance.
  3. I threw a curve here and voted for Mo. Love his open threes and hustle. I am a proponent of bringing guys back slowly. But I am cool either way.
  4. Worried? Day games RULE! I was hoping for an early game myself.
  5. I hate headbands. I am starting to hate mouthpieces as well.
  6. Woody just mentioned him on the pregame. But, he said, "Speedy...he's in uniform tonight." Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
  7. My real fear for the series: running out of booze. Have to make sure I am totally prepared for game day.
  8. He knows to get to the middle and pass by the time he is around the foul line. You learn that in 5th grade. That's some fundamentals right there. You'd think Josh would rather pass and get to the wing for a dunk. I can't ever figure out his motive.
  9. Bibby really mixed it up last night. He was grabbing rebounds and absolutely attacking the Raptors' big men. He got a couple nice steals and he rebounded well. It was really a great effort, although it is very tough to find anything wrong when you have seven players fill the box score. My one (very minor) gripe: Josh should give up the ball and NOT run the break. He is too indecisive. Conversely, I LOVE Horf running it. He knows what to do with the ball. It's odd.
  10. If I remember correctly, didn't Woody rest all the starters last year after we knew we had it locked up? He let them start, and they only played like 20 minutes or something like that. Am I remembering that correctly?
  11. Please post this every game from now on. Tonight they had EVERYONE play well.
  12. We need to start a Doug Edwards Twitter account. @DougFSU"Just hit my first official NBA shot. 1 for 1! Gonna be a great career!"
  13. I wish your parents would change their AOL password.
  14. I'd be pissed if I has to the Bobcats. Mr H...why is this tripe not moved?
  15. If we have to face them 1st round, I am hoping for "out for season". But, it won't be. Sprain.
  16. He did pretty well yesterday.
  17. JJ still has some good years of his prime left, and I think he deserves to fill out a career in Atlanta as an all-time Hawk. Horford is poised to make a big leap and become a huge cornerstone for us, so he has to be tendered and extension. Flip Murray has been nothing short of fantastic for us this year and has earned another couple years. Zaza is a great commodity off the bench, and he is the grit on the team.
  18. 86-76 Hawks. I have it on DVR, don't ruin it for me.
  19. Oh come on. That's wrapped up already.
  20. Solo stinks. Worst hands I have ever seen.
  21. I love that "Woody no goody" has become a Hawksquawk meme. Classic stuff!
  22. Nice bait and switch on the thread title. You hate Bibby. We get it.
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