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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. hawks_logo.jpg



    10:00 PM Eastern Time

    And there's already some good news for us Hawks fans:

    The Kings agreed on Wednesday to a trade that sends forward John Salmons and center Brad Miller to the Chicago Bulls in exchange for forwards Drew Gooden and Andres Nocioni, according to league sources.

    Let's go HAWKS!! :beer:

  2. That's because he wears a mouthpiece and can't really communicate verbally on defense. I actually thought the spot was not very good. They were trying to replicate some of the football commercials with the speed and fury thing. Basketball isn't like that, though. This totally missed the mark for me.

    It is nice to see a Hawk, I must say.

    OT - Anyone see 'Nique in the Celebrity game? God forgive me, but I think Leiberman-Cline could have taken him. lol! He has like, Sunday paper lift. It was a little sad. Now that I think of it, why was he even there? He really embarrassed himself. Even more than you are suppossed to at that age.

    Mouthpiece = New headband.

    So sick of players having the mouthpiece hanging out.

  3. I think the Heat would be unwise to trade Marion for JO. Marion is the one great defender on that team and he stays healthy. JO+Beasley = no D and total inconsistency. They way they are playing now, why make such a move?

    At least that's how I see it.

    According to ESPN, they made the trade. Goes to show what I know.

    Makes more sense than giving up Beasley I guess.

  4. This is why I hold off judgement on Acie Law. Woody messes with the kids' head so much that it is damn near impossible for him to get any better or play at a consistent level. Acie gets minutes one game, then none the next. Without a defined role on the team, what would you expect from him?

  5. I think they have some decent shooters there. Wade has really become a deadly midrange shooter, Beasley has a very nice shot and really fills up in short minutes, Chalmers and Quinn can hit from deep, Haslem is also a very solid shooter. They don't have too many 3pt threats but Beas can hit from there and hits a lot of long 2s as do Wade and Haslem.

    The way I figure is that even though we have advantages at most positions, their SG advantage is really really really big. At the end of the day though, I'd probably want to play the one with the worst record which looks like it'll be the Pistons, which means we won't get them.

    The other thing to consider is that Miami might make a trade for JO. If JO is healthy (big "if") it makes their team better because he can make up for the D/Rebounding that they lose with Marion and he frees up more time for better offensive players (Beasley) than Marion at the 3/4 positions.

    I think the Heat would be unwise to trade Marion for JO. Marion is the one great defender on that team and he stays healthy. JO+Beasley = no D and total inconsistency. They way they are playing now, why make such a move?

    At least that's how I see it.

  6. Well, he did have a point at the beginning of the season. Flip Murray has panned out WAY better than expected (probably thanks to a 1-year deal), and nobody could have seen that coming. Evans has been a pretty good glue guy as well. Had those signings gone the other way, we'd be further towards the bottom.

    As far as Josh, I dog him a lot because I don't see a whole world of effort all the time. I want him to make the leap into a stud, but his brain seems to get in the way of his talent, and vice-versa. I am really hoping it is his ankle hampering him. His block numbers and FT shooting are way down this year, and it is alarming (at least to me). Of course, he usually has a better second half, so I'll still be cheering him on, even through the head-scratching.

  7. Weird....Woody actually thought something out. With 43 seconds left he sub'd in Mo Evans for Josh. Realizing Josh's struggles at the line he subbed in Evans to get a FT shooter in the game thinking detroit would foul Smith. Then on the Defensive posession he resub'd.

    Larry Brown (I am pretty sure it was him) used to do this with Kyle Korver in Philly. Korver was awful on defense, so they would try to sub offense/defense for him.

    Great win tonight. Good to see the team running on all cylinders.

  8. It's so much fun when it's your guy! Joe would have had 15 points at best. I really hope these last two games by Marvin change the rest of the season.

    Loved Marvin's aggression...you could almost FEEL him wanting to get the ball. Also, props to Evans for playing a good game as well.

  9. When was the last time a Hawks player got to the line 20 times? Seriously W T F

    they picked a good game to get hot from 3, going 10-18. I wonder if Evans called glass.

    The team fought back from a big deficit. They deserved it. Great win. Glad to have Marvin get another good game under his belt.

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