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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. The team fought back from a big deficit. They deserved it. Great win. Glad to have Marvin get another good game under his belt.
  2. Or as I like to call it, a "Paul Pierce" night. Calls, calls, calls.
  3. Because I have played with good players who have had success at the FT line for a while with no real practice or training at it. Then they one day just stop hitting them. They get flustered and it affects them because drawing fouls no longer pays off. Then they assume it will correct itself, but they never tried to practice to get in rhythms. I BEGGED my one teammate to come and just shoot 100 a day with me, and he always shrugged me off. Considering I once won a local FT contest, it was infuriating. That's what I meant. I hope he's working harder on it and not just hoping it will get better.
  4. I was talking about his shooting. Particularly FT shooting. Has nothing to do with my prior posts. Like I said, don't look too far into it. I want him to shoot FTs better because it is a killer.
  5. Don't look too far into it. I said I hope he is working on his FTs. That's what I meant. Or was I just next on your list to go after on here? If so, carry on.
  6. I had to miss the game last night, unfortunately. Like I said, I just hope he is putting in the work. Eventually you can't get by on talent alone. I'd like to see 70% at the least.
  7. Spell check broke on the Dieselputer?
  8. I just hope it bothers him and he is going in early and staying late to try to correct it.
  9. Wow...last year at Minny we won 94-87. Odd.
  10. 50.6% from the line is absolutely horrible. For any player. I haven't shot one in 5 years and I could hit 7/10.
  11. His release isn't that fast. For him to reload and shoot, it may be tough for him to get to the end of the racks. Just my opinion.
  12. 1. Smith is doing OK, but has seemed to regress to me. His effort has waned. He challanges nothing anymore. 2. JJ has been good, but I think we may be witnessing his ceiling. We wear him out a lot. 3. Bibby is playing out of his mind this year. 4. We need Horf badly for some inside presence. 5. Zaza is playing well. Still tries to "get his", but a lot of times, that is due to the rest of the team watching instead of moving. 6. Flip is a love/hate guy. His defense leaves a lot to be desired, but that's not what he goes in for. He is a spark plug. If he was starting, i'd be furious, but I like him off the bench. 7. Mo Evans is a fantastic "glue" guy. He fights for boards and steals. He plays very nice one-on-one defense. Makes plays that don't get into the box score (tipping rebounds, etc). 8. Solo is frustrating. His hands are terrible, but he makes a few plays here and there. 9. We rule at home. 10. We got really better on the road somehow. That has made a great difference. 11. Marvin has gotten better yet again. Adding that 3-point range was a great asset. Amazing how he added that over last summer while getting his college degree. I thought you couldn't do both? 12. Hawsquawk community gets a D- to this point. We used to have great participation in the chatroom AND the in-game threads. To this point, we're lucky to even SEE an in-game thread for games. When I first joined and the team was awful, this board was a haven of activity. Now that we're winning, participation has declined greatly. Are people that eager to crap on the team? We need to get the buzz going. We're halfway to 50 WINS. Read that again slowly. We came from 13 wins and have a winner. Let's act like it!
  13. I disagree with that. Mo is an offensive liability, but he really hustles and plays good 1-on-1 defense. He is always active on the floor and making a lot of rebound tips and small plays that don't make the box score. We need a guy like that.
  14. Which of our slow big men would you like in there?
  15. Smith just fouled on purpose to come out of the game. Grrr...
  16. I just got home from Sixers/Spurs. What happened to Marvin??
  17. I watched the entire second half. His defense has become deplorable. No spring in his step, no leaping to block shots. Hell, sometimes, he doesn't even leave his feet.
  18. A few years back (2001), I changed my address with DTV to my sisters' in Philly so I could get local channels. Once they offered them in Harrisburg, I changed it back. It does work, just put the bills on auto-pay, etc.
  19. Change your address to a non-Hawks area.
  20. Josh got paid and is now playing at a lower level. Who didn't see that coming?
  21. Seriously, what could Acie hurt at this point? Their guards are killing us...at least let Acie in there to penetrate and get some better shots.
  22. I fail to see how winning regular season games hinders that.
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