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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Once again proving: here on Hawksquawk, even a win is a loss.
  2. Bibby has been fantastic this year. Playing very smart and hitting shots. I love what he has done for us this year. I think his lift coupled with Marvin's growing ability to shoot, defend and rebound have been the biggest boosts for the team.
  3. I agree. After all the down years, the team has slowly been building into a real nice force in the East. Getting better just isn't good enough for some people.
  4. Nobody here wants the team to win. They either want them to be an NBA Live team and blow people out by 100 or they want their own paltry prognostications to be correct so they can say "I told you so".
  5. If I remember, he has been real close a lot. He really got it done tonight. So did Marvin.
  6. That's what the Makers Mark is for. Although the beers are 11% and 9%, so I will be flying high.
  7. I went a little more upscale. Have a Southern Tier Krampus and a Southern Tier Creme Brulee. Both 22oz bottles.
  8. Oh the beer is ready, my friend. I love the faith we all have around here.
  9. I can't sleep, so I came in here to say good win again by the Hawks. Winning ugly is still winning, and it should be a joy watching this team throughout the year. Between the Hawks and the Falcons, I am over-loaded with boyish glee!
  10. 1. Not enough times. 2. Judging by his antics and words, I am assuming it was warranted.
  11. Foster, yes! I think he would fit in nicely here.
  12. I will never understand the "beat them at full strength" mentality. Injuries are part of the game, and occasionally are an advantage for one team. If he is hurt, so be it, but I am sure it was another classic acting job by Pierce to gain the pity of the refs and the love of the Sports Networks.
  13. The game is on DirecTV. Just marked it for "Auto-Tune".
  14. Maybe he could teach Josh how to block a shot so that his own team can recover it.
  15. Fantastic and gutsy win. This defies all haters. This will be an epic home stand.
  16. Problem is that benching him in the past has been counter-productive. He will come back in, do his "lip thing", and run down and stand at the three point line and not budge on offense. He still has a lot to learn about team basketball. He's feast or famine...when he is good, he is great. When he is bad, he looks like an NBDL player.
  17. I was very much against a max deal. He's a petulant child that can kill you when he pouts. When he is good, he is fantastic, though.
  18. Where did this come from? I'd love to bookmark the page.
  19. Yep. No TV for tonights game.
  20. This is true. Hey, I can take "chat moderator"! OK, I am reaching. :cheers:
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