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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Quote: Quote: At 15/6/2 this year, I am not complaining. Would CP be better? Yes. But we didn't draft a stiff or bust. lol yes we did.His numbers fell as the year went on.When u watch Marvin u don't see a 15/6/2 player.That's why I hate stats.He's a goofy dude that should be on the bench. So in other words..."Stats only work when I want them to".
  2. Seriously. It is a TNT game that is a national game and is in Boston. No games are on opposite of each other. The Braves already won. This will never be blacked out regardless of any programming or attendance. Just fear mongering. Relax, peeps.
  3. He is an above average passer, can shoot FTs, and has better ball handling skills than Smith. I fail to see what is funny about that.
  4. At 15/6/2 this year, I am not complaining. Would CP be better? Yes. But we didn't draft a stiff or bust.
  5. Zaza is WAY better than felaffel flop. Diop should be signed as a backup only. Zaza is a sieve defensively, but can play O. Diop is a warm body only.
  6. Quote: Quote: Quote: We didnt "start the playoffs" yet and anything that happened up to a minute before game 1 vs Boston doesn't mean squat. Exactly. I don't know why everyone's getting all worked up about a meaningless game. If we come out with that effort for game 1, THEN I'll be worried. But until then, who cares. Miami was probably playing this game like it was the finals. I mean really, it was their last game of the year, at home, they had to give their fans something to cheer about. Our guys could've cared less, and it was obvious. But really, why bust ass in a meaningless game and risk injury when there's bigger fish to fry this weekend? I know people on here love to complain, but really, people are mad about a meaningless loss? Please. This is the SAME attitude that will prevent us as a team from getting over the hump. Instead of calling people/things/coaches out for their mistakes, some have quickly adhered to excuse-making and talk such as "it was a meaningless game" and "they were probably playing like it was the Finals." Man please. That is the same attitude that has kept the inept BK and Woodson here. Bottom line is that there is NO legit excuse to why Acie, Solo, or J Rich played as little as they did and, in kind, the starters played too much. It is downright pathetic. It's not complaining...it's telling it like it is. If you want to resort to some childish "They just gotta complain" or "They just gotta find something negative" elementary school puerile stuff, then that's even sadder. What is elementary school is thinking that any poster's "attitude" on an internet message board changes anything the team does or doesn't do. Nothing we say or do matters, so you may as well enjoy the fact that we're in the playoffs and have a beer or something.
  7. Quote: Quote: Quote: This is a 37 win team. They have already shown they aren't good. Just because they made the playoffs doesn't change the fact that they are 8 games below .500 in a sorry conference. I am glad they made the playoffs but i can't get that excited because this team just hasn't impressed me at all. Before the season I predicted 42 wins and they won 37 so it is clear to me that I overrated this bunch by a pretty wide margin. Isn't it 4 games under .500 at 37 wins? Just askin'. No Their record is 37-45. Last i checked 45 - 37 = 8. If there were 4 games left in the season and they won all four their record would be 41-45. Really? Cause had we won 4 more games, we'd be 41-41. I am confused.
  8. Quote: This is a 37 win team. They have already shown they aren't good. Just because they made the playoffs doesn't change the fact that they are 8 games below .500 in a sorry conference. I am glad they made the playoffs but i can't get that excited because this team just hasn't impressed me at all. Before the season I predicted 42 wins and they won 37 so it is clear to me that I overrated this bunch by a pretty wide margin. Isn't it 4 games under .500 at 37 wins? Just askin'.
  9. I hate nicknames. I refuse to call Smith by his because I think it is kinda dumb. I am certainly not calling Childress the same name as the dog from "Airplane 2".
  10. Quote: the Hawks almost certainly will make the playoffs for the first time since 1998-99. That would, as you know, snap the NBA’s longest ongoing run of postseason absence. Had Golden State not made it last year, we wouldn't have to endure this crap. I almost think ATL fans and writers were openly WANTING GS to make it so they could say things like this. Considering we won 13 games not too many years ago, I consider this season to be awesome. We're more than likely going to see playoffs. No matter what, that is a good thing. Keep in mind, this is the "GO SAINTS" AJC we're talking about here. Homerism is one thing, but blatant hate is another.
  11. Totally sweet! Love the attention. The past couple of weeks have been nice!
  12. Quote: Yeah, I thanked you in PM's. Good site. Spread the wealth? Please?
  13. Quote: I pm'd u,I hope the link works I am in the blackout zone tonight. Any leads?
  14. Quote: old faithful: channelsurfing.net I always forget that. Hope it has video instead of just audio. Thanks for the reminder. Fire up those corndogs!
  15. Speaking of TV, even though I have the NBA package, my location will have the game blacked out. Kudos to Comcast Philly for showing hockey tonight instead of NBA (sarcasm). Anyone with some online links? It would be appreciated.
  16. Quote: You mean ESPN actually employs one person who has some sense about this? I'm shocked. Seriously. This whole "play it over" camp is out of their minds. After seeing it in fast motion, there is not one person that could react at the same exact time the ball hit his hands at full speed. If it went the other way, would there be the same outrage? Let it go. As long as it is a person controlling the clock, there will be minor discrepancies. This happened back in the 1990's in Utah where they hit a huge shot after getting about .4 extra on a possession. The national reaction was "Oh those home clock operators!" .1 or less happens in ATL and people want a forfiet. Asinine.
  17. How nice would a win in this one be? Cmon Hawks!
  18. Quote: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/attendance Barely over it anyways. They are 20th overall in average attendance. I know that this is "paid attendance"...people need to USE those tickets!
  19. I posted this in the chatroom, and I think this is how it would go: Scenario 1: Marvin has a really good game against the Knicks. Haters: "Well it was only the Knicks." Scenario 2: Marvin has a poor/average game against the Knicks. Haters: "LOL...he can't even play against the Knicks!" Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I really think there are some around here that root for him to MISS shots so they can come here to trash him. Can't be a fan of the Hawks...gotta hate something or someone.
  20. People around here just can't have any fun. Even though you banged the fat chick, you still got laid. Enjoy it...you never know when the next time is coming around. Bunch of downers around here.
  21. Quote: Team Dime? Jesus... That is the lamest thing I have ever heard/seen Yeah. It is dorky, but oh well. Bibby seems to stay out of trouble. Being an avid drinker myself, I have no problem with him going out to a club now and then. If I was rich, I would enjoy it, too...and be dead in 5 years.
  22. Quote: Quote: Maybe we'd all do well to just leave the guy's personal life personal. He's not breaking the law off the court and he's not a cancer in the locker room. If he wants to go out with his friends and get them into the VIP, so be it. I wouldn't let what some bitter sactown fan bother me one bit. The guy clearly had an axe to grind. BTW, how is their team doing right now? From a 31 year old man with 2 children to another 30 year old man with children the "Team Dime" thing is lame. His priorities are not in order. So he can't have family around him to help him out? Team Dime
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