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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Quote: He did not seem to play as physically the last two games as he did prior to that time. I wonder if he finally is starting to hit that rookie wall? I sure hope not because we need him to be the beast that he has shown he can be in the next 11 games. He got a ton of rest last night and showed more life when he came back. I am not worried about Horf. Every player goes thru a couple bad games here and there. He has a hell of a motor.
  2. Duff_Man


    I recall one stellar exchange where Charlie V tried to baseline and Zaza got square, cut him off baseline (wow...fundamentals!), and forced him to pass. The pass went too late, the ball bricked and Z and JS got the board. It was an unheralded play, but unlike Zaza in a lot of ways. He has been playing well, but I do think some of the match-ups have been in his favor as well. That's the problem with Woody...he doesn't really seem to know how to play good match-ups. The Bucks front line is softer than a kitten and Z could go in and wreck shop. Kudos to big Z.
  3. My vote would be for Jeff Van Gundy. I'd hate to lose his commentating, though.
  4. I am all for injuries to other teams' players. Any advantage is a good one.
  5. Quote: Who is down for a Hawkquawk party at STATS when we finally make the playoffs? I know it may be 3-4 weeks until this happens, but I am just trying to see if there is interest If I lived closer to the ATL, I would jump at the chance to party with fellow Hawk fans...unfortunately I will be stuck here in Central PA...but will definitely be wearing my Hawk gear!
  6. The hammers would be offended.
  7. That pass from Horf to MW was awesome. Marvin heating up!
  8. Quote: Clyde apparently loves his word of the day toilet paper. He must not realize how he sounds when he throws in the occasional "big word". I love when he says "tantalizing". He is a riot.
  9. JJ is about as hot as you can get from 3. Holy cow is he draining everything out there. He is starting to take over in games. Bibby struggled a bit, but he will get it going. His shots are flat. That foot might be bothering him still.
  10. Quote: He has hit 3 already in the first half and i can't decide if it is a good thing or not. He gets that ball on the right wing 20ft out and I just cringe. At least he is hitting them today. Most times you'd be happy that your team swings the ball and finds a wide open man...not when it is Josh Smith.
  11. Balkman looks like he should play for the Liberty.
  12. Zaza looking OK out there so far. This is a good matchup for him.
  13. Quote: Quote: Ugh I hate listening to Clyde Frazier and his voice. Why can't we have Kenny Smith calling this game again like the last matchup with them? Damn My old roommate was a big Knick fan. We used to make so much fon of Clyde. He is classic...yet annoying at the same time. He will say "spinning and winning!" or "Dishing and swishing!" YES!! Already got "Dishing and Swishing!" Go Clyde, Go!!
  14. Quote: How about the great game that some of our guys had last night that he keeps referring to? I didn't even realize that we played last night. Did we win? I missed it.
  15. Quote: Ugh I hate listening to Clyde Frazier and his voice. Why can't we have Kenny Smith calling this game again like the last matchup with them? Damn My old roommate was a big Knick fan. We used to make so much fon of Clyde. He is classic...yet annoying at the same time. He will say "spinning and winning!" or "Dishing and swishing!"
  16. Sorry to dig up an aging thread, but...how enjoyable were the Clips announcers? They were very kind and even handed to the Hawks. I just re-watched the game and noticed how good they were...I was far too drunk when the game was actually on to notice.
  17. Quote: I just saw we're only getting 5 points in Vegas!?!? that seems a little low to me. One team's playing the best ball in the NBA and one's playing the worst. too bad i'm not gambling anymore. Here's the thing: The Rockets can't win every game. They have won a ton in a row. They are playing a seemingly overmatched Hawks team in Atlanta. I guarantee if you go to wagerline.com that the public is laying HARD on the Rockets. That line looks like the sucker bet of the night. This might be a Hawk victory. Might.
  18. I really hope we make it. Even 4 extra games would be great for a change.
  19. I love it. Nice pic!
  20. I was going to post this as well...he really was all over the court last night. Glad to see him coming around. He really is a smart player overall, I think he just needs to grow a little as a PG (not in size). I was pretty impressed last night.
  21. I am not nuts...at least according to the voices in my head.
  22. If it was up to me, I would put the '88 Hawks up there and be done with it. But I am old school. Shame that team had to run into that Celts' buzzsaw in the playoffs. If nothing else, it could remind us of happier times. Edit: and Bob Petit!
  23. Quote: Quote: I swear I can't remember the last time I got a Hawks game, home or away, that wasn't being done by the other team's announcers. These guys are far from the worst announcers out there but damn it would be nice to actually get the Hawks announcers at least once in a while. Yep... League Pass is screwing Hawks fans. The last time we heard from Smitty was the Laker game I think? Yep, the one in Atlanta. I mean at least give the home feed for each team's home games.
  24. I hated Shareef as much as the next guy, but that is just silly to remove him.
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