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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. They must be recruited by the same people who pick the Falcons cheerleaders. Woof woof!
  2. Quote: I dont care if were playing the cast of " under the Rainbow " WE NEED A WIN AND ITS BIG IF WE WIN TONIGHT. Now THAT was funny. And obscure. Chevy Chase FTW!
  3. Duff_Man

    J Rich

    Quote: Lets hope hes here for the long run, and it looks like he should be with the minutes hes getting. Doesnt cost us anything to have him and he shoots the ball as well as anyone on our team. He is a smart player, too. Defends rasonably well and makes nice, crisp, smart passes.
  4. Bibby is hurting and Horford wasn't needed against the small lineup of GS. I think he coached a solid game last night. We went smaller and it worked. This was the type of team Salim was made to play against. Woody gets an A- for last night. Not bad.
  5. I think Richardson will stick, and here is why: he uses his head. Last night he missed his first three. So instead of merely chucking more shots, he started to defer if he wasn't open. Also, he seems to defend pretty well and his passing is a little underrated. Not that he was lighting it up, but re-watching the game allows you to see some nuainces in each player's game. I think Rich is a keeper.
  6. Quote: but the poor guy looks so hobbled right now. hope this isn't a chronic injury. flava Seems like a bruised heel. At least I hope that's all it is. Best thing about Bibby: the other guys look shocked and ill-prepared for half the passes. That is a good thing. Once they are looking for that pass, we will get a lot more easy hoops.
  7. Quote: Salim did exactly what we needed him to do....get some solid minutes at the point, make a few shots and play a little D. Good job Salim! QFT. I loved Salim last night. Thought he played pretty well. Started using his head a bit.
  8. There may be stats to refute this, but it seems like every time we run the offense thru Josh S (post up, etc) it is a total disaster.
  9. FYI: AJ in for Sacto against POR
  10. And of course...FSN West has the feed on NBA Package. Edit: And it only took 13 seconds for one of the announcers to call us the "Lowly Hawks".
  11. Nobody...and I mean nobody is worse than the Wizards announcers. They are the worst homers I have ever heard in sports. And we should all just accept that we're probably getting the KCAL feed tonight.
  12. I know optimism is out the door with Speedy, but a Bibby, Law, Speedy PG rotation would be pretty darn good. It is a big "if", but fun to think about.
  13. I thought Sekou did well. Not a lot of new info, but sounded good and gave a good background of the trade. Jaywalker was great too. God bless the internet giving us out-of-towners a chance to hear some Hawk talk!
  14. What an exciting time to be a fan! Nice article!
  15. I hate the headband. I think it looks ridiculous on players.
  16. Artest is probably being traded as well.
  17. I am going with 20. We have made this a far better team thru addition and subtraction. I think we can hang with any East team. 2 wins on the trip is good...3 and I am doing backflips!
  18. Wow...Bibby wearing #10? I love it. Mookie karma!!
  19. I am VERY excited about this trade. I am beaming right now. We are the only East team that has gotten substantially better mid-season.
  20. Quote: Quote: WOW only 2 more wins than last year. Well we did have Speeeeeedy last year, lol. Thats pretty sad since we are almost fully healthy and have added Horford and Law. I think it is time to let Woody go. This even convinces me that its time for him to go. The funny thing is I can see ASG saying "well see we have improved", lmfao. This might be the first time there is 100% agreement on letting Woodson go. Even I am jumping on board. It's time.
  21. I have never been one to yell and scream to fire people, but if even I can see how much better Acie is out there than Lue on both ends of the court, then I think Woodson has to go. Watching the haphazard substitution patterns this season has been infuriating. 15 assists to ONE turnover? My god, let him play and get some confidence going, Woodson. ASG has to make a motion to fire him. Keep Billy for now until we see how this team responds without MW. I really believe we are better than our record, and that is a reflection on coach, not GM.
  22. Shelden is definitely punching out of his weight class on this one.
  23. Hopefully a bullet. I don't really mean that. A missle. Actually, I think BK is less to blame than Woody now. When we had the injuries to Z and Lue we played off the charts. The sub patterns have gone to hell and Woody has no idea who to bring in.
  24. Quote: there sure is a lot of talk about this guy. Need to keep it real about who and what he is. As long as we don't have to give up anything of significance I would go with it. But then there is the question of whether Woody would let him get off the bench. Yes, but isn't getting Lue off the floor addition by subtraction? Either way, we solve an issue.
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