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Posts posted by Duff_Man

  1. Quote:

    but the poor guy looks so hobbled right now. hope this isn't a chronic injury.


    Seems like a bruised heel. At least I hope that's all it is.

    Best thing about Bibby: the other guys look shocked and ill-prepared for half the passes. That is a good thing. Once they are looking for that pass, we will get a lot more easy hoops.

  2. Quote:

    Salim did exactly what we needed him to do....get some solid minutes at the point, make a few shots and play a little D. Good job Salim!

    QFT. I loved Salim last night. Thought he played pretty well. Started using his head a bit.

  3. Quote:


    WOW only 2 more wins than last year. Well we did have Speeeeeedy last year, lol. Thats pretty sad since we are almost fully healthy and have added Horford and Law. I think it is time to let Woody go. This even convinces me that its time for him to go. The funny thing is I can see ASG saying "well see we have improved", lmfao.

    This might be the first time there is 100% agreement on letting Woodson go.

    Even I am jumping on board. It's time.

  4. I have never been one to yell and scream to fire people, but if even I can see how much better Acie is out there than Lue on both ends of the court, then I think Woodson has to go. Watching the haphazard substitution patterns this season has been infuriating. 15 assists to ONE turnover? My god, let him play and get some confidence going, Woodson.

    ASG has to make a motion to fire him. Keep Billy for now until we see how this team responds without MW. I really believe we are better than our record, and that is a reflection on coach, not GM.

  5. Quote:

    there sure is a lot of talk about this guy. Need to keep it real about who and what he is. As long as we don't have to give up anything of significance I would go with it. But then there is the question of whether Woody would let him get off the bench.

    Yes, but isn't getting Lue off the floor addition by subtraction? Either way, we solve an issue.

  6. I am not sure why more people on here aren't singing the praises of Horford (I assume because it indirectly praises BK drafting him, but anyways). The guy is everything you want in a player. He is strong, fast, and hustles his ass off on both ends of the court. He plays way bigger than his height. Some of the rebounds he got last night were simply amazing. Two or three taller guys around? No problem. Plus his cheerleading and enthusiasm, matched with his selflessness on the court are just amazing.

    Case in point: last night, the Pistons ran a break two on one. Hamilton (I think) had the ball and our lone defender came to the ball, leaving a Piston streaking toward the basket alone. In comes a streaking Horford to get between that man and the ball to stop the break.

    Plays like that don't show up in a box score, but show tremendous heart and brains. Sometimes when I watch Josh Smith pout after a no call and not hustle (I counted three of these last night - he sometimes reminds me of Shareef), I just wish Horf's play would rub off more of our guys. Am I bashing JS? Nope. He does hustle a lot and is sometimes all we have out there. But he does sometimes have lapses. Horf is 110% at all times.

    At this point, I would say that we definitely have the ROY on our squad.

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