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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Quote: You're right exodus... I didn't have it because I didn't see the greatness of Marvin. There I was suggesting that we draft either Paul or Deron over Marvin during that draft.... What the Hell was I thinking?? I should have sided with Exodus and Lascar and especially Dr. KB21 who said that Marvin would be the 2nd coming of James Worthy. Hell, He's more than that.. He's potentially better than Jordan! To be fair, Pippen and Grant did all the hard work in those games. Jordan just did what he did every night. Nothing special.
  2. Quote: Quote: Really, the key now is if he can bring this type of game consistently. He's no spring chicken. Getting rid of Lue is the best thing that happened to the team. He kills the Hawks and should only play in an absolute emergency. AJ is far from a great PG but he manages the game better and gets the ball where it needs to go most of the time. Imagine how good this team would be with a real NBA quality PG...AJ is a little long in the tooth and that is a concern. With a true NBA PG this team goes to the playoffs. I agree with all of this. I hated the AJ pick up last year. But if he's here, he should be playing. Woody is such an idiot. He should have been playing AJ long ago. I think he doesn't like the way AJ bucks him, like that WTF? look the other night. It is so obvious that he is better than Lue in every way. If AJ had been playing we could be a few games higher in the standings. We were just throwing games away with Lue. This is why Woody will kill us if we get in the playoff mix. Unless we have a perfect storm of injuries that force him to not suck. I actually mentioned in the chat room last night that all the injuries we have has forced Woody to NOT screw up the substitutions. He did still make some weird moves, but far less than usual.
  3. Quote: 2 words: adel-man Think the Rockets will let him walk?
  4. Duff_Man

    New Owner??

    Quote: Does Ron Terwilliger have the Juice to buy the Hawks if the Hawks went up for an Open Bid? Sideshow Bob?
  5. 1. Larry Brown - he will immediately bench Acie Law. He hates young players. Watching him coach the Sixers was infuriating at times. I know he is a good coach, but he just ain't coming here. 2. Del Harris - I know hardly anything about him except that he coached in China. I doubt he is the answer. 3. Paul Westhead - Um...remember what he did to Denver in the early 1990's? No thanks.
  6. Quote: was when he took Acie out with under 2 minutes to go in the 1st half. Right after Acie had just put up 6 straight and tied the game, playing our best ball of the entire game. PULL THE STOPPER! I was in the chat room, and even we all saw that. It was one of the worst substitutions I have ever seen, and I am not a great X's and O's guy. Acie was taking over and he even made that awesome spin move lay in. The team was on a run and getting energized...and the reward was Woody pulling him? What sense does that make? I am no conspiracy guy, but I was wondering about Woodson's intent on that one. I think it is time to get rid of him.
  7. Quote: He responds that he was Jewish, that all Jews have big noses, and that I probably think he has a big nose. OK, that made me laugh.
  8. You guys are bastards. I was watching the game on Comcast HD and will go back (yeah I record the games)and look for you. Next time they come to Philly, we should have a mini Squawk get-together.
  9. Yeah, he did that a few times. Made the chat completely unbearable. Glad to hear he is gone.
  10. What language is this? I have no idea what this article even says.
  11. Well, at least one of the Billy's got the axe. Wonder what this means for Andre Miller's availability? King Fired
  12. I totally agree. Acie's presence make a world of difference. He just makes the O flow better.
  13. If I were GM, I would put this team together: PG - Steve Nash SG - Korver PF - Gasol C - Biedrins SF - Mike Miller Bench: Zaza, Kaman, Jason Williams, Pat Garrity, Matt Harpring. Now that's a team we could watch.
  14. I think it is a good spot for us. The Pistons are likely going to be in town tonight, and I guarantee Sheed and the boys will be out on the town ripping it up in the ATL. Pray they do a ton of shots and hit the strip clubs.
  15. Quote: Well, after seeing him shoot all night the Sixers will probably not want him Yeah, his agent should basically say the total opposite. "Don't shoot unless it is a dunk or free throw."
  16. Quote: Somtimes this thing just doesn't work right And the secret ingredient is...LOVE?!?!? Who's been messing with this machine?
  17. OK, I rarely start New posts for anything, but this is something that bothers me to no end. Mike Woodson is showing poor coaching by not defining roles. You have the starters, and you have guys playing well. Last night versus the Bulls, he pulls Al after he started like a house of fire on the boards, etc, and totally loses his game. Then he puts Salim in (too late) and he is a spark plug and makes things happen by being too quick for the CHI guards. So tonight, Al starts like a house of fire and gets benched, then doesn't play Salim at all. What in the world is going on? We all know Smith has issues and he pouts, but when JJ goes out for extended minutes...what player on this team really knows what they are there to do in each game? Find a rotation and stick with it, Mike. Play the top 8 guys and play them often. We are trying to go "matchup" too often. Sorry to bring this up after a great win, but there is no continuity on this team in regards to the Woodson substitutions, and I think that is why we can smoke the Bucks and lose to the Bulls.
  18. Quote: I agree. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wearing a jersey but the sign would be tactless and could possibly get your friend in trouble. I don't think there is anything wrong with the jersey itself at a game. But for those seats, I would dress like I bought the tickets, and could whenever I wanted. That's just the way I am, though.
  19. Quote: Woody must hate Salim forreal. BillShanks came into the chatroom and thinks this may be Woody's "swan song". Who would take over as coach in that case?
  20. Quote: Quote: Quote: how long do I fry these damn things? I don't want to burn them, yet I don't want to get salmonella either! Till they float. 18 minutes. the Mrs likes them. the ranch came out mayonnaisey. it's my 1st time making it so overall I give it a 7. I'm VERY particular with my food. I am not. I am a freaking animal with food. That's why I don't keep any in the APT. I once ate 5 day old chicken wings that sat on a kitchen counter. Ah...college. Never once have been sick from food, either.
  21. Quote: how long do I fry these damn things? I don't want to burn them, yet I don't want to get salmonella either! Till they float.
  22. What sucks for us is this is exactly the kind of game we will find a way to lose. I am in it for the win, though...game on, bitches!
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