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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Sounds like Horford is having his way. Nice!! Afro power? Did he grow a fro?
  2. Quote: N.H.T.B. aka. "The Sackrider" Teasel?
  3. Quote: That's pretty good...naw, I don't think so. How about NuthuggingTeaBagger? Too long? Tea_McBag?
  4. Quote: Dang. You finally nailed me. Your right, I really don't care about the Hawks, just Marvin. And if Marv gets his minutes then I'm a happy fan...even if it means holding Chill back. MarvinTheFuture?
  5. Quote: I'm not going to believe it until I see it. For the most time, in preseason, teams are a lot more careful. They rest their best players (like we did today). They take injuries (even little ones) far more heavier and cautiously play players. They search for good rotations without really respecting the score or the flow of the game. For that reason, I can't put a lot into a winning record during preseason. Yet, if we had a LOSING preseason record, you'd be one of the first on here trading everyone away and saying we are doomed to an awful season. All of Charlotte's key guys played except Brezec (and Sean May doesn't count. It is like he should change his last name to Claxton.) and we beat them without our all-star and looked good doing it. There is nothing but positives we can take away from 5-1 this preseason. We're playing at a nice level. :mr-t:
  6. Quote: "I don't know that I want to be doing this all the time," Johnson said. "I'll do it in spurts, but I'm not really trying to do that again, play the whole game at [point guard]. It just takes away too much from what I need to do offensively. If only Marvin said this. There would be names like "quitter" and "not a team player" floating around.
  7. Height measurements are always overstated. Charles Barkley was always listed between 6'6" and 6'9". I have stood next to him (doing a shot of chilled Soco, mind you...best bachelor party ever) and if he is 6'4" I would be shocked.
  8. Quote: How's the guy stiff if he can dunk and block? Manute? Eaton? Laimbeer?
  9. Quote: If Ivey blows up, Woodson need to be fire on the spot. Boy, would that prove a lot on this board wrong.
  10. Quote: *the following post is not a joke* If we're going to go down this road I bet we can get Artest for Chillz as well. Now that would be a badass team for a couple of years. Quote: If we were one piece away and wanted to make a 2 year championship run, I'd be all for it. That frontcourt would be incredible, and Sheed's experience would make up for a lot of Smith and Horford's lack thereof. But we're still a bottom of the barrel team, and Sheed is still a timebomb. He's a great version of himself when the surroundings are to his liking, but he's a pretty awful dude when things aren't going well. He'll ALWAYS give the same effort in games, but his personality can destroy a locker room if things get ugly. I think Dickens put it best when he wrote: "Sheed's the best of times, he's the worst of times." And I don't think he has too much left in him. Sheed AND Artest? The strippers in Atlanta will live like Bill Gates!
  11. Quote: Quote: The problem with trading for Oneal is the uncertainty of his health and the uncertainty of how good Horford will be. If Oneal was 100% healthy without 2 years of injuries, I would be on board with you. However, his injury pattern is scary right now. It's hard to invest that much into a guy who's not dependable. How do you feel about Gasol? ` I took that all into consideration. My gut feeling is that JO is a relatively safe bet. Gasol doesn't have JO's upside. Upside? When will he hit his peak? 38 years old?
  12. Um...does the guy not realize he plays with Steve Nash and that completely inflates his numbers? On our team, he declines considerably. No thanks. Let some other team in the East waste all that cap room.
  13. Who gives a crap? Why is this even a discussion?
  14. Now THIS is something worth talking about. Not what Marvin does in his free time. If this is true, this is one of the most frightening things I have ever read. If Belkin really is this crazy, I can't imagine what would have happened if he had won ownership. This is beyond all reason. The guy needs to go away sooner rather than later.
  15. Quote: I've withheld posting for awhile... And we are all thankful for that.
  16. Most important news we've had all year, and 17 replies. Had this thread been about Marvin Williams, we'd have 50+. What a shame.
  17. Quote: Wonder why the AJC didn't report this information? That's a big part of the whole situation: the ability to operate. This is too positive for them to print. They're too busy making "GO SAINTS" cut-outs.
  18. Quote: Quote: Why's this stuff always happen to the class guys... Grant Hill, Jason Kidd, Elton Brand.... I think he'll be ok though. He's the kind of guy that will work his ass off in rehab, and while he might never get back to the 25-10 he used to be, I'll be he'll get close. When did wife beaters become class guys? And adulterers. So what? 2 easy W's for us.
  19. Quote: Don't you think this mess makes it much less likely that any team will move to Las Vegas? Sorry Belkin. It would put the NBA on par with wraslin. The Sacramento owners own a casino in Vegas. Seems to have gotten the Kings all the calls and great records...oh wait.
  20. Quote: Don't worry it's not just basketball. It's everything ... a ref in the NBA, Vick and the NFL, Pacman, Bonds and steroids, drugs and the Tour de France, boxing, wrestling, fixed NASCARs, drugs and track, ... If there is money and fame involved, people screw it up ... even the bimbo white girls (Hilton, Lohan). I have a tough time figuring out how Vick's off-field stuff has anything to do with the NFL's credibility.
  21. I actually read something today that said there may be more refs in on it. David Stern must be scared to death right now.
  22. Lots of speculation on his life at this point. Some are urging him to join the Witness Protection Program. Yikes!
  23. Quote: Quote: I have always said we need to draft more guys who can dunk. You are sooo clever. You must be a rocket scientist. Brain surgeon, actually.
  24. I have always said we need to draft more guys who can dunk.
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