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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Quote: I'm getting to the point that I hope JSmoove has the guts to opt out and goes to Orlando...I'll get NBATV again and watch him and D. Howard and the rest. Way to be a fan. Does it really bother anybody that badly? Who in the world still watches ESPN and takes them seriously? It is a joke of a network and there is rarely a thought-out opinion to be found. Do yourselves a favor and just don't watch ESPN outside of actual sporting events. It has sucked since 1997.
  2. We made a splash by being in the draft whatsoever. People forget that a couple months ago, we were close to having ZERO picks. We did a great job.
  3. Quote: I think that is only 1%. And you all need an enema. We can just use your posts.
  4. Hey, Douche McAllister, lay off the caps.
  5. Quote: Billy King has to be PISSED that Portland took his boy McRoberts. He wanted a white-out. ...and he got it. I spoke too soon.
  6. Billy King has to be PISSED that Portland took his boy McRoberts. He wanted a white-out.
  7. Quote: teams that are used to winning make moves. The Celtics made moves, the Blazers are making moves. We just added two young players that duplicate players we already have. Um...the Celts just got prison raped and still have Doc Rivers as coach. They didn't do much to help themselves.
  8. Quote: I could be wrong but it looks like the Hawks ownership is against spending money. I think they passed on the Amare deal because they new somewhere down the line they would have to pay him big money........if that's the case what does that say about Josh Smith. Will ownership actually give Smith a big deal or will they let him walk and put in Horford to take his place? I could be wrong (and I hope I am) but it looks like this may be how the Hawks operate from now on.......let a player get good and then draft someone to take his place right before a contract year, all while watching Joe Johnson get older and more pissed off. And lastly, was it me or did BK look a little ticked off in his interview? Dude was looking like he wasn't to happy with the way things turned out. I think the Amare deal wasn't as close to reality as we were led to believe.
  9. Quote: the rest of your posts make a lot more sense now... Randolph, just like 'Starbury,' is a team chemistry poison whose individual stats never translate to team success. Isaiah just made one of his patented "spend lots of money on me-first players" moves that make him one of the worst GMs in the league... See? Now that is sensible thinking. Good work.
  10. Quote: Quote: Yes. Portland got the best of this deal. Isiah hasn't learned that you don't win by spending the most money. What are you smoking Frye is softer then any big man I ever seen he has no low post moves no defense. The Knicks just got a borderline Allstar who avgs 20/10 for what a Soft big man get real. Good luck to anyone trying to guard both Zach Randolph and Eddy Curry down low I know the Hawks wont be able too. If nothing else, they will be the fattest combo in a few months. The New York Snacks! Randolph will be dead in three months being in NYC.
  11. Quote: Quote: Quote: BUT 3-4 INCHERS TALLER. This just keeps getting worse for us. THis guy is not a true point guard why did we draft this guy. We have by far had the worst draft of any time this franchise needs fire everyone because we are making the wrong moves. You are such a tool. The Hawks drafted the concensus best player available after Oden and Durant....and the #2 PG available in the draft....and you still complain. It's comical actually...... The concensus best player to play where tell me? To come off the freaking bench. We already have our starting forwards and already had 2 lottery picks coming off the bench. Al Horford will make 3 lotterys picks coming off the pine for us. Also Law is not a true point guard he is a shooter chucker who cant defend very well. He what 3 inches taller then Salim get real this guy is not the right for us. I would have liked to get Conley JR at 3 and trade the 11th pick for Camby or a center. Ever watch Law play? He would defer a lot during games to get teammates involved and then take over at the end. He is not a chucker.
  12. Quote: Quote: BUT 3-4 INCHERS TALLER. This just keeps getting worse for us. THis guy is not a true point guard why did we draft this guy. We have by far had the worst draft of any time this franchise needs fire everyone because we are making the wrong moves. You are such a tool. The Hawks drafted the concensus best player available after Oden and Durant....and the #2 PG available in the draft....and you still complain. It's comical actually...... Agreed. People are all crazy. We did very well.
  13. Quote: This is shaping up too well. I know. I am frightened beyond words right now.
  14. Quote: Quote: no, next years pick, the one we gave on the JJ deal. That would be great. But I'd love to have a pick this year to draft a PG. Well, that would make the JJ trade justified. We will have then gotten JJ and Amare for Diaw (who finally remembered who he was this year). This would make BK look pretty competent...which is why I am worried it won't happen and we will end up with Spencer Hawes and Josh McRoberts.
  15. I think adding Zaza is too much. Would love to have him for bench relief. Amare would be awesome here with JJ, Smith, etc. Who needs a PG? Just throw it up there. Ha ha.
  16. Quote: Could you imagine us with Joe, Smooe and Amare..... We would make a run for is this year no doubt.... My pants just got tight thinking about that.
  17. If we trade the #11 for Luke Ridnour, we have to fire him. Period. He MUST take Horford with the third pick. Say what you want but: 1. He is the best player at #3 2. He is the most valuable trade asset available It has to be done.
  18. We get raped in that deal. That is giving way too much. If he would have led the Pacers to a playoff berth, then I might be more warm to this deal, but no effing way.
  19. Quote: Quote: Quote: I think we should invite Brady Quinn to the green room. I can't watch that train wreck again. We could at least sit him with John Wallace and see who looks more uncomfortable. LOL wasn't Wallace that guy from Cuse that got taken by the Knicks late in the first round? That's almost before my time. I wanted the Hawks to take him that year, wow I was stupid. Yep. The original Joakim Noah. Stayed a year too long and cost himself a bynch of spots in the draft. SI ran a great pic of him just pouting away in his chair.
  20. Quote: I think we should invite Brady Quinn to the green room. I can't watch that train wreck again. We could at least sit him with John Wallace and see who looks more uncomfortable.
  21. Quote: Quote: Diesel, what's all this talk about PG's posting up? How many point guards in the NBA post anybody up? Chauncy Billups and.... Come on. Chauncey Billups. Baron Davis. Jason Kidd. Andre Miller Gary Payton Steve Francis Sam Cassell The question: Who are 7 players who won't be in the NBA in 5 years? I love Jeopardy!
  22. Quote: The guy can't shoot. DO you wish to just ignore that. He can be the best Pure PG since Kidd. If he can't shoot, he's not the best PG for a team that has the worse FG% in the league. Neither does he have the size to be a good drive and dish PG. It's a recipe for Speedy part 2. Didn't they used to call him "Ason Kidd"because he had no J? Guess we all forget back to those days.
  23. Quote: Quote: We only have to look as far as our current All Star to see a shining example. JJ is FAR more aggressive now than he was when he came into the league. LeBron and Vince Carter are examples as well. So is KG. That said, whether or not Marvin becomes more aggressive remains to be seen. I thought he made tremendous strides last summer and then he broke his hand. He came back from the injury fairly aggressive and then he re-injured the hand in a fall. After that, he was not aggressive at all for about 2 months before getting some of the aggressivenss back in March and April. I think that Marvin CAN become more aggressive and he has shown the ability to do so. Actually not one of the players you mentioned was ever tabbed as soft or not aggressive. Joe Johnson played in a system in Phoenix were he was asked to be a spot up shooter and one of the main reasons he left was to establish his complete game here. Marvin has had chance after chance at UNC and in Atlanta to be that complete aggressive player and he refuses to do so. Lebron has never lacked for aggresion, ditto with Carter dating back to his UNC days. Garnett was asked to be the man in Minnesota as soon as he was the starter. So again, no lack of aggression in any of those. Um...not to be argumenative, but Lebron vanished for halves at a time and entire games this year. Even in the playoffs, he would coast and defer. Plus, Vince Carter mailed in an entire season and a half with Toronto.
  24. That's what happens when you snub a guy for MVP and he has to watch the other guy receive the award. I am not a huge Robinson fan, so I really enjoyed that series. Although, I will never forgive Olajuwon for changing his name. My "Akeem Olajuwon" poster was rendered obsolete.
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