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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Time for a class action suit against the Keebler Elves.
  2. Quote: Trading the 11th for Camby sucks. He is a 33 year old guy with injuries. Please, no. When is his contract up?
  3. So we would trade picks and players for Camby? Am I the only one around here who hates the thought of that? The guy is 33 and has never played an entire season. I would rather use both of our picks and get two players we need.
  4. I actually really like these new unis. Hopefully they will have the same effect as Tampa Bay's did.
  5. I had to clear cookies and history and temp internet files to get it back.
  6. Quote: "Whatever we do, we're in a great position to help ourselves take another important step to reaching our ultimate goal, which is to bring playoff basketball back to Atlanta." Please tell me this is a misquote! BK's *ultimate* goal is to get to the playoffs? Any GM who doesn't have an ultimate goal of winning championships has poor vision. BK has always been a long-term, big picture guy. I hope he hasn't settled. I am sure they want championships, but you gotta crawl before you can walk.
  7. Like it matters. For all the shiny happy fans that emit magical light beams, you have enough negativity to block out the sun.
  8. I watched most of it for the hilarity factor. Seeing Mike Brown fumble through NBA games is a treat. He is an abysmal coach and does some of the funniest things. High comedy. The offense he ran looked like Bob Weiss'. Give it to the star and everyone just stand around.
  9. Dammit...that should say "Constructicons". Damn booze killing my brain.
  10. Quote: That's exactly what I was thinking. Unless we are planning on having a "Voltron" type of strategy and combining all of the micro mini PGs into one big bad mother of a PG. No way this trade happens as is. Destructicons unite and form DEVESTATOR!!
  11. No love for Donald Whiteside or Morlon Wiley? For shame.
  12. Detroit is about done. They need to keep Hamilton and send Sheed and Chauncey packing. They were two plays away from getting swept and hell, it could have been 6-0.
  13. Quote: Isn't that Matchbox 20? It sure is.
  14. Take Horford or Brewer at 3. Then take Law or Cittendon at 11. I think that would be a nice draft.
  15. Wow...that was a sissy song for that highlight reel. At least it wasn't "Welcome To Atlanta" or some garbage like the Falcon highlights. Anyways, he looks like he plays very similar to Dirk.
  16. Quote: There are a few reasons Randolph is NOT an option. #1 we already have a semi head case in Smoove and Salim, we do not need a full blown head case in Randolph. My god...consider the house parties they could throw!
  17. If we trade for Zach Randolph, I will boycott the Hawks until he is gone. I do not want anything to do with that guy.
  18. Quote: Portland and Seattle may trade but it will be with each other. There is no way that either of them is moving out of the top 2 unless the Lakers want to part with Kobe or Miami with Wade. Hopefully they would never trade the best player in the NBA for a draft pick! Edit: Sea and Por are no longer in their division.
  19. I should kill you for that clip. Worst. Dance. Ever.
  20. Am I the only one here who would HATE to see Childress get traded away? He is solid and a great glue guy. I think his value to this team is very understated. Much rather see Marvin go...not that I am on the "he sucks" wagon, but I see more value in Chillz.
  21. I am thinking that any trade not involving #1 or #2 won't be done by the Celts. Double negative, I know.
  22. Quote: Quote: I don't think 2 years of KG is worth 2 lottery pick. I'd offer this package... Zaza Pachulia Josh Childress Marvin Williams Lorenzen Wright Speedy Claxton for KG / cheap roster balance player See if anyone outbids that. If so? So be it. That trade pretty much gives them a couple of starters and some bench guys BUT we actually save money by moving Claxton, we can target BPA (Yi?) at #3 and maybe look at best PG/C available at #11. Crittenton? That trade would give us some short term star power and reduce redundancy. Who outside of maybe Chicago could/would offer a package better than Marvin/Chill/Zaza? Minnesota would have Foye / James / Hudson / Claxton Davis / Childress / McCants Marvin / Hassell Zaza / Blount Plus #7 pick to look for a starting PF. They could look at either Brandan Wright, Al Horford or Joakim Noah. We have..... Crittenton / Joe / Smith / Yi / Garnett with little depth. We can use marginal cap space on the short term to add a veteran wing and a veteran big to come off the bench. What veteran wouldn't want to play with Joe / Smith / Garnett? I KNOW we are getting a future HOF player here for basically a lot of clutter and potential BUT how many teams would offer more? I don't see Charlotte trading away their young talent. Chicago is a team that could certainly beat our package. Phoenix could beat our package with some sort of Shawn Marion / Boris / Barbosa deal. I think Portland could as well with a Randolph / Webster / Aldridge package. I just don't see those teams doing it outside of maybe Chicago. Basically my point is, if we are going to have to give away our future for 2 years of a player no matter how good, we shouldn't have to give away both our lottery picks. You don't want to give up two lottery picks but you are willing to trade a recent number 2 overall pick and recent number 6 overall pick? Glad someone else saw that. Plus, I think KG needs to go somewhere like Houston where he doesn't have to be the #1 option. I feel he is better suited as a #2 player. Would it work with JJ? Possibly.
  23. Sorry, but people on here get on Marvin about not watching the NBA...Noah last year said he stayed because he thought the NBA was "boring". I want no part of this guy as he is a huge question mark. With #3, take the best PG, with #11 take the BPA.
  24. Thank you for that rational statement. If we could get Durant, I would be all for it, but, we need the best PG in the draft to correct what we did wrong a few years ago. This lottery was almost a mulligan on the Paul/Williams stuff. Not that I think we made the wrong pick there, but for the nay-sayers.
  25. Chillz...not only do we have 2 first rounders, we have two LOTTERY PICKS. I think this was the best case scenario other than #1 or 2. This is the most fortune we could have asked for. I am beside myself right now. Billy gambled and won for 2007-2008 so far.
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