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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Quote: Quote: I know, right? When I get together with my buddies, I love impressing them with stories of how I told all those suckers on the internet what's up. Works on chicks, too! ...being wrong and telling all those suckers on the internet what's up. How does that work for you? W I am never wrong. My knowledge killed god.
  2. Quote: Quote: You need help. You're taking joy in a player struggling who is a part of "your team." Get a life. Being correct is more important than being happy. I know, right? When I get together with my buddies, I love impressing them with stories of how I told all those suckers on the internet what's up. Works on chicks, too!
  3. You need help. You're taking joy in a player struggling who is a part of "your team." Get a life.
  4. Yeah, I am sure that an NBA GM would listen to a 20 year old kid.
  5. Quote: Gil back in the game again.........still no JJ Yep. This sucks so far.
  6. I would buy season tickets and go to as many games as possible if they moved to Vegas.
  7. I would be very happy to nab Bibby. All this talk of a 1st rounder for Luke Ridnour scares me.
  8. Is it true that if you don't use it, you could, um, lose it?
  9. This is freaking fantastic!! Now I have a reason to watch the All Star game. I am so happy for JJ, and more importantly, the HAWKS!
  10. I have had them added for ages to mine. Childress won't add me though.
  11. I love how the people who start the most negative posts on the board always play the 'reality' card. Reality: we just won more road games in a row than we have in about 13 years. Reality: We just came off our first winning month in a few years. Reality: Joe has developed into a legit star, and Smith is not far behind. Reality: We are 2-1 on our current WC trip when most gave us no shot at winning any. I see improvement. Anyone who doesn't is just riding around life on the short bus.
  12. Quote: or didn't initially want to but would choose to do so now, I would like to know who you are. Partly because of the recent disengenuous history of voting. Partly because I find these two positions rather astoundingly inconceivable and might come to whomever for clarification if not their justification. I of course voted the 3rd option. W If you are just going to say that anyone who votes a certain way is being dishonest or is just wrong...why start a poll in the first place? You're getting as bad as those Nigerians who keep e-mailing me.
  13. Not sure who caught this tonight, but the Utah announcers had him over for a half quarter talking on their browdcast. They were GUSHING over him. They seemed to genuinely like our franchise as a whole.
  14. Okur is on the All-Star bubble as a replacement...this game should get him in.
  15. I just pooped my pants there.
  16. Not that it is working. They just gave up 2 layups.
  17. Quote: I am assuming he held him out to ensure he didn't foul out before the last minute in case it came down to it. Need him on the floor in the last minute. And my theory was right. He put him back in with 1:03 left.
  18. I am assuming he held him out to ensure he didn't foul out before the last minute in case it came down to it. Need him on the floor in the last minute.
  19. Thank god Matt Barnes takes awful shots.
  20. Joe Johnson has made play after play tonight. That last extra pass for the Marvin J was really nice. Good to see Speedy, Joe, and Smith not looking hobbled anymore.
  21. Well that Marvin block to Smith slam was rather sweet.
  22. Smith is playing very inspired tonight.
  23. Quote: Zaza has made some really stupid stupid plays. With his lack of defense or stupid fouls. He is making Ronny Turiaf look like an allstar. Zaza is worse then Wright im convinced at least Wright isnt afraid to bang with guys and commit the hard foul. Zaza is not "worse than Wright". A carcboard cutout of Manute would give me more confidence than having -1 out there.
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