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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Vince Carter quit on the city of Toronto and should be banned from any and all All-Star consideration. He is a quitter and a tremendous [censored].
  2. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: If Oden comes out, you owe me $20. Doesn't, I owe you $20. If we sign an impact FA starting at just below the maximum ($8 million) or greater you get $20. If not, I get $20. Quote: Do you take the BETS... BOTH BETS.. Just curious, why are you changing the bet? I was a little confused by that, too. Since we're in the betting spirit, I'd like to propose the following to anyone who want to take it! I'm willing to bet $50 that the Hawks finish with 35 wins or more, this year. Even odds, any takers? The only stipulation I'd ask is that the loser donate his money to the Squawk, of course. I question how many on this site can pony up if they lose some of the Smoove jockriders I'd question. Another stipulation of my bet would be that I can't afford to make the wager with more than one person *looks in empty pockets* I got $50 on the table if you haven't already bet.
  3. 1. You didn't ask a question. 2. I am not sure what the point here is.
  4. Quote: Stein accused Boston of tanking by fabricating injury to PP this season in his chat today. Interesting stuff: Quote: Jason (Boston): Hey Marc, are the Celtics tanking now, or is PP's "injury" really making him take this long to come back? Marc Stein: Since you put quote marks around the word "injury," I'm guessing you -- like Vance at the top -- already know the answer here. Pierce has always been a durable guy. A very durable guy. You know what I'm saying. Why else would they keep Doc? He sucks. The team might accidentally rally around a new coach.
  5. Quote: Well, Maybe when you have Antoine Walker on the floor, it's hard to find shots... Fixed that for you.
  6. Didn't I hear during the game that his average has gone up every month since he has been in the NBA? If so, that is pretty cool.
  7. Quote: How many white guys from UPPER-class suburbia know what a chip on their shoulder is? He is skinny. Maybe he got called alot of names when he was little. He'll need to find his chip somewhere. Sorry, but we know very well what a chip on the shoulder is. Like this morning, I specifically ordered a DOUBLE espresso at Starbucks. What do I get? A regular ol' espresso. I had the girl fired on the spot. That's street justice in my hood, bitches.
  8. Not only that, it helps to have him come off the bench. I like that Woody has kept is consistent...it keeps the roles defined. Chillz seems like the kind of guy who is OK with things like that.
  9. Watch 5 Celts games and see if you see what I see...Doc in NOT a good coach, nor is he an answer for our problems.
  10. Quote: There's your research, it's funny that EVERYTHING I have stated he can't do, is PRECISELY what draftexpress had before the draft. So all of your posts should include a bibliography. Please include this in the future to avoid copyright infringement.
  11. Quote: Quote: It's MW that's 6 months older (check your facts)... I repeat NO EXCUSE! Dude you get dumber and dumber by the minute. The sad part is that you thought he was 2 years older. Then you clearly looked it up after I exposed you the first time and you still couldn't figure it out. Gerald Green was born on Jan 26 1986. Marvin was born on June 19 1986, at which point Gerald Green was nearly 5 months old. Maybe that's too hard for you. Gerald Green turns 21 in 11 days. Marvin turns 21 in June of this year. Let me know if you need further explanations to understand. I might have to start ignoring you again, because arguing with a retard can't be good for my karma. BABALITY. Lascar. Wins.
  12. Quote: If the Knicks do actually buy him out, you could give this guy the starting PG job. He would be out to pad his stats, which he could do without hurting the Hawks' full-out tanking. We tried that a few years ago and they actually put together a fun, competent team by accident and they blew the tank job. Damn you, Sura!!
  13. Quote: Quote: this board is just in shock over that hornet loss. i am too. so this swing in opinion is somewhat expected. don't be shocked if we win tonight. a team can sometimes rally the troops and play inspired basketball the next game. pro sports is funny like that. the Hawks will lose by 25 tonight. call your local bookie to see if he's stupid enough to let you bet against the Hawks. Wow!! The Hawks are only getting 7.5!!!!! And people forget to include Smith in the trade talks. I would ship him out in a heartbeat for the right offer.
  14. Quote: DJlaysitup, got that quote from steel magnolias, eh? You saw Steel Magnolias? You sissy! j/k
  15. Quote: Maybe he really doesn't have much desire.. Kinda like when Joakim Noah went to a game last year and basically said "why would I go to the NBA? Their game is boring." Even if we do tank (which we will ruin ala Bobby Sura and company), we should just leave Oden out of it. Why kill his career? Marvin goes elsewhere and he's a star probably. I am beginning to think we're just cursed. I wonder if the players are just openly lobbying to get Woody out of here. Last night they showed no interest whatsoever.
  16. I have seen J-Sulk lose interest whenever he sits for more than 5 minutes. Marvin gets PO'ed at everything. Salim is borderline psychotic. A lot of us on here get on Woody, but ignore the possibility that the players may be petulant children.
  17. Speedy had EIGHT steals. He showed up at least in one aspect. He has been coming around.
  18. Quote: Quote: Quote: a lineup of speedy/jj/marvin/smoove/shelden with chill/zaza off the bench can work That's simply an embarrassing argument, "can" suggests you don't even believe such a lineup "will", and one doesn't trust their future to a front line of Sf, Sf, Pf E-V-E-R! Get real! How can anyone take this seriously. W what's embarassing is using every thread to make an argument against drafting Shelden. Agenda alert: Bright yellow.
  19. Quote: there's no way he would EVER be voted in. The coaches will vote him on though, so no worries. Yeah, that is a lock. Methinks the original poster wanted to: 1. Draw in a lot of clicks with his caustic headline, and... 2. Show us all how wonderful Iverson is in the eyes of the fans. Agenda level: orange.
  20. Take me home... Take me home To a place that I was born To New York City Gayest song I have ever heard.
  21. Quote: Stop saying Craig is a solid pg. He is absolute garbage. BK is supposed to know these type of things. He can't shoot, pass or penetrate. He is the worst free-agent signing in Atlanta Hawks history. He passed and penetrated a lot tonight, and played solid D. Craig is OK, let's not get carried away. Worst FA ever is just asinine. And let's also not massage Babcock's sack here, either. That guy brought us these same winners: Steve Smith for JR Rider and Jim Jackson. Lon Kruger Terry Stotts Wright, Knight, Gasol for Shareef. Ed Gray Donnie Boyce Cal Bowdler Tyrone Corbin I may be digging too far, but isn't he also the guy who managed to sign Koncak to 13 million for 4 years, and thus MATCHING the Pistons' offer they stupidly gave him? After ONE nice playoff series of 12 points a game? And the all-time biggest gaffe in Atlanta sports history: Dominique Wilkins AND A FIRST for Danny Manning. 37 games of greatness. Here's what Pete had to say about it... "In-house, we asked ourself the question, 'Would we do this if we knew Danny would not be back?' " said general manager Pete Babcock, describing a pre-trade scenario. "It was unanimous on our staff that it was worth making the deal. "Lenny [Wilkens] and I are disappointed Danny is not coming back. But we were prepared for it. We made the trade with the understanding he wouldn't be back." If you truly are a Hawks fan, NEVER come to this board and defend the guy who killed the spirit of an entire fan base.
  22. Quote: When we get drilled by 25 again and all of the folks at Phillips are yelling Carmelo, then maybe we pick up the phone and make a call to Pennsylvania? I live in PA...don't bother. Use your unlimited long distance and call California instead.
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