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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. I voted No. I am waitig to see what we get from Marvin. Ask me again in two years.
  2. Isn't it a red flag that nobody has really made an effort to get him? Here's another problem...if Philly was smart, they would hold out for at least 80% of Iverson's value...of course, since the NBA is structured so that you can only trade contracts and not for equal player value because of the cap, that basically can't happen. Minnesota is rumored to be interested...what in the world will they trade for him? Philly is going to get ripped off value wise. We really have nothing to gain from trading for him outside of some extra points and a couple more people in the stands. We have a lot more to gain by not trading away a collection of players and picks in a knee-jerk move.
  3. Last year we had 26 wins. The year before, we had 13. I would consider 35 wins to be the "right direction".
  4. Quote: Quote: Quote: More like lorenzen better watch out. Anybody else feel like trading out offseason FA aquisitions for a bottle of Chivas? I would trade Lo but not Speedy. I haven't given up on Speedy yet. I never had any hope for Lo. Lo has been setting good picks and playing some D. Most of all I like his leadership and team-first attitude. Even if plays zero minute he can teach a lot to these kids. No regrets here. I have to agree there. And he is leaps and bounds better than what we used to have.
  5. Can't you just pay for the upgrade? Digital is only like $15 more from regular expanded basic.
  6. You know you are a Hawks fan when: You make excuses for losing AND for winning.
  7. Problem with Camby is that he is always hurt, and he is inconsistent game to game.
  8. Quote: Personally i don't see missing Zaza as a source of adversity. He just isn't that good. However playing in the thin air at Denver on the second game of a back to back against a strong team is definitely a problem. I don't expect much. That is absurd. Zaza does all he can. I am so sick of people bashing him. You honestly think we are just as good without him? That's preposterous.
  9. Quote: i liked the part with Chasey Lain the best The Chasey Laine/Jill Kelly scene was easily the best scene. The rest of the movie kinda blew.
  10. Quote: Not sure if I should put this in the lounge, but I'll be in attendance at tonight's (Sunday) game with signs in hand. I was wanting to bring a huge styrofoam corn dog but I didn't want to spend a bunch of time on something that might find it's way to the trash can before it gets into the stadium. I'll take pics before, during, and after the game (especially if we get a W) of the mayhem we cause. We had a blast at last year's game when we were robbed by the refs and we'll be much closer to the action this time around. Not sure which backboard we're sitting behind, but keep your eyes peeled during freethrow attempts! I'm gonna have a sign that says "Hawksquawk Corn Dog Brigade" on it among others. The Tivo has been set. Good thing you didn't make the fake corndog because Zach Randolph may hold you up at gunpoint and attempt to eat it.
  11. And he hits his free throws. If 20/11 sucks in this league, what does it take to be good? He was one of the bright spots last night.
  12. I am absolutely glad that I was wrong (so far) about Shelden. Giddy, even. I despise Duke and really was very skeptical of the pick, but I have to say that it seems to be working out very well. I love when I am wrong in a good way! Go Shelden!
  13. Quote: I've been noticing that too and have been waiting on someone from the national media to try to bring up the 'empty seats in Atlanta' crap so we can throw it back in their faces. That's the highest average attendance the Hawks have had since moving into Philips back in 1999. Come to think of it, that is higher than Boston, New Jersey, and Philly; places that are supposed to average more than Atlanta. The key of course, is to continue winning games and remain competitive. The number could increase even more after football season ends. Figures. The one year I have full Sixers season tickets. At least the seats are right by the Brewpub!
  14. Grrr. Need him in there. His knees are hurting again. Grant Hill is out for the Magic.
  15. Man, you're good at the positive. Can you please go to the Falcons' Board and spread some love over there?
  16. I don't think Vick tries to be flashy. He is running for his life on 75% of passing downs. Although I do agree that you either love him or hate him...that is the similarity. I root for Smith the same way I root for Vick. They play for my team and as long as they are on the court or field, I cheer them. Why complain? It's entertainment and fun.
  17. Quote: What don't you get? I want the team to win. I'm just not a "stay the course" kind of guy. Are you happy with 39 wins in two years? Are you happy with a 4 game losing streak, three of which occured at home? You probably don't care. You don't live here. I have been a loyal fan since 1985 (5th grade). I go to Atlanta every year for the Falcons' home opener. I buy the NBA package strictly to watch the Hawks. While I do not like losing, I also understand that we are an improving team with a nice nucleus and a very high ceiling. Just because we don't win a championship every year, doesn't mean squat. I would rather watch these kids hustle their asses off and lose than watch some of the teams in previous years be lazy and mediocre. We are on the upswing, and we are fun to watch. Enjoy the team, don't just bash the coaching or whatever. I was FAR FAR FAR more upset watching Abdur-Rahim jack 20 footers all night and hanging his head. Watching these kids grow together is nice and refreshing. So, yeah, I do care.
  18. Quote: I'm a Homer Quote: I'm just not blnded by Homerism Uhhhh...What?
  19. It is one of the NBATV highlights. Gotta say that even the best defenders in the NBA would have had a hard time on that move. We need Lue on offense down the stretch. Only option is to play offense/defense like Larry Brown used to do with Korver. I think Lue does OK for his size.
  20. Hawks win the East going away. 78-4. Book it. /Hopeless optimist
  21. I thought WE really wanted him to be a PG. He seems like the type who would play center if you asked him.
  22. Quote: Quote: This is most certainly NOT a playoff team. Not until we get a true NBA coach. Sad, but true. Expect about 34-48. We aren't likely to see .500 again. We just blew 3 very winnable games at home. This team has resorted to the same crap we did last year. Mike Woodson is an awful close game coach and the last time I checked...many NBA games are close. I heard Woody in the huddle tonight during a crunch time TO and it sounded worse than a HS huddle. Nice guy. Lousy coach. Quoted for truth. Welcome aboard, FrankWhite!
  23. Quote: Quote: Those shoes Smoove's got on are tight. They look like limited edition McDonald's shoes. I immediately thought of the red/white/yellow Brooks that Dominique used to wear.
  24. Quote: his mind is his 5th tool. jj plays calm, with poise and quiet confidence. he keeps his cool and makes the right decisions. he's unselfish and doesn't showboat. he shows up to work every night, does his job well and doesn't whine. all of these things contribute to him being a complete player. The guy never hangs his head an is never rattled, either. He's also tough mentally and physically. I think that has been a HUGE factor in the team not falling in the tank in games this year. He helps to keep the team in line and not panic.
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